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June Chitter Chatter (2020)


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Life continues mostly as normal (we were already home most days anyway so this wasn't a huge change except for my extrovert husband who misses going to his office) except that all our SCA activities have moved online for the time being (I am teaching three classes this week alone!). The school year ended so I'm shifting focus to getting our house market-ready. 

We put a pre-adoption form down to reserve two kittens from the neonatal rescue where I volunteer. ? They are beautiful sisters. (The timing is fitting, since we also just lost one of our dear 18-year-old cat sisters this week, very suddenly -stroke and kidney failure, but her last bloodwork before this was excellent, so these came on quickly). I should be hearing from the adoption counselor to get official approval to adopt them sometime soon. 

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Our state went on a stay-at-home order for about a month, and then an 8PM curfew for a week after the riots began. We are just now able to go out and do what we want when we want (for those that want to). I'm still working from home through July 31st at least. I can't say that I mind. My church is opening up, and I've volunteered to work with the special needs kiddos. We'll see if they need me there or somewhere else. I told them that I would work with any age kiddos, but I prefer the special needs kids. I'd l wish there was a little more time before we opened up, and they would be okay with me taking more time, but I've prayed about it and this is what I've been led to do. 

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Yep. Oklahoma is spiking too. There are 'way' too many people coming into the state and having activities in Tulsa this weekend for many people to be comfortable. Our town has literally doubled the number of people infected 'total' in the past week (and now almost tripled) than what we had the entire rest of the lock-down period. It started as soon as they let people come back to the university for pre-season sports and summer jobs and started opening up the city. Over two dozen businesses have reported cases among their staff. 

In happier news, our adoption form for kittens was approved! I am picking up our new girls tomorrow. ? (Photos included because KITTENS) 



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What beautiful kittens! The second one looks like my Smokey. She's gone now, but she looked just like that when she was that age. 


Our governor is leaving it up to the individual cities. I'm tired of the paper masks. I ordered one online that should come today. Then I will be more comfortable wearing it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

2 weeks until the realtor comes out to look at our house so we can figure out what to list it for and get it on the market. Spending all of my "Summer vacation" from teaching working on the house. Getting closer!

Kittens are settling in well. The other animals either don't care that they are here, or think they're the best thing ever. Except the one fussy diva cat who doesn't really 'like' anyone but is learning to live peaceably with animals, which she refused to do at her last home (we brought that one home 6 months ago, and she's 6 years old). The kittens being in our bedroom means they have taken over "her" space. ?


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