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  On 3/3/2025 at 1:07 AM, Zander? said:



Here's what I'm getting... Zander, Dice and Turin seem to act as a team and ask each other's opinion under cover of being experienced players and so openly that they are going to say Mafia would never do it in the open... but hiding in plain sight is as old a strategy as the world... 


Here's how I see them play:

- Zander's seeds confusion by creating an avalanche of posts - his task seems to be to create confusion through sheer explosion of posts and accusations in every direction... Meanwhile, he throws very half-hearted dirt at Turin but in the same post clears Dice... smells like a well-oiled team at work to me.

- Turin "takes the fall" with one vote against him from his team to dispel suspicion that they might be working together, while Dice and Zander continue to saw suspicion towards other players. His role is to articulate very reasonable reasons and play friendly with the Town folks


- Dice shapes the narrative towards Cairos being a wolf and calls to his teammates to maintain the appearance that he's not in cohoot with them... but in effect, both him and Turin vote for Cairos... I saw veteran-wolfs are piling on... maybe?


ALSO: I like you all, this is a game, please don't hate me 🫣 You asked for patterns of people that could go together, and, well, that's what I see...


  On 3/3/2025 at 12:02 AM, Gudrean said:

would it be logical to assume they will also vote for townies to throw the rest off?

Just trying to see if I can use logic and deductions to figure out who might be



Yes and no some players when randing Minority Villager love to do what's called Bussing where Scummates will push their one, some or all their teammates in the the game for Town cred upon flips.

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:05 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Who did I whiteknight? I mentioned what it was and that it was a ploy used by mafia.  


You know there is a difference in trying to get people to discuss their thoughts  and being the loud "Town Leader " telling people who's LOCK CLEAR, and pushing a narrative.



I call myself town leader in pretty much every single game as I truly believe in always the TOWNIEST TOWNIE TO EVER TOWN in my heart and soul lol.


I quoted it I think about whiteknighting.  Pretty sure it was IRT you.


Lock clear comments a joke man how are you pushing that...that pushing a narrative because you know someone CAN'T BE LOCKED CLEAR TILL MOD FLIPS 


You can hopefully see why I have some suspicion on your slot.  You have made some good posts and some posts that pings me.  I'm not good at reading you so I don't wanna push too hard one way or the other till I feel I have a better grasp on your alignment 

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:20 AM, Turin Turambar said:

He might. I picked up on things in my first real game which was pretty big and complex. Sometimes people.just have a feel for things. I've seen new players put together some interesting things.  


I have had some questions about Heavy. But he is provisionally in my town. 





It's interesting how we come to the complete opposite conclusion.  Like to me this slot is in one of three categories :


1.)One of the greatest first time mafia players of all time able to make reads, connects etc.


2.) Has played before


3.). Is being coached and or playing with TMI and crafting narratives.


So to me odds are it's one of the 2 negatives.  Not saying they can't turn into an amazing Mafia player.  But I've not played any game with a first timer who was smashing connections they seem to claim confidence on less than halfway through D1 of their first hand... just sayin....

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:24 AM, Turin Turambar said:

My pool to lynch for mafia right now.







probably town





Unknown no enough info







Putting yourself on your own list Wolfy AF.


We agree on Dice as a Day 1 Villa at least.  Disagree completely on Heavy I've recently just started sussing Gud andi can't barely remember a single post of Don off top lol 


Maybe I'm thinking of someone else but weren't you leaning Town on Sooh a little while ago?  Please correct me if in wrong just so I can see.


If you're actually a Villa too we may be in trouble.

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:26 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Does this post not sound a little nervous?


Maybe I am making the wrong connection but this seems a fairly strange take on someone voting for Zander. Feeling fairly vindicated so far but time will tell.  


So Zander, given you voted for Turin before anything had happened what is your take now? Who do you not trust, aside from the person voting for you, obviously. Lay your wisdom on us. 



I don't trust fing anybody lol.  It's a Mafia game....a game based in lying,  an advanced game of Guess Who for people who like torture lolololol.  Y'all Wolves till mech cleared to me.


And no I'm not nervous.  I'll not be mislynched D1.


As I've stated I don't read Turin or Sooh well historically.  I've liked some of Turins posts and not others .  Im almost in complete disagreement with most of his reads...while that in itself doesn't make him a Wolf it worries me because of he is a Villa like me our Town could be in trouble where 2 of the most vocal and some of the few most experienced players are on al NJ ost pilot opposite reads .

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:31 AM, Cairos said:

Sorry but what is lock clear again. I don’t remember playing in any mafia game with this term. 



It's a player whose role/ alignment has been confirmed by the Moderator in the game thread as Town


So can a lock clear be confirmed by the Cop/detective only at night or can be during the day too.

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:39 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Dice, how do you feel about Z saying if one of us is mafia the other is as well? I know I'm town so it makes me wonder if it is a ploy to shade me if you flip mafia. 



