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Which characters do you dislike and why?

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Elayne deserves top spot as of KoD. Most annoying ***** EVER! - Namely because she blames Rand for everything and then thinks "Oh yeah, I could've drunk the heartleaf tea, but no, it was Rand's fault that I'm pregnant" pretty much. Quickly followed by Egwene, for trying to hinder Rand and ignoring the fact that he's needed for the good guys to have a chance of winning.


Egwene. She's a pretentious, arrogant, hypocrit. From the start of the books she walks around scolding the boys for things she's equally guilty of, never seeing any fault in herself. She calls Rand arrogant while she walks around lying about being Aes Sedai and demanding the respect and deference "due" her. She promises the wise ones she'll stay out of T'a'r after her injury while fully intending to go in anyway and doesn't even feel bad about it except to worry that they'll stop teaching her if they find out. I could go on forever.


We should probably cut Elayne some slack in KoD for being pregnant, hormones and everything...

But don't be fooled to thinking I like her!


after i finished reading "a song of ice and fire" i find almot all the characters childish and annoying, but most anoyying of all is definatly rand, all his constant whining "oh no shes dead and its my fault, my head hurts, im going mad, blah blah blah" ive heard all the complaining to much. and nyneave with all her braid pulling and skirt straitening.


I tend to dislike Faile's and Perrins marriage too. She needs a solid spanking and there's just no way Perrin would deliver. As a character, I think Nynaeve annoys me most, she sure makes me glad I don't have any older sisters.

Guest LurkingFadeFetcher

I could think of something that irritates me with almost anyone. except mat and thom, obviously. but to me the worst is rand, just like Narg said, he cant stop chanting the names of women who have died to himself. second would be Perrin, i think he will be better now, but all his whining "Oh Faile" for three books is enough to drive you as insane as the taint, but faster!

Guest Barmacral

Nynaeve was one of my favourites at the beginning of the series, but as the series has gone on she seems to get stupider and thinks less and less. Also, her power complexion thing is gonna make her burst a vein, and because of all this she now irritates me.


Berelain(how ever it is spelled)really annoyed me. It's like, "Hey skank, leave other women's men alone." Faile should have knifed her.


Min annoys me too. She knew what was gonna happen with Rand I mean she had the vision and all. But she fights it more than the other two.


And for the love of the light, Morgause, Crybaby of the realm. Come on she put herself in the cook pot with the WCs. Can't admitt she is in love with Tallanvar, whine, whine, whine, and feels she has to punish him for loving her and for her loving him.


Lay off Elayne for the its his fault I'm like this. Most woman go through this esp during their first pregnency, guys if you haven't been there you wouldn't understand. Sure it's a magical thing but when it's the first its scary as Hell too. Esp when your young.

Lay off Elayne for the its his fault I'm like this. Most woman go through this esp during their first pregnency, guys if you haven't been there you wouldn't understand. Sure it's a magical thing but when it's the first its scary as Hell too. Esp when your young.

When the honey's out of the comb, there's no putting it back.

lini quote


After reading most of the comments here, I find that I, unlike most people the people that posted comments, acually dislike characters for valid reasons .... If crap is happening to people, and they can't do anything about it, and they don't like whats going on ..., I really couldn't careless if they complain ... They are acually what we call, entitled to it. And in this case, the only person that is annoying (that doesn't fit that criteria above) would be Egwene. She believes that she can handle Rand's affairs better than he can ... And she has no idea of what Rand is/has gone through. It's a good thing that people aren't magically transported directly into the story because I believe I'd strangle her ...


Because she's proud she can take a spanking? After being forced to read that self grafifying rubbish, it only angered me even more in comparison to her belief that she is better than Rand. Rand could take that "punishment" and not batter an eye. She'd probably fall on her face if she had to deal with Rand's everyday pain.

Guest Barmacral

Egwene in the later books has received better training than Rand, and is slightly more level headed than he can be. True, Rand has a tough job, but so does Egwene, and she probably could do a decent job at being the DR. I agree that she would have trouble facing Rands pain though.


But don't reply here, I'll create a thread called "Egwene: Can she do Rands Job?" Respond in there.


Egwene still relies very heavily on Siune, while Rand doesn't really have anyone like that due to his trust issues, though this is starting to be resolved with Cadsuane.


Also, Egwene is extremely arrogent ... People think Rand is bad, I'd love to see what Egwene would end up doing as the DR.



If I didn't like the books so much, and if you skip anything you'll not get the same view... I would skip all the Elayne parts of the books.

Guest Egwene

The only person that I would like to erase from the books is the false prophet. But that's probably because people that are fanatical with a totally one sided view of things are always going to be dangerous to everyone that isn't exactly of their opinion. And whether it's in the books or in real life, I find them actually quite creepy.


funny, i actually like the prophet (hope that doesn´t cast a bad light on me :roll: )

i´m afraid i don´t really dislike anyone, even the likes of Elaida, Fain or Asunawa are needed and interesting in some way or other... *thinking hard* oh,yes,stop! i´ve come up with one at last : Sevanna. forsaken and dfs at least have something they believe in :wink: if i may call it so, but Sevanna is just the most egocentric person around.I.don´t.like.her.


After reading the series, and am on book 7 of the second round, i have a few characters i really dont like. Min, for one. I used to like her, because she was down to earth and kept going on about how she "wouldn't change for any man" and once she meets up with Rand, she a) starts wearing super-tight pants and jackets that are embroidered, as well as her heeled boots that she specifically said were uncomfortable but she noticed he liked them. Another is Faile. She goes on and on absolutely torturing Perrin by being jealous, cold and angry toward him. Its because of her culture, i know, but she should know the man she married, and he isnt the type to be forceful with her. She should at least let him know about Saldean husbands, and why shes always angry at him. :roll:


Masema is awesome just because he is such a nut-job.


I loath Elayne for being such a hypocrite, as others have mentioned. But I hate her actions during the siege and her careless reaction to her own people being slaughtered.


Egwene only really angers me when it comes to Rand. In fact, all three of the girls(Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne) angered me when Mat saved them. Nynaeve has gotten a lot better ever since she got with Lan.


Perrin was extremely annoying when it came to Operation Rescue Faile. "If the world lost Tarmon Gaidon because he had to rescue Faile, then so be it."


Faile was annoying at first but has gotten better.


Perrin is alright considering that he can't live without faile what a fool wish i could slap some sense in him .I love to hate mazrim taim in all his smug arrogance.elayne use to be alright but this whole battle for the throne & describing everyday of pregnancy is just dragging the book a little to much so she's lame.Maseema why is this guy still alive


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