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Heroes Discussion Redux


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New chick - Micah's cousin? Monik/ca? She seems to have Charlie's power of learning/remembering/whatever, or something similar. She saw the tomato cutting once, briefly, and the wrestling move, and seemed to learn it immediately, and unknowingly.



If we assume The Twelve are the people in the photograph that Nathan and Parkman were looking at, we seem to have 5 of the 12 unknown, the others are identified. One of the unknown men whose face I saw looked like he might have been Hispanic/Latino, so it's possible he is the twins' father.


1. Charles Deveaux

2. Parkman Senior

3. Linderman

4. Mama Petrelli

5. Papa Petrelli

6. Daddy Nakamura

7. The Company man - Bob

8. Uhura???

9. Duo's Daddy???/unknown man

10. Unknown woman





Pretty good ending this episode though. Parkman Sr seems to be able to capture someone's mind/consciousness, even without possessing their physical self. I hope Molly is ok, I sort of like the Two Men and A Baby thing Parkman, Mohinder, and her have going, even if it's been slow. ^_^

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I liked tonights episode sooooo much^^


but...sylar is no longer sylar? is he gonna try and go it straight for the time being? I mean is he really gonna get the twins to mohinder or take their powers? cause he could have cut into them at like any time so far.

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but...sylar is no longer sylar? is he gonna try and go it straight for the time being? I mean is he really gonna get the twins to mohinder or take their powers? cause he could have cut into them at like any time so far.


Actually Sylar seems to have the illness which is blocking all of his powers. It is curious that he has reverted to his Gabriel persona, but im not sure we can take that to mean he might be on the path to being a goody. I found his bitter comments in regaurds to doing bad things that he wasn't in control of interesting as it follows the end of his arc last season, like the 'turns out your the bad guy'.


New chick - Micah's cousin? Monik/ca? She seems to have Charlie's power of learning/remembering/whatever, or something similar. She saw the tomato cutting once, briefly, and the wrestling move, and seemed to learn it immediately, and unknowingly.


That was my thought as well--and i thought it was pretty cool how they managed to make being a geek a badass power.


Pretty good ending this episode though. Parkman Sr seems to be able to capture someone's mind/consciousness, even without possessing their physical self. I hope Molly is ok, I sort of like the Two Men and A Baby thing Parkman, Mohinder, and her have going, even if it's been slow. ^_^


Who knows, maybe he can possess certain people--concider the way Mrs Petrlli injures herself--what if it really WAS her that killed kaito, it would explain his final comment--or maybe not at all, look below.


A few other thoughts. Nathan's burned manned mirror twin... possibly the work of Papa Parkman? Note the similarity between Nathan's self-inflicted injury and Mrs Petrelli's.


Also did anyone get the feeling that the scene with Nathan's sons might be setup for a more active involvement in the show... im thinking as some sort of plot piece, not that they'll be characters. The show must already be feeling the strain in dealing with two kid characters.

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In interviews Greg Grunberg has given two vague spoilers as to where his character is going this season. He said that his power is going to grow and develop quite a lot and that he's right in the middle of the central plot.


Given that it was revealed tonight that Matt's dad is one of the twelve, and that Molly is convinced that he is the 'nightmare man', we can easily see how Matt is caught up in the middle of things.


As to where his power is going - The hints so far are that the nightmare mans power is to be able to see into others minds - and control them.


He obviously did this to Ma Patreli when he made her attack herself and she is obviously scared of him.


He's also now got Molly trapped within herself.


So, is this a 'new' power, or, do he and his son Matt have the same ability, with him having a much more advanced control over it.


Might Matt unknowingly have much more potential than just reading other peoples thoughts?


Is this why the company was so interested in him?


It would certainly fit with the theme of the show. Everyone seems to be capable of much more than they realize, with their powers developing more strongly and with more uses over time.

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I'm just glad Sylar's once again participating in a Road Trip Straight to Hell. I'm picturing him collecting lost Heroes on his way to New York, with the intention of eating their brains once he regains his base ability. "Ohhh...You can fly? You poor thing. I'll help you find Dr. Suresh. Rub yourself with BBQ sauce while I drive."

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but...sylar is no longer sylar? is he gonna try and go it straight for the time being? I mean is he really gonna get the twins to mohinder or take their powers? cause he could have cut into them at like any time so far.


Actually Sylar seems to have the illness which is blocking all of his powers. It is curious that he has reverted to his Gabriel persona, but im not sure we can take that to mean he might be on the path to being a goody. I found his bitter comments in regaurds to doing bad things that he wasn't in control of interesting as it follows the end of his arc last season, like the 'turns out your the bad guy'.


Well, we know Sylar has had issues before about feeling torn between wanting the powers so he can be special, and knowing that he does terrible things in order to get them. We see this with his mother in season 1. I would feel more confident in saying that Karana and her BBQ sauce is the likely scenario, but I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they manage to have events play out so that Sylar is working with the goodies, even if only halfheartedly.



