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Red Ajah Autumn Fair: Autumn Sports

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Hello! This part of the Autumn Fair is going to be a discussion/game about Autumn sports. The Discussion piece will answer questions and talk about


1) What kind of Autumn sports have you played or are doing?

2) What's your favorite Autumn sport to watch on TV?

3) What are your favorite sports' teams?

4) How are your teams doing so far this season?



This is meant to be a fun discussion, and even though one person's team may be bitter rivals to another's, we're all friends here, please try not to say anything that will offend someone.


The game piece is a crossword, and for those of you who want to participate, PM me your answers, and I'll announce the winners when the Autumn Fair is done. The winners will receive a siggy. Here is the game:






Even though I wasn't big into the sport of American football, I know that many people are.


ANyone have a favorite team?


Oh wow Moon! I played clarinet in my high school marching band too.


I do enjoy watching American Football. But I don't get to watch much anymore because I'm the only one in the house that does enjoy it. My favorite NFL team is the Green Bay Packers and college team is my home state's Arkansas Razorbacks.




*erm...sorry :blush: *


I'm not sure if anyone outside the USA follows basketball, volleyball or what I presume is american football since you have soccer in there. There are a few others which are played in many other continents, like rugby. That's our biggest autumn sport.


I'm curious ... cheerleading is now considered an actual sport?


Also, what is country and cross, and is the hockey you're referring to normal hockey, or ice hockey?

  On 10/8/2012 at 7:43 AM, Elgee said:

I'm not sure if anyone outside the USA follows basketball, volleyball or what I presume is american football since you have soccer in there. There are a few others which are played in many other continents, like rugby. That's our biggest autumn sport.


I'm curious ... cheerleading is now considered an actual sport?


Also, what is country and cross, and is the hockey you're referring to normal hockey, or ice hockey?


Basketball has been an Olympic sport since 1936, so I think that means it is followed in other countries. From what I gather, it has a bit of popularity in some European nations. Some of the countries in Europe actually beat the USA on occasion.


And ice hockey is normal hockey. :tongue: That stuff on grass is field hockey, which seems to be split into two separate terms for this puzzle. Unless field goes with track, since track and field is what we USAians call athletics.


its rugby season! you get a lot more shown in wales than you do in england, and in a choice of languages too!


I believe our team is heading up that way now, Elaevia. We beat the Aussies solid the weekend before last but this weekend the All Blacks gave us a drumming ... lol


Why thank you for the information, Basel! :)


It's all about the Rabo direct pro 12 league for me at the moment Elgee ( it sounded much better when it was the Magners league, it just rolls of the tongue!) cos there are lots of local competion as Cardiff, Newport, Swansea and Llanelli all have teams competing - you get a high turn out and a great atmosphere at these matches.


As a side note, am very impressed that my IPad can spell Llanelli!

  On 10/8/2012 at 7:43 AM, Elgee said:

I'm not sure if anyone outside the USA follows basketball, volleyball or what I presume is american football since you have soccer in there. There are a few others which are played in many other continents, like rugby. That's our biggest autumn sport.


I'm curious ... cheerleading is now considered an actual sport?


Also, what is country and cross, and is the hockey you're referring to normal hockey, or ice hockey?


cross and country were supposed to be combined as Cross Country and then hockey and field were supposed to be combined into Field Hockey. I think cheerleading is a little bit of an activity and a sport because it takes a lot of conditioning.


And my favorite American football team is the New England Patriots. :happy:


I haven't played any autumn sports, I tend to be more of a spectator. I like wathcing American football the best on TV. My favorite team would be the Buffalo Bills, and they are doing awful so far this year.

  On 10/8/2012 at 5:58 PM, Elgee said:

I believe our team is heading up that way now, Elaevia. We beat the Aussies solid the weekend before last but this weekend the All Blacks gave us a drumming ... lol


Why thank you for the information, Basel! :)


It's quite funny, my cousin is working in the hotel they were staying at and she was hoping hat they lose, so that she would have an early night (cause if they had won they would have been partying all night :tongue: )

  On 10/9/2012 at 5:23 PM, Elgee said:

She was hoping who would lose? Us?


Im assuming since she mentioned a hotel she means the visiting team, and since her cousin most likely lives in south africa, that she is referring to the all blacks.


What defines a sport as an autumn sport?


The Premier league starts end of august so for me the autumn means football is back :biggrin:


In school I did (ranked in order of how much i got involved in it) football, rugby, athletics, cricket, ice hockey. I mean i did a lot of stuff but thats the ones i played to any real degree.


cool I wish I could play football :sad:... I guess an autumn sport is something that starts around september, after the first day of fall, or the games start in the fall.


One would think she'd want the All Blacks to lose anyway! :P


I played badminton at school. Since we did athletics during spring/summer, I suppose we must have done that during autumn/winter.


I also played clarinet in the high school marching band! That's awesome to have so many banders here @ DM. I loved marching band, even more than concert season.


I never really played any sport in high school, but both my sisters played volley ball, track, & basket ball. I really enjoy volley ball - one of my favorite olympic sports! USA team did pretty well this year. :)


As for football - my husband's family lived in California at one point (before he was born) so we all cheer on the 49ers!! But my heart belongs to the Texans, even though most people here in Texas cheer on the Dallas Cowboys.


My mom knows one of the people on the 49ers because she grew up with him in California. I have a lot of friends who are fans of the Cowboys


Ohh my husband would be jealous of your mom - that's cool that she grew up with him! :) I could never cheer for the Cowboys myself. I was born in Houston, so I'm always for the Astros & the Texans (used to be the Oilers back in the day). But I'm not the biggest fan of football myself, not like my in-laws are anyways. :)


The only sport I actually play is billards. I've played it since I was in high school.


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