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Mashiara Sedai

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Posts posted by Mashiara Sedai

  1. Sumo wrestling on PBS?  I didn't know they did that.  Very interesting.


    Bobsledding is such an interesting sport, I think.  It seems such an odd concept--let's put two to four people inside this metal contraption and push them down an ice-slide.  What could go wrong?


    Curling is also strange. 


    Winter sports are definitely odd compared to their summer counterparts.

  2. You got it, Rhea!


    You won this round.  I'll PM you your word and you have 24 hours to post your picture.



    A sit spin is one of the three basic spins in figure skating.  It's performed in a squat position, with less than 90 degrees between the skater's thigh and calf.  Adding it to a jump can make a flying sit spin.


    Image result for sit spin gif

  3. @BFG Good work!  You won that round.  I will PM you with your word and you have 24 hours to post your drawing  here.


    A triple toe loop is a type of jump in figure skating.  A skater uses the toe pick of the opposite foot to help lift them off the ice.  They start the jump backwards, for a triple they need three rotations, then they land on the same foot.


    Image result for triple toe loop gif

  4. You sure know your skiers, Rhea!  What about the sport draws you to it?


    I should have included it in my OP, so here’s a list of current winter sports played at the Olympics




    Winter Olympic Sports for 2018

    The 15 sports of the Winter Olympics are categorized into three main categories: (1) ice sports, (2) alpine, skiing and snowboarding events, and (3) Nordic events. In each of these sports categories there are more specific events as listed.


    Ice Sports

    Bobsled (Two-man, Two woman and Four-man)



    Ice Hockey

    Figure Skating (Men's singles, Ladies' singles, Pairs, Team and Ice Dancing)

    Speed Skating

    Short Track Speed Skating(500m, 1,000m, 1,500 m and Relays)



    Alpine, Skiing and Snowboarding Events

    Alpine Skiing (Downhill, Super G, Giant slalom, Slalom, Super Combined)

    Freestyle Skiing (Aerials, Moguls, Ski Cross, Ski halfpipe and Ski slopestyle)

    Snowboarding (Parallel Giant Slalom, Halfpipe and Snowboard Cross and Slopestyle)


    Nordic Events

    Biathlon (combining cross-country skiing and target shooting: individual, sprint, pursuit, mass start & relay events)

    Cross-Country Skiing (individual and team sprint, freestyle, pursuit, classical and relays)

    Ski Jumping

    Nordic Combined (ski jumping and cross country skiing)

  5. Welcome to the White Ajah Winter Ball!  I just finished up at the kiss and cry, so give me a minute to change into my gown.


    Image result for olympic ice skaters kiss and cry


    Here we are!


    Image result for white snowy dresses


    The Winter Ball is a place for athletes to relax in between their sports, and to mingle with those of other countries (or Ajahs/Disciplines).


    So come in and have a seat.


    Image result for white snowy banquet


    Eat some delicious food.


    Image result for elegant food with ice sculptures


    Or hit the dance floor!


    Image result for snowy themed dance

  6. Image result for olympics


    Welcome one and all to the White Ajah Winter Olympics event!


    This game is PICTIONARY, a game where you get to show off your drawing skills.  We need 3+ players to begin.



    Player 1 is given a ice skating term/topic/person from ME.  They have 24 hours to draw a picture and post it here.  Drawings can be digital, or real (with pen/pencil/etc.).  A picture can be taken of a real drawing and it can be posted here.  If you need directions on how to do this, PM me.


    As soon as Player 1 posts the picture, the other players are able to guess what the picture is.  Player 1 or myself can chime in and say yes or no to the guesses.  The Player who guesses correctly will be the next to draw.


    As the game progresses, new players can join in at any time!  Just add your guess! 


    Any questions?



    1. Rhea - 1

    2. Kukasö - 1

    3. BFG - 2

    4. Chaelca - 

  7. Image result for olympics


    What is your favorite winter sport?


    When I was a child, I loved to watch figure skating, fueled on by films such as The Cutting Edge. This was about the time Nancy Kerrigan became famous, and not long after, Tonya Harding became infamous.  I gravitated toward Kristi Yamaguchi and Oksana Baiul.


    As I grew up, I stopped watching the sport.  Flash forward to 2016 when the anime Yuri on Ice came into being.  My love for ice skating drew me to the show, and I'm glad it did!  It's amazing, a show many real life figure skaters love because of how accurately it portrays the sport and the relationships established within it.


    Last weekend, my husband and I saw the movie I, Tonya, a retelling of the events between Nancy Kerrigan and her attacker, but told through Tonya Harding's eyes.  It's was a phenomenal movie, and it was actually quite sad seeing it from her perspective.


    After ice skating, my next favorite is hockey--thanks again to The Cutting Edge.  Watching hockey is very cool and exciting.  Seeing the players throw their equipment to the ground and begin to punch each other, or roughly pushing another into the protective, plastic divider makes your heart skip a beat.  It may be a tad bit violent--much more so than most other sports--but it's wonderfully entertaining!


    So, what's your favorite winter sport?  Will you be watching the event this year and cheering on your team?

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