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Chitter Chatter Fall-Winter (2023)


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I'm glad you had a good Hanukkah! 

We are finally on Winter Break both at work, and my son has finished his first college semester successfully.

The Indian Food feast for our local Yule Revel went off today smashingly well. I'm very relieved and happy that everyone enjoyed it. 

Now I can just relax and enjoy the holidays. 

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  • 1 month later...

We invited a few friends over for New Years and had a quiet game night with food. 🙂

Then the winter SCA season kicked in crazy here and I've been teaching piles of classes and getting ready for some A&S displays. All good stuff, just busy! 

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Hey all. I’ve been fighting asthma, a sinus  infection and bronchitis. I think I’m on the mend from that but I’m sitting here biting on gauze because I got my last wisdom tooth out. My carpal tunnel surgery is on the 29th. This is all irritating but not major! 

I’ve been listening to these story tellers on YouTube.


My favorites: Mr. Ballen. Scary Interesting. Mr. Nightmare. Lighthouse Horror. I love stories. Do you? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I’m back. I’ve been sick over a month. I’ve taken three antibiotics, two at once. Plus, I’ve had a wisdom tooth removed.


Feeling much better. 

How is everyone? Working on any hobbies? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad you're feeling better Ryrin!

You could say hobbies ate my life for a couple of months really. lol. (The SCA tends to do that). I taught my A&S Classes, did my big scribal display for the Laurels, and we've had a bunch going on with the kingdom scribal college (still running that for another year), and I am Event Stewarding for our local Baronial event in April (training a new co-event steward as I go), and we're doing a Robin Hood theme which should be pretty fabulous. We've got a few folks cast as various characters and a bunch of activities themed to fit the event. Should be fun! 

Work has been an ongoing drama of looking for new curriculum for next year. The curriculum we have is very old and won't be supported after this year we are told (contract ends, company is getting rid of it....  we're online so it's not like we can just keep working from existing stuff when it will literally not be online anymore). The school is totally with on this so we're looking at a variety of alternatives but don't know yet what we'll be teaching specifically next year yet for High School English. (The default offering from the parent company is horrible and we have flat out refused to teach it. The other schools in the system that have been using it in its beta years all hate it so far). 

At this point I'm looking forward to Spring Break. 

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