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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Yea it was funny.


Well I guess its very evident now that Petrelli doesn't just 'absorb' the peoples life force and powers, but just there powers.

And that when he killed the other guy, its because when he took away his powers, his body caught up to the rest of time. ;)

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Yeah really, Adam's back five seconds and they find a way to kill him off?


"High five, turtle!"  :D


Did you notice adam was also fatter even though he was trapped in a coffin for 6 months? ;)


Anyways, did anyone else notice The Flashes fear of the turtle? She was quite scared of it!

It apears she has a phobia of all things slow! ;)


Speaking of slow things, is it just me or does it seem that this 'black mail' mr. petreli has against her, is that she didn't actually win that trophy for fastest when she was in like 9th grade...

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Looks like Sylar is the only one that can stop Mr Petrelli now! 


Peter was like... "Hey Dad.... of course I will give you a hug... and then maybe we can fight"


Mr Petrelli was like... "Gotcha... I can't believe my own son fell for that"


Peter was like..."Dad!  Damn, I am so gullible.  Now I am even more pathetic than before."

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Sin, Vem, Emp, you all  just made me laugh. Tex... try harder next time.  ;)



I was only halfway watching this episode, and I feel like that's what I've been doing for the entire season. I'm not super bored with it, but neither am I enthralled. I was sorry to see the Hax lookalike disappear again so soon. That seemed like a waste of the entire last season, considering he just up and left again like he was not at all important anymore. Too much buildup for him with not enough actual content delivered afterward.

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Peter lost his powers?  Where did this novel and original idea come from?  What ever can they do to top that?  I know!  Peter can be duped into helping the main villain of the story while Mat Parkman Jr. can bumble his way to stopping him.


That has never happened before!

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"Oh hi dad. So, you faked your own death, abandoned us, you are now messing with my mother, and you are gathering a bunch of no-gooders around you...Of course we can hug and make up!"


I am starting to suspect that every time Peter absorbs a new power, a million or so of his braincells dies. And, he gets 5% whinier.



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I was only halfway watching this episode, and I feel like that's what I've been doing for the entire season. I'm not super bored with it, but neither am I enthralled. I was sorry to see the Hax lookalike disappear again so soon.


*kicks stuff*


I agree. I was gonna use that to pick up girls, but now nobody's gonna remember him. I'm really starting to dislike Hiro. The only ones who still kick ass are Noah and Sylar.

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"Oh hi dad. So, you faked your own death, abandoned us, you are now messing with my mother, and you are gathering a bunch of no-gooders around you...Of course we can hug and make up!"


I am starting to suspect that every time Peter absorbs a new power, a million or so of his braincells dies. And, he gets 5% whinier.




I am jumping on that bandwagon.  Peter is getting dumber and dumber.  I'm offically rooting for Sylar to kick everybody's @$$.


And I wonder if they'll find a way to give Peter back his powers, MINUS Sylar's hunger....

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I disagree.  I think Peter's powers were a dead end for the show.  He can channel any power from anyone that he ever gets close too.  Way to much to deal with in a character and this is a way for the show to deal with that.  I bet they use the formula on him and he develops a new power that is easier to manage from the shows standpoint.  You can't keep having episodes where "Peter loses his powers or he is too awesome to stop".

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I think neither.  Future Peter has all his powers, so if they just make him re-absorb, he wouldn't be able to get a bunch of powers from people that are dead.


On the other hand, I don't think they would make him a "normal" hero and just give him one random power.  He's one of the main characters.....messing too much with him just doesn't seem conducive to good ratings.

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