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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Err, did you miss the last Episode Empy? The one where Peter actually kills his dad I mean.


Hiro doesn't have have his powers back. He's just an ordinary person who can kick ass with a sword now.


The bullet is in Arthur's brain does kill him. Kensai says this in season 2, 1 bullet to the brain, and there's no coming back from it (presumably because it kinda turns the brain to brain mush). The Haitian was there to deaden his powers too, so he couldn't exactly deflect the bullet.


When exactly was Hiro in level 5?


I agree, Claire is annoying. And she consistently has the same problem with HRG, just in case she didn't learn from the previous times...

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Hiro didn't get his powers back, Ando and Daphne took him forward in time the same way the went back to get him. Although, curious that Ando could gain control of his power that quickly.


Hiro and Ando were put in Level Five after trying to steal the second half of the formula from the Haitian back in like the second or third episode of the season.

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So Level 5 lets people use their powers but Level 2 dampens them?  Cause Hiro should have just warped right out of there instead of crawling through the vent.




And if I am going to destroy a formula for good... I am not going to rip it into a few pieces and toss it on the floor.  I am going to burn it up.



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Ok, I finally caught up, just finished watching the last one.  Unlike most people, I have not been annoyed by this season.  I've liked it better than Season 2, although not as much as 1, of course.  Sylar=hawt and that keeps my interest.


I'm unspeakably happy Peter got his powers back.  And the same one, which goes to show that if Hiro gets the formula, he should get the same power back, right?

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Yes, though the forumla has been entirely destroyed now. And honestly, the best thing was to get rid of Hiro's power, that eliminates the Time Travel thing, since Peter lost it with the loss of his powers as well, and opens up a lot of new options, since there's no way to go into the future and find out whats going on.


They can always bring time travel back at some other point in the show, but I doubt they will any time soon. As much as I loved Hiro having his power, this is the best way to keep in him in the show (he's still badass with a sword) and the best thing for the show.

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Time travel is still there. Ando + Daphne = time travel. Although even then I doubt they're ever going to tie up the loose end that is poor Caitlin  :(


Ando's power opens up a whole new avenue of interest. If it can boost Daphne to time travelling levels of superspeed, and open Matt's mind to the entire city of New York, what could he do with the other Powers?

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Yes, but its very easy to remove that bit of time travel by separating the pair and giving them reasons to not get back together, which is easy enough. Caitlin got lost in a future that no longer exists, so essentially she has seized to exist, which happened because people didn't like her... which is really too bad, she was hot.

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Caitlin got lost in a future that no longer exists, so essentially she has seized to exist, which happened because people didn't like her... which is really too bad, she was hot.


Yeah, how does that work, theoretically speaking? If you time-travel to a possible future, then stay there while someone else goes back to the "present" (at a point in time AFTER you had traveled into the future) and changes something that causes the future you traveled to not to occur, where do you go?




It's not like you're dead or anything.




And, yes she was a hottie.

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Err, Caitlin was the Irish girl from second season. She wasn't in this season at all.


Oh yea!

I totally forgot about her!


Maybe there time travelling abilities are actually real? :P


By the by, didn't peter say he 'loved' that chick and would 'do' anything for her?


Kinda a dick head move, leaving her in the future.

Cause unlike in Back to the Future, if you leave someone in the future, they stay there, and if you change the future, either they 'stay' in that future, or they escentially would 'change' with the rest of the future world, with out anyone ever knowing that the future changed.


Or she could have ceased to exist, making Peter a really big dick. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

and considering that in one of the comics they did- it was about the future in that timeline, when everyone was ding due to disease.


The place Peter was at falls to the virus shortly after those events, which leads you to believe that Caitlyn died of the virus in the future considering the only man whose professed to survive is the man talking to peter in that episode.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So the new episode was very quick paced and certainly had a good bit of action in it, but at least it was pretty clear cut so far. You know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are, and you have an idea as to what Sylar is actually up to.


They've put an interesting spin on Peters power now, is that a result of his losing his powers before?

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