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The Trollocs are invading Tar Valon

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The Trollocs are invading Tar Valon




Sound the alert! The Trollocs are invading Tar Valon. It is down to each and every one of you to use all the resources at your disposal to protect the City and Tar Valon.



Warning! All Trolloc killing and related activity must only be posted in THIS thread. Any one found posting Trolloc kills elsewhere will have points deducted and possibly be disqualified!





No more than two Trolloc/Fade Kills in a row by the same person. To kill a third you must wait for an alternative player to post a Kill.


By order of the Trolloc and Fade's Trade Union


How do I play?


Every day a bulletin will be posted stating how many Trollocs have been sighted, its then up to you to hunt them down and kill them before they go on the rampage and cause untold destruction. The Trollocs will be hiding in various threads within the White Tower; from the Main Board and Moat, all the way through to the Hall. New Trollocs will appear every day, and at various times, so you will need to keep your eyes peeled, your sword sharp, your weaves at the ready, and failing that – make sure you have a sturdy frying pan to hand.


This is the main game thread. Once you locate a Trolloc, you must return to this thread and quote the post where the Trolloc was found and a link to the thread and then describe how you killed the Trolloc. If the kill is confirmed you will earn points. You can also gain extra points for flair and creativity. It’s that simple. In general, you will earn two points for the kill and up to four points for the description. Occasionally a Fade may be spotted. These are worth DOUBLE points.



The Rules


1.PG-13 applies. Do not go on an absolute gore fest with your kill descriptions please. Remember, you can gain up to four extra points for creativity.


2.All Trolloc kills and discussions about the game should be posted into this thread. Any game related posts found elsewhere, especially in the Ajah’s and The Hall, will be treated as spam. You may incur penalty points or even disqualification if you do not abide by this rule.




3.Players can only use tools and techniques that correspond with their rank within the WT. Initiates and Novices will have to use everyday objects that are to hand, Accepted will have to do the same unless they are given permission by an Aes Sedai. Aes Sedai can show of their impressive Battle Weaves. Those who are Warder pathed can use swords or whatever other weapon they have been trained in.


4.A Trolloc cannot be killed twice so it is first come, first served. Players will need to check the Kill List or face being told they have committed a duplicate kill - with no points.


5.A running total of points and kills will be updated regularly. Check the Player List for this.


6.Any Trollocs not located within 24 hours will have a location clue posted by the Game Master. Any Trollocs killed after a location clue has been posted will only earn half points unless the Game Master is feeling generous.


7. The game will last for as long as the Trollocs continue their advances. Notification of the game ending, will be posted into the game thread by the Game Master.


8. The Game Master may add extra challenges, to make it interesting, as the game progresses.


Want to play?


Just wait for the first Alert to be posted and then go hunting. Any one can join in and play at any time. Just find, kill and post your kill description here.


May the Light protect and strengthen us all.

  • Replies 273
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Game Master's Kill & Points List


Kill List




Trolloc 1. Main WT Board Pinned Daes Damar- Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 2. Damodred Dorm - Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 3. Hiding in Blue, Last one Standing - Confirmed Kill by Millon

Trolloc 4. Gray, Today I - confirmed kill by Basel

Trolloc 5. Main Board Gray Ajah Summer festival notice. Confirmed Kill by Volke

Trolloc 6. Green quarters, Proud of myself. Confirmed Kill by Volke

Trolloc 7. Aspie Kitchen. Confirmed kill by Millon

Trolloc 8. Strange extra Trolloc that turned up in this thread somehow. Confirmed kill by Daruya

Trolloc 9. Red Ajah Sword Captain's Tour. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Trolloc 10. Warders - Sweet Sixteen. Confirmed Kill by Millon.

Trolloc 11. The Moat - Confirmed Kill by Fnorrll

Trolloc 12. Main WT Board. Mother's New Pet. Confirmed Kill by Elgee

Trolloc 13. Yellow. Stuff bad for Dogs. Confirmed Kill by Millon

Trolloc 14. White. Hang Man. Confirmed Kill by Nargy

Trolloc 15 Main WT board - who would you be quiz - confirmed kill by Daruya

Trolloc 16. Warders - Brandon Sanderson. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Trolloc 17. Main WT - Foretelling Room. Confirmed Kill by Millon.