It's not similar to Heavy, who you defended for making connections btw, from an experienced player?  Strange...


I know that this is a basic mafia game. I remember playing mafia with so many different roles lol. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:41 AM, Millon said:

So, so far, this post now seems to be the most suspicious to me. My only reasoning for voting Heavy was a statement like this. Now, a person as thorough as you, does the same thing? I can’t help but feel like it’s a bait for me to call it out as well.  Or you’re poking fun at me hahahaha, fair. Lol. Which only leaves me conflicted on which of the two wolves to vote for first. I said I was going to stay on Heavy and then I all of a sudden have a list of people saying I’m sus. The only other person I have my eye after him is Turin. I know you’re a good helpful guy but I also know you play your strengths and you’ve really been leaning on that a bunch in game. I’m not certain you’re scum but I have ideas. 



Vote for who you think is most likely to be a Wolf and explain why.  Just give your reasons for your reads of whose Town and whose Scum.  It will help us form a read on you.

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:42 AM, Millon said:

I still lovedon’t know what WIFOM means…..



Wine In Front Of Me 


It's from the Princess Bride 


It's basically making things more confusing for yourself and or others lol 



  On 3/3/2025 at 12:43 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Z, I stated this to Dice before. It is not Andy specific meta. It might be better to say it is observational and I'm not going into it. She is suspicious to me for other reasons.



What are the other reasons since you refuse to answer 

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:51 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

At the moment Zander I am surprised your little wolf paws can hold that shovel so well that you are digging that hole deeper with. 


To an extent my suspicions revolve around other players reactions your moves. 


So that could leave you innocent. But it is almost as if you are doing everything to double down on your first reactions rather than reacting to the *many* people that have backed you up on Turin without voting. Or, in Andy's case, with voting for little reason.


If you are Mafia, you know I am not...


Course, maybe Zander and Turin are deliberately trying to split into two camps so that if one gets flipped no one will suspect the other. Has anyone ever seen them together in the same room? Do we even know they are not the same person? Has anyone considered that?


Could be you are innocent and say, Mills, Cairos and Andy are leeching off your early vote. But why are you not suspicious of them but of Turin, Dice and me?



I have Dice as D1 Town.


I've explained my Turin thoughts and reads so check my catch up for answers.


Im not sure all the Wolves would necessarily all vote the same person as Wagonomics tend to be very helpful especially for me.


Wagonomics is the study of the trains (those who voted for who at the end of each day's and verifying their reads and gameplay to help determine their alignment at the start of the next phase after the mod has posted the dead players information like alignment/role etc.


  On 3/2/2025 at 11:06 PM, Gudrean said:

I am leaning towards Cairos, Andy and Zander. Do I need quotes for each or can I just say each of them has seemed eager and/or confident in ways that are sus?



quotes and what part of those quote hit you would be good


  On 3/2/2025 at 11:12 PM, Gudrean said:

It also seems like @Zander? wants me to think he's mafia, but maybe it's all in my imagination.



Nope. As mafia your number one wish is for people to think you are town.


As town occasionally you might want to seem a little scummy so you dont draw the nk but that wont really apply here



  On 3/2/2025 at 11:26 PM, Zander? said:


Dice can be a Day 1 Villager.



I love Mami!!!!!  She can always be on top lololol....


I hate you for getting to go last year 


Still feel the same about Cena....LOLOLOLOLOL.  WASN'T EXPECTING THAT LOLOLOLOL.


I'm not sold on Turin yet just early and trying to get things going but only one I know whose kinda made my Scumdar ping 



Im an all game villager!


Heard WWE is coming back to Perth. They signed an agreement with the WA govt.  You could come.....



  On 3/2/2025 at 11:28 PM, Zander? said:

You're not gonna break my heart this game Cairos and flip Wolf are you?!??!!  



I think he is



  On 3/2/2025 at 11:54 PM, Zander? said:

Does a new player start making early day 1 connections like this?!?!!



@Turin Turambar



Just like to hear some experienced players weigh in on this for me please 



Heavy is the reason i specifically asked who the newbies were. Im on my lunch break so not going post hunting, but im pretty sure he (She? ) said they did a lot of reading of mafia games looking for stuff in the white tower, but then pulls the noob card out every now anfd then.


Seems inconsistent to me and is in my may be scum pile


  On 3/3/2025 at 12:26 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Does this post not sound a little nervous?


Maybe I am making the wrong connection but this seems a fairly strange take on someone voting for Zander. Feeling fairly vindicated so far but time will tell.  


So Zander, given you voted for Turin before anything had happened what is your take now? Who do you not trust, aside from the person voting for you, obviously. Lay your wisdom on us. 



nope. It doesnt.


  On 3/3/2025 at 12:35 AM, Zander? said:


Just for post game lols 


Hero read 


Wolf team Early D1 solve







Wrong. Im Town



  On 3/3/2025 at 12:39 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Dice, how do you feel about Z saying if one of us is mafia the other is as well? I know I'm town so it makes me wonder if it is a ploy to shade me if you flip mafia. 