Who knows, maybe he can possess certain people--concider the way Mrs Petrlli injures herself--what if it really WAS her that killed kaito, it would explain his final comment--or maybe not at all, look below.


Except that the figure we see take Kaito off the rooftop is pretty male-looking, and dressed younger than Mrs. Petrelli would be. I think it's unlikely Mrs. Petrelli killed Kaito, but I'm on board with being possessed and injuring herself.

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It doesn't seem like Sylar has the same illness.  While he does have the symptoms of his powers being blocked he doesn't have the other physical symptoms associated with it.  Both the Haitian and Molly were bed ridden and near death when their symptoms got bad enough to stop their powers.  I thought think it's more like his watch.  "Sylar" is broken and until he's "fixed" he can't access his powers. 


Interesting thought though.  The guy who plays Alejandro isn't a series regular while Maya is.  What are the odds that's because he won't be around much longer?

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Except that Jessiki has the same illness, and so far she seems to be fine. Molly and the Hatian were probably in advanced stages of the illness, whereas Sylar is possibly only in the early stages.


A fun thought. Peter has a perfect memory, yet he has amnesia? Explain that Heroes producer guy. (How's he got perfect memory? Hiro's girlfriend that was killed by Sylar had it, and Peter absorbs all of Sylar's powers)


And Mika - you saw him hug his cousin and close his eyes... who thinks his power also extends to humans... part of his power is part of what Linderman's power was. I think Mika might be able to mend a broken arm if needed.


As for Mika's cousin. She doesn't have the same ability as Hiro's old GF I don't think. She seems to be able to absorb anything she see's and do it herself. The other girl only had a perfect memory I think.

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And Mika - you saw him hug his cousin and close his eyes... who thinks his power also extends to humans... part of his power is part of what Linderman's power was. I think Mika might be able to mend a broken arm if needed.


I had the impression that he was trying to see if he could, but his comment "I wish I could fix your dreams" was an indication that it didn't work. Might be wrong, but they definitely emphasized his hand on her back for some reason.


As for Mika's cousin. She doesn't have the same ability as Hiro's old GF I don't think. She seems to be able to absorb anything she see's and do it herself. The other girl only had a perfect memory I think.

That's possible, definitely. So far Monica's power seems to be a sort of muscle memory sort of thing, not a cognitive memory the way Charlie's was.

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Monika figured out her power fast. Go Mika!


Peter's storyline was kinda disappointing... he also painted in the style of his new girlfriend this time, rather than in the classic Isaac style. Perhaps he paints like the nearest person to him? Or did I just see that picture wrong?


Hiro's storyline was a bit of a leadup, I imagine that next week will be a good episode of him.


Parkman/Nathan were good this week. They certainly made a lot of headway. I'd like to see Parkman vs. his father after he develops his powers. He is very definately an illusionist. The girl that Sylar killed... you think she could read minds too?

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Monika figured out her power fast. Go Mika!


Peter's storyline was kinda disappointing... he also painted in the style of his new girlfriend this time, rather than in the classic Isaac style. Perhaps he paints like the nearest person to him? Or did I just see that picture wrong?


Hiro's storyline was a bit of a leadup, I imagine that next week will be a good episode of him.


Parkman/Nathan were good this week. They certainly made a lot of headway. I'd like to see Parkman vs. his father after he develops his powers. He is very definately an illusionist. The girl that Sylar killed... you think she could read minds too?



No, I believe there illusions are completely different.

I think the girl Sylar killed, could make physical illusions, like a hologram, where as Parkmans Father, seems to 'reprogram' a persons brain into seeing what he wants them to see, or in one method, Allowing them to see there nightmares. Afterall, did the two not experience a Nightmare? How could Parkmans father possibly know about that? Parkman seems to only be able to read 'conscious' thoughts, and unless Parkman Sr. can read uncoinsious ones, I think his ability is more akin to bringing someones unconsoius fears out in the form of a nightmare, hence explaining the lil girls coma.


Also, The new episode is sorely missing out on some hot Hiro Time Travel action. An episode with out 10 minutes of hiro, isn't an episode at all. :D

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I mostly agree with SD here, I think that what Parkman's pop did was to effectively create a persistent delusion in the boys' minds.  Candace effectively created an altered perception like a hologram or the Mask of Mirrors weave.  Thats a great way to think about it, Parkman=specialized form of compulsion aimed at horror.  Candice = mask of mirrors.


Also since Peter had the electrical shocks ability in the trailer as referenced by his girlfriend, he's met Kristin Bell before.  I think she is the company's hospital's Electro-shock therapy administrator, and Bob's daughter.  I also think the reason Peter has lost his memory is because she messed his brain up and gave him amnesia.