Trolloc 18. Mosvani Dorm- confirmed Kill by Nargy

Trolloc 19. Blues Pool- confirmed Kill by Sakaea

Trolloc 20. Browns Romans - Confirmed Kill by Sakaea

Trolloc 21. Grays - Star Wars Ramblings - Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Trolloc 22. Reds - Five Letter Story - confirmed Kill by Millon

Trolloc 23. Lecture Hall - WT/DM sign ups - confirmed Kill by Millon

Trolloc 24. Grays - Today the Internet. Confirmed kill by Daruya

Trolloc 25. Main WT Board - Idiot Sightings - Confirmed Kill by Millon.

Trolloc 26. Whites - Snow Leopard Lounge. Confirmed Kill by Millon.

Trolloc 27. Hall of Tower - New Yellow Head. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Trolloc 28. Lecture Hall - WT/DM May class no. 1 - confirmed Kill by Millon

Trolloc 29. Warders - One word story game - confirmed Kill by Daruya

Trolloc 30. Yellows - Sunflower Cafe - confirmed Kill by Daruya.

Trolloc 31. Blues - HP in Real Life. Confirmed Kill by Key.

Trolloc 32. Lecture Hall - Video Games for Dummies. Confirmed Kill by Key.

Trolloc 33. Aspies - Go sign up for the WT/DM class. Confirmed Kill by Millon.

Trolloc 34. Greens - New Chapter in my Life. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Trolloc 35. Grays - Scavenger Hunt. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro.

Trolloc 36. Main WT Board - Too much WoT - confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 37. Warders - word association game. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro.

Trolloc 38. Blues - ^>v Game. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 39. Browns - Favourite Words. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 40. Yellow - 500 reasons - confirmed Kill by Tigara

Trolloc 41. Hall of Tower - New WT Adviser. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Trolloc 42. Warders - interesting Discussion. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 43. Main WT Board - Post picture again. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 44. Main WT Board - Red/White. Confirmed Kill by Daruya.

Trolloc 45. Grays - Guess the Plant - Confirmed Kill by Key

Trolloc 46. Blues - Anime and video watching. Confirmed Kill by Key

Trolloc 47. Browns - Where do you read. Confirmed Kill by Key

Trolloc 48. Greens - Emerald Inn. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 49. Reds - Dagnabbit. Confirmed kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 50. Warders - My Geekness Runneth Over. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 51. Browns - why spellcheck is important. Confirmed Kill by Key.

Trolloc 52. Main WT Board - Too often left unsaid. Confirmed kill by Daruya.

Trolloc 53. Warders - Movies to Watch - Confirmed Kill by Millon.

Trolloc 54. Blues - I just ordered. Confirmed Kill by Key

Trolloc 55. Whites - White Weaves. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Trolloc 56. Yellows - Theme Room. Confirmed Kill by Key

Trolloc 57. Aspies/Dorms - Help with Blue's Clue - Confirmed Kill by Daruya






Fade 1. Brown sword captain tour. Confirmed kill by Volke

Fade 2. Help out with Social Faire. Hall of Tower. Confirmed Kill by Tigara

Fade 3. Warders. Mums Sword Forms - confirmed kill by Daruya

Fade 4. Main WT Board. iPod Shuffle. Confirmed kill by Daruya

Fade 5. Greens Bleach - Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro.

Fade 6. Aspies. Trollocs! - Confirmed Kill by Northwind.

Fade 7. Hall of the Tower - Initiate Ithillian - confirmed Kill by Millon.

Fade 8. Main WT Board - Which book Ajah Quiz - confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 9. Yellow Head Office. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 10. Warders. Sword Forms. Confirmed Kill by Daruya.

Fade 11. Main WT Board - WT Request Line - confirmed Kill by Millon

Fade 12. Whites - Logic Puzzle. Confirmed Kill by Tigara.

Fade 13. Reds - Shhhh She's coming. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Fade 14. Main WT board - Post Pictured. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Fade 15. Aspies - Help with Brown event. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Fade 16. Hall of Tower - New WT Adviser Pankhuri. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 17. Yellows - Start of WoT books. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 18. Whites - Engrish. Confirmed Kill by Millon

Fade 19. Reds - Heroes and servants of all. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 20. Grays - Garden Party Recipies. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 21. Greens - Colour discussion. Confirmed Kill by Key

Fade 22. Warders - Blades' End Tavern. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Fade 23. Main WT Board - Fathers' Day. Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Fade 24. Blues - App for that. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 25. Browns - Reduced Shakespear - Confirmed Kill by Key

Fade 26. Grays - Recipe Cook off contest - Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 27. Reds - Work Stories. Confirmed Kill by Millon

Fade 28. Greens - Bonded Appreciation. Confirmed Kill by Key

Fade 29. Aspies/Dorms - Get to know the Monster. Confirmed Kill by Millon

Fade 30. Whites - Get Fit Challenge. Confirmed Kill by Daruya

Fade 31. Yellows - Funny Hats. Confirmed Kill by Key.



