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Summer Chitter-Chatter (2020)


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? They keep telling us we had a cold front this past week. We did. The temps stayed in the 90s instead of breaking the 100s again. In theory next weeks MIGHT Pull us into the low 90s. If we're really lucky we might get a brief high 80s. Which is glorious but unseasonably cold for us this time of year. (Not that I will complain at ALL). 

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Fantastic pics, Ryrin. My wife and I drove through that area (sheesh) twenty-five years ago, and they look familiar.


The Autumnal Equinox isn't for another two weeks, so it's still summer in my book. Although we've left the one-hundred-degree days behind, thank goodness.


Next month I'll be entering three of my paintings in a Fine Art show. 

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There is a lot of smoke here. I’m watching TV and they have this running thing at the bottom of the screen for people who need to evacuate. One channel said they may go offline. I can’t get away from that 

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6 hours ago, JamesBrown said:

Thank you both. I look at them and see nothing but flaws and mistakes. But that's just me. Despite the flaws, I'm glad I made them. I just finished my last piece intended for the art show, and I'll post it here soon.

Ah humans.. We will forever be our own worst critics, you are not alone in that!

I love you're pictures, I'm not the one looking at art and seeing all sort of stuff in them, It's more about the feelings they give me.. ? can't wait to see the last one, and good luck on the art show!

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3 hours ago, Ryrin said:

There is a lot of smoke here. I’m watching TV and they have this running thing at the bottom of the screen for people who need to evacuate. One channel said they may go offline. I can’t get away from that 

What the...what is going on? Are you ok?

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  • 3 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Ryrin said:




That looks delicious! I will admit one of the first thing I searched about our new area is the nearest farmer's market. ? I haven't decided what we want to try growing at the new place. Figure I have until a little later in the fall to figure out some of it. 

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