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I mostly agree with SD here, I think that what Parkman's pop did was to effectively create a persistent delusion in the boys' minds.  Candace effectively created an altered perception like a hologram or the Mask of Mirrors weave.  Thats a great way to think about it, Parkman=specialized form of compulsion aimed at horror.  Candice = mask of mirrors.


Also since Peter had the electrical shocks ability in the trailer as referenced by his girlfriend, he's met Kristin Bell before.  I think she is the company's hospital's Electro-shock therapy administrator, and Bob's daughter.  I also think the reason Peter has lost his memory is because she messed his brain up and gave him amnesia.


You explained what I was trying to say, better then I did, but yea, thats exactly what I was trying to say.

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I liked tonights episode, it was slow but in a "calm before the storm" sense


ESPECIALLY if you watched the preview of next episode!



And I quote sylar saying to Alexandro (with blood on his mouth) "once i get my powers back I'm going to kill you"


Apparently Goldman is going to try and use this virus to kill heroes as well! and we see Monica right before shes going to receive some sort of injection!


What in god's name is nathan up to this episode? or really any episode? all we know is "he's out to bring down the company" and nothing more.


And as to jessica/nikki wtf is up with that? I thought the whole Candice thing last season solved her personality disorder...Nikki seems to want to work for the company/is working for the company while Jessica is trying to kill Goldman?


WTB Monica doing Bruce Lee moves  8)

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Is it over yet?  Heroes is becoming a show that is not ranking in my favorites much anymore.  It moves too slowly with a flash of goodness sometime in the hour. 


Ok... Parkman developed new powers this week, that is good (not just reading minds, but projecting in them).  He is going to be as good as dad in a few more episodes. 


Who is Kristen Bell's dad?  Is it gold man?


Why do I care about this new girl?  How does she fit in? 

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I agree with Emp, it was totally a yawn episode. Only saving grace was the bit with parkman's dad, and even that was sub-par.


Also since Peter had the electrical shocks ability in the trailer as referenced by his girlfriend, he's met Kristin Bell before.  I think she is the company's hospital's Electro-shock therapy administrator, and Bob's daughter.  I also think the reason Peter has lost his memory is because she messed his brain up and gave him amnesia.


Well, to be fair that could be a manipulation of Ted's ability. Furthermore, if she's the reason he's there, why is she searching to find him. No, i dont think the Company had a hand in his situation.





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I agree with Emp, it was totally a yawn episode. Only saving grace was the bit with parkman's dad, and even that was sub-par.


Also since Peter had the electrical shocks ability in the trailer as referenced by his girlfriend, he's met Kristin Bell before.  I think she is the company's hospital's Electro-shock therapy administrator, and Bob's daughter.  I also think the reason Peter has lost his memory is because she messed his brain up and gave him amnesia.


Well, to be fair that could be a manipulation of Ted's ability. Furthermore, if she's the reason he's there, why is she searching to find him. No, i dont think the Company had a hand in his situation.



Yes.... Technically he could have used Ted abilities to throw the guy across the room, or even made electricity, but realistically(suspension of disbelief and all), they would all be glowing brightly.  Anyone in that cargo container would have had a lethal dose of radiation, not to mention that I don't think Peter's knowledge of Ted's abilities is quite that advanced.  I think its more likely as the Irish gal put it that Peter simply "threw lightning". 

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I agree that Ted's and Veronica's abilities are not the same, and that what Peter did was most likely showing that he had absorbed Veronica's abilities as well, rather than manifesting his absorbtion of Ted's. Ted's was using radioactivity, Veronica's seems to be more like manipulation of electricity. Peter having met Veronica (do we know her name on this show?) previously also gives a better reason for her looking for him now.

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Good and bad about having such a diverse cast.  You get a lot of different story lines going on at once.  Hiro, Kensei and Ando's; Matt and Nathan's; Peter's; Niki's; Seresh's; Alejandro, Sylar and Maja's; Mika and Monika's, Noah and Haitian's;Clair and Flying-boy's (sorry forgot his name).  Unfortunately that also means that each story isn't getting too much attention and seems to progress slowly.  The only one that seems to be really moving is Matt and Nathans.  Everything else seems to be setting us up for something.  I really want to see more Hiro.


You know it strikes me.  If Noah really wants to shut the company down he should just sit back and let Matt's pop take everyone else out.  Though I guess with him being the last victim he may want to surround himselves with the next generation of Hiro's to maybe save to try to save himself.


I was excited to see Veronica's ability just because I've been wondering where Peter got that from.  Hopefully this will lead to answers about why he was in the container to begin with. 

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Best place to keep a nuclear bomb which you electify its brain?  Not in a city...  How about a cargo tanker which will be at sea for 6 weeks?  It's like Sylar in the middle of the rainforest, just a touch more drastic.  The real question is who orchestrated Peter's breakout, because someone had to know that container didn't have Ipods in it.

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