Points List


Points List

Warders' Total. 244

Aes Sedai Total. 300


Fnorrll. 1 Trolloc - 2 points. Kill Bonus - 1. Total points - 3


Elgee. 1 Trolloc - 2 points. Kill Bonus - 3. Total points - 5


Wolfbro. 12 Trollocs - 24 points. Kill Bonus - 27. 6 Fades - 24 points. Kill Bonus - 29 points. Total points - 104


Millon. 12 Trollocs - 24 - points. Kill Bonus - 33. 5 Fades - 20 points. Kill Bonus - 27 Points. Total points - 104


Basel. 1 Trolloc - 2 points. Kill Bonus - 2. Bonus Amy point - 1. Total points - 5


Volke. 2 Trollocs - 4 points. Kill Bonus - 3. 1 Fade - 4 points. Kill Bonus - 4. Total Points - 15


Daruya. 15 Trollocs - 30 points. Kill Bonus - 40. 12 Fades - 48 points. Kill Bonus 61 points. Bonus appropriate use of a Light Saber Points - 2 Total Points - 181


Tigara. 1 Trolloc - 2 points. Kill Bonus - 2. 2 Fade - 8 points. Kill Bonus - 9. Total points - 21


Nargy. 2 Trollocs - 4 points. Kill Bonus - 6. Total points - 10


Sakaea. 2 Trollocs - 4 points. Kill Bonus - 4 points. Total points - 8


Northwind. 1 Fade - 4 points. Kill Bonus - 4 points. Total points - 8


Key. 8 Trollocs - 16 points. Kill Bonus - 22 points. 4 Fades - 16 points. Kill Bonus - 23 points. GM Bonus - 3 point. Total points - 80





  On 6/3/2011 at 10:53 PM, volke said:

Looks at Mils and Ama Congrats you two, and Mils... do me a favor, dont mess with that thing again... I wont always be around to pull your butt out of the water




Fnorrll is walking with a novice near the moat when he spots a TROLLOC!!!! He sends the novice running to safety with the flat of his sword, then, since he is feeling lazy, he orders a dozen Algai to kill the trolloc, then sits back to see which ones will survive...




  On 5/30/2011 at 6:11 AM, Elgee said:
  On 5/29/2011 at 9:36 PM, Little Miss said:

Mirsh... I think they make baby animal diapers... >.> and as a momma of course elgee would have to change the diaper :p


No no no - my philosophy has always been "The pleasure is mine, the child is yours".







*Tickles her cute little cheetah cub's tummy and giggles as it chirps.* Whooo's a cutesy wutesy lil kittykins then? You are! Yes you are!


*Hears a grunt and looks over her shoulder to see a chicken-like Trolloc with yellow feathers standing behind her.* Oh hi there, Narg! Isn't my little pet adoooorable? Say hi to Narg, there's a good kittykins. He's one of our Warder trainees, you know. Aaaww did you hear that, Narg? She's growling at you ... sooo adorable!


Uhm ... Narg ... would you stop licking my arm please. Narg ... Narg! That's just disgusting *smacks Narg on the nose with a rolled-up Algai*. BAD Trolloc. And stop looking at me in that way! And what's with the grunting? You know you can speak properly better less badly nowadays. Did Fnorrll smack you too hard over the head again? Your eyes look really weir... ut oh.


*Looks more closely at Narg.* Yellow feathers ... NOT pink feathers. Some kind of bird ... NOT chicken. Looks even dumber than usual rather vacuous ... ohcrapohcrapohcrap THAT'S A TROLLOC!!


*Panics and hastily forms a Weave and flings it at the Trolloc. Oh. Crap. WHY do I always use that one by mistake? *Covers her ears as the Trolloc suddenly clutches its head and starts shrieking at the top of its voice.* Oh shuddup! It's not THAT bad! *Sniffs and hitches up stole.* YOU'RE not the one who's going to get spanked by Damon for Bonding someonething again. Or even worse, have Van laugh his ass off at you.


Man, how do I undo this? *Tries to remember the un-Bonding Weave a Brown had shown her once. Is too distracted by the Trolloc which is now writhing on the floor, whimpering and trying to rip its own head off.* Buggerit ... going to have to do this the hard way.


