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Heroes Discussion Redux


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We knew that before the season even started!


Kaito being the first to get killed makes a lot more sense now. Wonder why Adam didn't take more of an interest in Hiro in all the time he was working with his father, though.


I quote..


"I want to make you suffer".

That is why.


Also barm, He met with hiro's father before Hiro was even 'born'.

You can argue that he is smart enough to know that if he killed Hiro as a child none of what happened, will happen if he killed hiro, thusly waits until after hiro returns from his journyes, so he can make him suffer, but thats beside the point! :P

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I can only assume that from Hiro's own blithering Adam picked up enough knowledge about the possible consequences of tampering with history; one temporal paradox is one too many. Still, Hiro is how old? Mid-twenties? Adam had to recognise Kaito's family name, and yet he was never even in the same room with the kid who would grow up to become his most hated enemy? That's some hella restraint on his part.

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  • Community Administrator

I can only assume that from Hiro's own blithering Adam picked up enough knowledge about the possible consequences of tampering with history; one temporal paradox is one too many. Still, Hiro is how old? Mid-twenties? Adam had to recognise Kaito's family name, and yet he was never even in the same room with the kid who would grow up to become his most hated enemy? That's some hella restraint on his part.


Killing someone is easy, Making them suffer for a life time, on the other hand is not, and far sweeter form of revenge then simply killing them. + if you can wait 300+ years, I'm sure you can wait 20 more. :P

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So many of the pictures came to life this week.  I think we only have a few left.... actually only the good doctor using his gun and HRG dying. 


Who all knew that Adam would show up?  *raises hand* 


Obviously we need a cure... what if that twin brother is that cure?

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Suresh doesn't have the 'cahones' to kill HRG. I think, if anything, he'll point the gun at him, give em that look, then put the gun done. Then Claires boy friend will shoot HRG in the eye...


That or Claires Boy Toy and her will be making out in the corner while Suresh shoots HRG in the eye.



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Will they really kill off HRG?  Would Claire really be kissing her boy over her dead father's grave?  Are they kissing or wrestling?


Considering how she was acting at the end of the last episode, it is fairly possible that she is 'makin out' with the boy...


Also, We know suresh is now after claire to find a 'cure'...


What if Claire becomes the catalyst that makes the virus mutate even more to affect regular humans? I mean, what if that virus, not only 'takes' powers away, but absorbs them into its dna? Last thing they need is a virus that can't 'die' doesn't even need a 'host' to survive, and only mission in life is to destroy everything living...

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With all the hints, first at West being the killer, and now Suresh, I'm going to put my money on Claire being the one to pull the trigger.


Anyone other than me a tad disappointed we did not get to see what Bob can do? Come on, it has to be more than just alchemy-by-will.

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Yeah, it was a pretty sad ending for such a powerful guy. There was so much buildup around him, and then it seems to be over after such little real drama.


I'm finding myself almost completely uninvested in this season. I really wanted to like it, and the further in we get, the less I care.  :P

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I actually like last nights episode.  Everything that's been building up came to a head last night and I can't wait for next week's when they reveal what happened during the break. 


Poor Caitlain though.  What the heck was up with that.  Let's introduce a love interest for Peter and permanently (probably anyways) strand her in the future.  A future that they will try to erase as a result erasing her.  Nice.


I was actually hoping Kensei would turn good at the end of Hiro's little midevil arc, but oh well.  Gives him even more reason to be so Evil now.  His return was quite predictable. 


BTW anyone else thinking that Bob is still working for Kensei.  Looks to me like he's playing Suresh for a fool. 

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Well, if Kensia knows that Claire will be the catalyst that mutates the virus into the 'Sasha' virus, then bob is definately working for Kensia, and has been playing suresh for a fool.


After-all what better way to play you off as a victim, then to 'almost' become one your self...


Also, Fatty's dad can trap you in a nightmare, and make you do things you don't want to. So why did he just have Psycho Blonde attempt to kill him? What about Suresh? What about Bob 'killing' him self? All of that is within his power, yet all he did was send blondy and break suresh's nose?

