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Slinky-slank mafia


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6 minutes ago, TrippedOnReality said:

Also verbal not coming back since early this morning feels bad.  Like I get that the thread is 40+ pages long and could absolutely just be an overwhelmed towny.   Can anyone give me any meta on them and if this is normal?


It’s completely NAI imo

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Just now, Cory Caboose said:


Any thoughts on Verb’s entrance?

Eh not really enough to go on, but I also don’t feel the urge to vote him yet. Nothing jumped out at me either way and I chalk his entrance up to him not wanting/having time to catch up on 35 pages in a “slank” game. 

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1 hour ago, SinisterDeath said:

Voodoo thought there was 2 wolves, didn't think 3 was possible. Claims to not know about wolf chat.
I thought there was 1. I knew Wolf chat was possible.

If I was a wolf, do you think I would have tricked you all into thinking I thought there was only 1 wolf?

With Voodoo, do you think he could have tricked you all into not knowing about wolf chat?

If Darthe & Voodoo are wolves, do you think Darthe would coach VooDoo on those gambits?


Not a fan of this type of reasoning, I used to do it all the time when scum and it never worked lol.



54 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:


Well, you heavily implied it was faked by bringing up how "easy" it was to fake.

Speaking of faked, even screenshots can be faked..


Poor form, dude (it's because mafia is based on making slips in posts, and this takes that part away).



9 minutes ago, TrippedOnReality said:

Also verbal not coming back since early this morning feels bad.  Like I get that the thread is 40+ pages long and could absolutely just be an overwhelmed towny.   Can anyone give me any meta on them and if this is normal?


I went like 1-2 hours without posting, and that's bad?  I'm working at the same time, so my activity during the day is sporadic, but I'm still around.



9 minutes ago, Zander? said:

Also need a lot more from.Verb I don't necessarily need him to fully be caught up just somewhat and current and posting 


Are you saying my activity since joining the thread this morning isn't "current and posting"?  Weird take.....

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1 minute ago, VooDooNut said:

I'd honestly have to go back and find it. Y'all post fast a furiously. But I was a little surprised how quickly Verb cast a vote after coming online.


I only read a little, and SD popped out at me the most and he was quick to reply to me when I joined in.  It was my first take.  Nothing since has made me feel more inclined to move the vote.

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1 minute ago, Verbal32 said:


Not a fan of this type of reasoning, I used to do it all the time when scum and it never worked lol.




Poor form, dude (it's because mafia is based on making slips in posts, and this takes that part away).




I went like 1-2 hours without posting, and that's bad?  I'm working at the same time, so my activity during the day is sporadic, but I'm still around.




Are you saying my activity since joining the thread this morning isn't "current and posting"?  Weird take.....

Lack of activity is the worst way to sus IMO. Everyone has their own schedule/responsibilities.

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Just now, Verbal32 said:


Not a fan of this type of reasoning, I used to do it all the time when scum and it never worked lol.




Poor form, dude (it's because mafia is based on making slips in posts, and this takes that part away).




I went like 1-2 hours without posting, and that's bad?  I'm working at the same time, so my activity during the day is sporadic, but I'm still around.




Are you saying my activity since joining the thread this morning isn't "current and posting"?  Weird take.....


No im saying I need you to be current and posting all the way up to EOD so I don't get the urge to push your lynch if you're a Villager

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3 minutes ago, Cory Caboose said:

I don’t have any more to say about you and Halls at the moment, though I imagine I’ll weigh in closed to EoD


I could definitely see VooDoo adjust his comms for Darthe as town, in terms of overall attitude he remains playfully obtuse (but less obtuse than fireball).


If you’re town I think there’s a good chance your reads have been better than mine this game. It’s just one of the weird intuitive feelings.

Maybe this will be like that game where you were hydra’d with that other person from off site and we connected better D2 after Town blind lunched scum!Crusher


There’s a chance if we’re both town that we are both similarly affecting each other’s pov. I really want to read this line as genuine and not some leveling thing.

Zander can call me noncommittal but there’s nobody I would call a slam dunk elim right now. I need some concrete info to work with. 

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Just now, VooDooNut said:

Lack of activity is the worst way to sus IMO. Everyone has their own schedule/responsibilities.


I dont fully subscribe to this but I hate no info lynches activity based especially on D1.

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1 minute ago, VooDooNut said:

Lack of activity is the worst way to sus IMO. Everyone has their own schedule/responsibilities.


Agreed 100%.



1 minute ago, Zander? said:


No im saying I need you to be current and posting all the way up to EOD so I don't get the urge to push your lynch if you're a Villager


It seemed like you were laying some groundwork for a Verbal lynch in case I didn't return, just sayin'.

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