*Forms a Weave with Air and Earth and just a touch of Fire, then neatly removes all the feathers from the Trolloc.* Waste not, want not - the Yellows could probably use those. *Changes the Weave so it has LOTS of Fire and blasts the Trolloc to smithereens with Arrows of Fire.* ... eewww that's messy. And stinky.


*Feels a tear rolling gently down her cheek. Sniffs a bit. Wipes her nose on her sleeve and straightens up.* It was for the best, I suppose - it would never have worked between the two of us. Yellow simply does NOT go with my hair.


*Spots a few more shadowy figures slinking into the Tower from the corner of her eye.* Flaming cowbells ... *Quickly Weaves Amplify Voice and hollers:*




Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!


Everyone to your posts! Four new Trollocs have been sighted, and a Fade.


Protect Tar Valon and the White Tower by finding and destroying the Invaders


Trolloc 1. 2 points + bonus - Hiding in the Game of Houses - Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 2. 2 points + bonus - Hiding where Morraine might sleep - Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 3. 2 points + bonus - Hiding in Blue, Last one Standing - Confirmed Kill by Millon

Trolloc 4. 2 points + bonus - Gray, Today I - confirmed kill by Basel


Fade 1. 4 points + double bonus - confirmed kill by Volke

  On 5/30/2011 at 4:49 AM, Veranza said:
  On 5/29/2011 at 3:27 PM, Ithillian said:

Hi Sis, well maybe I could sign up again for you. I mean you could just sneak me the answers and stuff so I wouldn't have to do any REAL work. Although I have been keeping tabs on the Initiates and I think there is only Jack_D who has not signed up yet. Maybe you could run down some Algai and Novices via PM. I bet there's a list somewhere of people who have not taken it.


I would love to teach my sis. And you are smart enough to know the answers on your own. You don't need me to help you!





Wolf was strolling through the aspie quarters, walking into each house to see how Volkes "mission" was getting on. he opend the door to Damodred and saw what looked like a bird headed Trolloc lurking in the hallways. Wolf grinned to himself and eased his sword silently from its scabbard. Luckily, the Trolloc wasnt looking in his direction, and the dim light meant wolf could probably get close to the Trolloc before it realised he was there. Wolf crept along, keeping to the shadows. Suddenly, the Trolloc turned and leered at Wolf. Wolf sprang towards the Trolloc, leading with his sword and stabbed through the Trollocs chest. The Trolloc howled as Wolf's blade pushed out its back. The Trolloc hissed a death rattle as Wolf tried to pull his blade free. To his surprise, wolf had pinned the Trolloc to the wall, and his blade wouldnt budge. Wolf grinned and looked at the slain Trolloc. "Stick around" he said and went to find someone to help him retrieve his blade.

  On 5/2/2011 at 11:06 AM, Tynaal Consen said:



The Annual Dragonmount Awards are up and running! Wanna know who's been winning which Empy? Well you've come to the right thread.




Keep an eye on the

Dragonmount Awards board for forthcoming announcements of the winners of:


Newbie of the Year

Best Dragonmount Feature

Golden Empy Award

Most Outstanding Social Group

Most Improved Social Group

Best Social Group Leader

Most Impressive Roleplaying Group

Most Improved RP Group

Funniest Roleplayer

Most Impressive Roleplay Organsier

Most impressive PSW RP Writer

Best PSW Roleplaying Thread

Best Roleplay Group Leader

Most impressive Revolution RP Writer

Best Revolution Roleplaying Thread





Wolf was walking around, looking for someone to help get his sword back. He thought he could see something huge running towards him. Another Trolloc, Oh great, another one, Wolf thought and reached for his sword, only to find air. Crap, he thought and drew his favourite dagger from his belt. Better than nothing, he thought as the Trolloc bounded towards him. Wolf turned the dagger in his hands so he held the blade, and when the Trolloc was 20 feet away he threw it expertly at the Trollocs head. The dagger lodged itself in the Trollocs forehead and it crashed to the ground. Despite the adrenaline running through his veins, Wolf grinned. Im getting good at this, he thought and retrieved his lucky dagger. He'd kiss the blade, but after where it had been, he thought better of it.


Waaaaiiiiit a minute here. You are editing old posts? So, I would need to read BACK to find some of these? Just wanted to make sure is all.


Not stupidly far back Mills :-). And if they don't get found quickly I start giving clues. Can't have a load of Trollocs rampaging round the place forever lol.


