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Heroes Discussion Redux


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I actually hope that the end of Niki = the end of Micha and Monica (in the series at least)  God they were boring.  I really hope they don't use Claire's blood like they did with Noah again.  The series would become waaaaay too comic bookish.  Yes yes I know the series is supposed to be like a live action comic book, but there are limits.  It would make things less interesting if the main characters kept dying and "getting better" all the time.  One thing I liked about the show is their willingness to kill their characters off and keep them dead.


I'm glad Sylar got his powers back though.  He wasn't very interesting without them.  Now he can go back to being the boogieman we all know and love.  Though why Suresh didn't try to fight Sylar when the silly man put his gun down to get a blood sample I'll never know. 

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I actually hope that the end of Niki = the end of Micha and Monica (in the series at least)  God they were boring.  I really hope they don't use Claire's blood like they did with Noah again.  The series would become waaaaay too comic bookish.  Yes yes I know the series is supposed to be like a live action comic book, but there are limits.  It would make things less interesting if the main characters kept dying and "getting better" all the time.  One thing I liked about the show is their willingness to kill their characters off and keep them dead.


I'm glad Sylar got his powers back though.  He wasn't very interesting without them.  Now he can go back to being the boogieman we all know and love.  Though why Suresh didn't try to fight Sylar when the silly man put his gun down to get a blood sample I'll never know. 


Well, it woudl be wrong for them NOT to bring Nathan back...

Peter knows about claires powers, He's seen her regen.

Peter has seen Adams powers.

1+1=2 Claire = Adams powers.

If Adam could save Nathan, then Claire could save nathan to.

Since Peter Is in the company of fat cop, and fat cop is a friend of suresh, and suresh has lil girl who can find everyone.. And since its 'theorized' that HRG killed Nathan, then they can either 'follow him' to claire, or find claire via lil girl.. And save Nathan...


But Peter is to stupid. And Fat cop doesn't know about claire, and only Suresh knows about claire... So Unless Suresh knows fat cop is in cahoots with Peter, and Nathan got killed by the Company, and since they are probably going to have a crappy 'communication'... they probably won't bring Nathan back...


But like I said, if the characters actually had half a brain, and not a models brain.. (/cough peter /cough) they might actaully bring nathan back...

I expect us to see more of monica next season due to that whole 9th wonder saint character that monica is basically modeled after...

And niki is as dead as Slyer was on first season!


Also, what was the entire point of having the blunder twins in this season? WHAT did they do that slyer couldn't have done him self?!

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My hopes for next season.


I hope to see one of the good heroes turn evil.  My bet is on Parkman.


I hope Elle has more of a part in the plots as her character is the only good new addition.


I hope Sylar digs up Adam.  He is a bit of a loner... so they could work together for a bit before they turn on each other.


I hope Nikki is dead.  I hope Micah grows up.  I hope Monica doesn't have a large part next season.


I hope they introduce some GOOD characters.



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Wow the blunder twins nickname I gave the twins actually caught on =).  There really was no point for them being there except to progress Sylar's storyline and give him an opportunity to be his creapy, manipulative self.  


There are also two factors to consider when using Clair/Adam's blood when used to heal someone.


1)  How long since the person "died" do you need to inject them with the blood?  An unlimited time would seem to be a bit cheesy, but there is really no way to tell if that's the case.  My first thoughts was that the heart needed to be pumping in order to circulate the blood around to the injured parts, but unless they put noah on a heart bypass machine that they didn't show, that kinda rules that out.


2)  How long does it last.  I mean theoretically the blood should have the same properties as Adam/Claire's ability, so that being the case those cells that were injected should never die right?  Sure that would be even cheesier than bringing someone back to life that's been dead for years, but if Adam's blood is still going through Nathan's system then that would be cause for him to stand back up anytime now.  

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I think the blood would be 'destroyed' by the other blood after it heals them... or is only temporary.. I mean, the bloods there, it heals, but it can't produce 'new' blood..


Also, claire was dead for at least what? 8 hours? 12 hours? All we know is, as long as something is 'stuck' in that magic part of the brain, in the back of the head. (aka the one syler 'possibly' eats) they can't 'regen' once its taken out, they can. How long was 'peter' dead in season 1 after fighting Sylar? I think as long as the brain is intact, (that part) (at least for 'claire/adam') the blood will heal any wound over any time... or at least within 3 months. :P

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The twins and Monica have a lot of potential, the problem is simply that they had boring storylines. Monica I think will be badass in the next season, and Maya should at least be half decent (though she may end up as another Nicci).


As for Micah, I think he's already incredibly grown up for his age, you have to remember that he's what... 10?

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I was so happy when Nikki and the other twin bit the dust... but so so dissapointed when only one remained dead. :(


Micah and Monica are ok now, just because there won't be kid always giving a stupid smile to his alternate personality mom who hugs him and says they can be normal. That got old a long time ago...


And for the record, Hiro is AWESOME! YEEah!

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Couldn't Peter just use his own blood to heal Nathan? I mean, he was in the presence of both Claire AND Adam, thus absorbing their power. Shouldn't his blood now have the same healing properties as both the others? They don't need Claire or Adam...as long as Peter is around.


Personally, I really liked the last couple of episodes. I think they finally got the series back on track. I'm interested to see what happens with the whole virus thing. I don't think what Peter did actually stopped the virus. But if it did, and it prevented the outbreak, what does that mean about Caitlyn? If the future she got stuck in doesn't exist anymore, where the hell would she be? Does she simply cease to exist? Is she in some random alternative future? Did she magically teleport back to Cork, Ireland? I'd like to see how the writers get themselves out of this time/space continuum conundrum.

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Couldn't Peter just use his own blood to heal Nathan? I mean, he was in the presence of both Claire AND Adam, thus absorbing their power. Shouldn't his blood now have the same healing properties as both the others? They don't need Claire or Adam...as long as Peter is around.


Personally, I really liked the last couple of episodes. I think they finally got the series back on track. I'm interested to see what happens with the whole virus thing. I don't think what Peter did actually stopped the virus. But if it did, and it prevented the outbreak, what does that mean about Caitlyn? If the future she got stuck in doesn't exist anymore, where the hell would she be? Does she simply cease to exist? Is she in some random alternative future? Did she magically teleport back to Cork, Ireland? I'd like to see how the writers get themselves out of this time/space continuum conundrum.



Watch back to the future 2, and you will have your answer.


Cause they are obviously playing by Back to the Future Rules.

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guys an update by Kring, While Nathan did technically "die" whether Nathan is going to be coming back (as a main character/at all) is up in the air atm. So we may see him die for good, and be featured in flashbacks, we may see him live and just not be shown much, we may see him die and never be shown again or we may see him live and hunt down hrg starting the conflict among our heroes that leads to half of them becoming villains hint the name of the new chapter^^ (obviously the last is me hoping)

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  • 9 months later...

Holy crap, they didn't waste any time. I think I've been overloaded by just how much they piled in to two hours.


Favorite lines: "Why are you talking to the turtle?" :D

"The game's afoot!"

And OMFG if this isn't just a metaphor: "You're not my mother" "Oh but I am"

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