Typically paranoid Zander. Hes wrong but i will probably get mislynched because of it



  On 3/3/2025 at 1:18 AM, Zander? said:


Ping Ping Ping Ping Omg


Hate hate Hate Hate Hate Hate this in bold....


I think it's majority so maybe most votes?  Have to check with @Ithillian Turambar




im hating that this isnt nesting quotes. IIRC this was at Gudran and to me its actually making me want to noob clear her



  On 3/3/2025 at 1:21 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Z, I had you as sus to start but had more wolfy peeps in sight, Cairos and Andy. Then I saw how you could fit in with them via the lock clear which you now.say was a joke. Your joke vote on me that your still half pushing, the convo with Andy seemed weird, and mostly your lack of game solve until right now. Some of your posts seemed like mafia trolling breadcrumbs to point back at and laugh in endgame.


Be more Villager and less Minority Villager. 



The lock clear post about Cairos was pretty obviously a joke to me.



  On 3/3/2025 at 1:25 AM, Andy MacLeod said:

Here's what I'm getting... Zander, Dice and Turin seem to act as a team and ask each other's opinion under cover of being experienced players and so openly that they are going to say Mafia would never do it in the open... but hiding in plain sight is as old a strategy as the world... 


Here's how I see them play:

- Zander's seeds confusion by creating an avalanche of posts - his task seems to be to create confusion through sheer explosion of posts and accusations in every direction... Meanwhile, he throws very half-hearted dirt at Turin but in the same post clears Dice... smells like a well-oiled team at work to me.

- Turin "takes the fall" with one vote against him from his team to dispel suspicion that they might be working together, while Dice and Zander continue to saw suspicion towards other players. His role is to articulate very reasonable reasons and play friendly with the Town folks


- Dice shapes the narrative towards Cairos being a wolf and calls to his teammates to maintain the appearance that he's not in cohoot with them... but in effect, both him and Turin vote for Cairos... I saw veteran-wolfs are piling on... maybe?


ALSO: I like you all, this is a game, please don't hate me 🫣 You asked for patterns of people that could go together, and, well, that's what I see...




bit defensive but good post. Its wrong but still a good post. at least andys thinking.


FYI  if we were the team, id already be dead cause zander would bus the living daylights out of me.



  On 3/3/2025 at 1:53 AM, Cairos said:

So can a lock clear be confirmed by the Cop/detective only at night or can be during the day too.



Not in this game unless the person has been viewed twice

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:56 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Why would you do it as town? You don't know if he's really town. You can't have a good reason to read him town as town. It doesn't make sense to do it. As.mafia though if you can cover him and keep pressure off him by being the boss and anointing him town, that's valuable as mafia. It works too. Tom and Corey carried me like that in a game.



I've played with Cory and Tom too Cory was one of the main people who taught me the ins and outs of Mafia.  Dude gotta get the game started at some point...it's pretty obvious that it's impossible for me to have locked cleared someone after a couple posts Day 1 in a game where there's been no flips and the Mods game setup doesn't have any possible roles for Night I or pregame information....like seriously I know you know this and the fact your pushing on me for it is just baffling me.

  On 3/3/2025 at 1:00 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Its almost like you are town and want me to think you are mafia, but that wouldn't make sense. 


I asked the question here and clearly got an answer. I am a clever little Accepted so I can figure hypotheticals out without needing to have played before. 


You are acting as sus as a wolf with a ball of cotton wool on its head saying "baaa" trying to get into a sheep only bar.







You are either 


1). One of if not the best new player for grasping game concepts I've ever seen.


2.) Not being truthful about playing before


3.). A Wolf getting help.


Since I believe players about exp claims I'm ruling out 2 as general principle.


If I'm wrong about 1 I'll apologize postgame but the most likely is you have help/TMI and are manufacturing your own narratives. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 1:12 AM, Turin Turambar said:

My take is this. Andy is a kind soul that doesn't like the accusing that is part of mafia in part because the world, in large part due to present US government foolishness, is going to heck in a handbasket.


Then she says I could be.playing tricksy using true statements in a deceptive manner to fool everyone into thinking I'm town.

  Reveal hidden contents

Does that make sense?


Andy, is that close to where you were going?



The first part I got lol


The rest I didn't and still don't.  And I'm still not convinced you're Town yet.  But since I have someone I feel worse about and my history of being bad at reading you I'm gonna wait till D2 and if I'm dead and your alive still I'm gonna hope someone picks up my read of you and continues pursing solving you.

  On 3/3/2025 at 1:13 AM, Cairos said:

I not that great at mafia and I suck at reading people for sure. Again I will be away for a couple of hours since i will be going to work. Sorry again. 



It's ok bro.  Just whenever you can find a bit of time before deadline.  Please try to post a list of the players and your reads and reasons for them please Cairo's!!!   I want to hope you're a Villa but I need to see you digging in so I can flush out my read on you please.

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