They have to be spread out through the day and night to make sure everyone gets to play. Others should appear throughout the night. Then a whole new bunch tomorrow. If necessary - we can up the numbers. I'm really glad you are enjoying it though. I will go shake some trees see if I can get a couple more released. :-)


At least one more has come out of hiding guys. No clues yet though.


The last Trolloc for tonight, and a Fade have now come out of hiding!

  On 6/3/2011 at 10:08 PM, Sakaea said:

Wheel of Time - 15

Harry Potter - 9

Narnia - 8

The Dark Tower - 7

A Song of Ice & Fire - 16

Percy Jackson & the Olympians - 5

Enders Series - 9

Discworld - 11

Lord of the Rings - 5





*Millon chuckles at the irony of the situation he now stands in. Him just now working over the fatigue of being bonded and healed at the Moat just to turn a corner of the Tower to see this. A Goat faced.......nuisance.* A bleedin trolloc. All I wanted was some of JhaeJays muffins *snoogans* and all I find is this.


*the trolloc stamps it's hoof against the floor as though ready to charge*

Lets just see WHO will be the last man standing indeed you unborn atrocity.


*the trolloc charges. Millon stands motionless, hand on hilt, at the charge. The void envelopes him and he can SEE the hunger in the misshapen goat's eyes. The trolloc's lips pull back in a rictous revealing pink stained teeth and Millon's breath catches. Pink...*


You will die slowly for whoever was your last meal! *at the last moment Millon drops to a knee and attacks with The River Undercuts The Bank, slashing the hamstrings of the trolloc. Bellowing, the trolloc's legs crumple. Millon slowly rises and turns to the the beast. *


*he steps in front of the trolloc and places the edge of his blade against the trolloc's neck*

Time to pray to the Great Lord fool.

*with a swipe of his sword he opens the creatures neck. And with another swipe removes the badge from the creature's neck. A trident.* Don't have this one yet. *he says as he walks away*

  On 6/6/2011 at 6:52 PM, Ithillian said:

Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!


Everyone to your posts! Four new Trollocs have been sighted, and a Fade.


Protect Tar Valon and the White Tower by finding and destroying the Invaders


Trolloc 1. 2 points + bonus - Hiding in the Game of Houses - Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 2. 2 points + bonus - Hiding where Morraine might sleep - Confirmed Kill by Wolfbro

Trolloc 3. 2 points + bonus - Hiding in Blue, Last one standing - confirmed Kill by Millon

Trolloc 4. 2 points + bonus - Hiding in Gray, Today I - Confirmed Kill by Basel


Fade 1. 4 points + double bonus - hmmm smells chocolatey - killed by Volke




  On 6/6/2011 at 7:15 PM, Mirshann Uuranor said:

Today I...

have made a decision. I have decided that that stupid bed frame that I've been asking my husband to put together for months now, to no avail, is something I'm just going to have to do my own darned self. And if he has a problem with me using his ratchet set and other assorted toolbox stuffs, he's making his own dinner. :tongue:





Basel walks down the hall in the Aspie area, turns a corner into the kitchen, and finds a Trolloc! He grabs a fork off the nearest table, feints to the left, then comes straight in and jams the fork deep into the Trolloc's right eye. The monster falls over, gurgles, and struggles. Basel grabs a frying pan and hits it over the head, then pulls the fork out and stabs it in the forehead. The Trolloc stops moving. Basel is exhausted and grabs a glass of water.


Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!


Everyone to your posts! Five new Trollocs have been sighted, and 2 more Fades.


Protect Tar Valon and the White Tower by finding and destroying the Invaders


Left over from Yesterday


Fade 1. 4 points + Double Bonus. Hmmmm smells like Chocolate - Brown sword captain tour. Confirmed kill by Volke


New sightings


Trolloc 1. 2 points + bonus - Main Board Gray Ajah Summer festival notice. Confirmed Kill by Volke


Trolloc 2. 2 points + bonus - Green quarters, Proud of myself. Confirmed Kill by Volke


Trolloc 3. 2 points + bonus - Aspie Kitchen. Confirmed kill by Millon


Trolloc 4. 2 points + bonus - strange extra Trolloc that turned up in this thread somehow. Confirmed kill by Daruya


Trolloc 5. 2 points + bonus - Red Ajah Sword Captain's Tour. Confirmed Kill by Daruya


Trolloc 6. 2 points + bonus - Warders - Sweet Sixteen. Confirmed Kill by Millon.