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So. We finally get into the part of the season with the reveals only to have everything be bland and predictable. I mean Kensei being Adam... oh my, what a shocker.


And the character moments? The things that are supposed to set the characters on their paths? Honestly, who couldn't see West finding out who HRG is and the following stuff with Claire? Matt defeating and entrapping Papa Parkman? Peter time jump and return to Adam's waiting arms? And don't get me started on the 'oh no, the virus mutated... I'm so startled'. At least with the bomb they had the intrigue of the exploding man. All of it was so obvious it actually depressed me.


And am I the only one that thinks Suresh really can't pull of the being tempted by evil thing. Didn't work in future episode of season one, didn't work with Bob now. Also, someone needs to kill off West... he's just annoying.


I'm like Caddy. I wanted to like the season, but I just can't bring myself to be interested in what's going on.



Although, one question... SD what makes you think Claire is the catalyst of the Shanti virus? Seems its already mutated by itself. Why can't it do it again.

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  • Community Administrator

Although, one question... SD what makes you think Claire is the catalyst of the Shanti virus? Seems its already mutated by itself. Why can't it do it again.


If it was the 'mutated' virus in the future, everyone in that room would have been 'dead'. From what I can see, that virus is one thats already been 'tampered' with, to affect and not be cured by Suresh's Blood.. I think Claire can easilly be the catalyst for the Virus...


Adam has the same powers as Claire, So if Bob is working for Adam, why don't they just use Adam's 'blood' instead of Claires? I mean, why not? Unless Adam has a fairly good idea that doing so would create some sorta super unkillable virus that only affects regular humans?

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Well the virus obviously affects specials as well as regular humans.  Remember mama Petrelli mentioned that Nate was among the first to die from the virus.  Maybe in order to start the virus, the host needs to die.  Since Adam probably would like to live I don't think he would use himself as the catalyst.

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Well the virus obviously affects specials as well as regular humans.  Remember mama Petrelli mentioned that Nate was among the first to die from the virus.  Maybe in order to start the virus, the host needs to die.  Since Adam probably would like to live I don't think he would use himself as the catalyst.


Well, notice in this episode that psycho blonde is infected? That is the 'man made' mutation, not the 'mutation of the future', Hence. Theres a possibility by the time suresh comes back, Nathan will be infected.

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So. We finally get into the part of the season with the reveals only to have everything be bland and predictable. I mean Kensei being Adam... oh my, what a shocker.


I think there's still some goody to be had, I still want to know what hiro's dad could do, and I find myself wondering what Mrs. Petrelli's power is as well.  Did Peter absorb Deveax's power, and if so what exactly was it?  Is Sylar's dad one of the last gen supers? 


Also, someone needs to kill off West... he's just annoying.


Claire too, as far as I'm concerned, the whole Claire plotline this season has been nothing more than one giant product placement commercial for the latest cellphone or the for Nissan.  I mean come on, how long does Mr. Bennet need to go on protecting the indestructible girl?  Doesn't that seem oxymoronic, or is is just moronic?

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That link relyer linked, I disliked one thing the guy said...

He said Hiro was in japan 'to long' stretching 7 episodes instead of 3...


Now while I agree that it should have been alloted to 3 episodes instead of seven, I don't think it 'wasted' to much time, if anything a 2 minute snippit of Hiro's adventures were far to short. They should have gone back to the 5+ plot lines Hiro had last season. This season they've all ended before they began, before anything even interesting happened...

Its like they started out each 'snippit' with something interesting, then explained it far to long...

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Unfortunately, while I agree that Hiro was in the past for far too long, they needed to keep him there to set up Adam/Kensei's introduction in modern times. 


On a seperate note, if anyone is a catalyst for the virus it probably isn't Claire.  It's Maya.  She is a walking talking airborne virus dispenser.  Sylar and the Blunder Twins haven't appeared in a while.  The virus of the future and the virus that is affecting Niki are probably the exact same strain.  My guess is Brilliant Bob and Co. infected Maya with the virus to make her safe for everyone around her but instead caused the virus to go airborne killing everyone.

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