Fade 1. 4 points + Double Bonus - Help out with Social Faire. Hall of Tower. Confirmed Kill by Tigara


Fade 2. 4 points + Double Bonus - Warders. Mums Sword Forms - confirmed kill by Daruya


All kills from this alert have now been completed. Please wait for the next alert

  On 6/6/2011 at 6:54 PM, Ithillian said:
  On 6/6/2011 at 6:51 PM, The_Fnorrll_Reborn said:

...and Elgee wins already! Lol


You left him to the Algai! You can't expect major points for that ;-)


Sadly i cant actually play, since i already know where all the trolloc are :P but what I meant was, Elgee's post was so darned funny no one was going to top it...


First Post



  On 6/6/2011 at 5:14 PM, poetstorm said:

Wow, you did all that with the polygonal lasso tool? Neat. ^-^ I’ve used that before as well as the magnetic lasso. Do you have that in elements?. I have Photoshop CS2 installed.




Is walking around the Green Ajah's corridors when he see a Trolloc trying to sneak into a room. He draws his sword, and stealthily creeps up behind it. He notices it twitch and stop. The trolloc had smelled him. With a battle cry he lunged at the trolloc and shoved his sword through its spine.



Second Post




  On 6/2/2011 at 2:18 PM, Vanion said:

Heh... Paet de-shifting Aes Sedai... I like that man's style!





Is walking through the Brown Ajah's corridors when he hears Fnorrll calling for him. He turns and walks towards the room, on his way he spots a shade sneaking out of one ot he Brown sister's rooms toward the same room. He sounds the alarm, then draws his sword and leaps at the fade. He uses everything that Fnorrll, and the other senior warders taught him. He was injured several times, but each time he countered with a mighty blow of his own. Finally with one mighty swing, he chopped the Fade's head right off its shoulders


Take that you bloody Dark-spawn! He kicks the dead Fade's body, then turns to leave. He takes several steps before wavering unsteadily and he falls over passing out from his wounds, and blood loss


The other reason Fnorrll can't play is because no-one else would probably stand a chance if he was out there smiting. So he very kindly agreed to help out back stage instead. :-)




  On 6/5/2011 at 11:29 PM, Mirshann Uuranor said:




What: The Gray Ajah Midsummer Festival to celebrate midsummer and all sort summer garden party fun!

When: Sunday, June 12th - Sunday, June 19th

Where The Gray Ajah forum

R.S.V.P.: Come to the Gray Ajah forums beginning the 12th of June and enjoy!



Join us for discussions, how-tos, friendly conversation, and games with prizes awarded at the end of the week!

We look forward to seeing you there and getting to know you. :wink:




Also, help us promote this event with the following sigs:















After waking up he limps towards the Yellow Ajah's corridors. ON his way there he passes through the Gray Corridors, and over heres the Gray sisters talking about a festival. His curiousity cause him to stop, and listen. He stood there for several minutes when he noticed an odor. He smelled his tunic, it was not from him. Then he heard the growl. He whipped around just in time to see the trolloc swing at him. He ducked and reached for his sword but it was not there. He had left it at the fade's body. He cursed quietly as the Trolloc swung at him again. He ducked and drew his hunting knife, and lunged bewteen the Trolloc's legs before spinning around and slashing across the backs of its knees. Trolloc howled as it fell to its knees. Volke stood upunsteadily, and slammed his knife into the base of the trolloc's neck, severing the spine. Then for good measure and to make sure it was dead. He drew his knife out of the beasts neck and thrust it up into the beasts skull

  On 6/7/2011 at 7:44 AM, Ithillian said:

The other reason Fnorrll can't play is because no-one else would probably stand a chance if he was out there smiting. So he very kindly agreed to help out back stage instead. :-)


Only cos i watch almost every topic :p I'm sure some of my trainees would give me a run for my money.


I want to see some Fnorrll smiting! Especially if it's a Fade ... cos let's face it, you haz to haz Da Awesome Warder Powaz to smite a Fade :biggrin:


There has been some truly awesome and amazing smiting occuring today. I am very impressed with you all :biggrin:.


*wonders when the next lot of invaders will come out of hiding*


Well, darn! I had checked that thread in the Blue Ajah and also the Grey Midsummer Festival thread earlier yesterday but must have just missed those darn Trollocs. Tricksy, sneaksy creatures that they are . . .


*squares shoulders determinedly and vows to scour the Tower in search of the Shadowspawn . . . as she has time, anyway*


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