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Mashiara Sedai

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Posts posted by Mashiara Sedai

  1. Just finished the first disc.


    I loved the opening with Gandalf battling the balrag as they plummet down the hole. It was so intense!


    Other than that, I’m enjoying the way the idea evil isn’t so clear cut. Frodo sees something redeemable in Gollum, and that small faith is what helps Gollum remember who he once was. The evil inside him from the ring isn’t permenant. Even the scene where Frodo and Adam are captured shows the depth of the concept of evil. The man (it hasn’t said his name yet) wonders about one of the Wild Men, was he fighting based on misinformation, or was he reallly evil? That complexity is so interesting to me!

  2. Once I was watching, a lot of this came back to me. I wonder if the same will happen for the next two. I can barely remember anything from those.


    This one was so good! I actually got pretty choked up when Boromir died. It was a great example of a good antagonist—someone who stands in the way of the protagonist, but is not necessarily evil. We get so hung up on antagonist being the villain. Boromir was only concerned about his people, as any leader would be.


    I also really like that Aragorn chose to chase Merry and Pippin. In most cases, you think the less important characters are lost for the greater good. Getting the Ring to Mordor should be their first priority. But they want to save the kidnapped Hobbits instead and it makes me so happy!

  3. I agree, James, that the scene with the wood elves was beautiful!


    When the Fellowship is in the mines of Moria, it seems as if Gandalf makes too big a deal about Gollum’s importance. They really beat you over the head with it. Wouldn’t it have been better for it to pass by without so much fanfare? That’s the way good foreshadowing is done. Now we know that Gollum is the one who saves the day at the very end. It’s a bit disappointing.

  4. Already, I’m seeing a lot of aspects other series have drawn on. Definitely WoT and even Harry Potter.


    The ages that come and pass, lost civilizations and knowledge, races which want to leave the world from the threat of the Dark Lord—all in WoT too.


    The Dark Lord’s soul not being destroyed because the One Ring survived is definitely Voldemort and his hourcrux.


    I’ve read several essays on the concept of intellectual property, meaning an idea can belong to one person. And yet so many books, movies, shows are lifted from so many others! Where do you draw the line between being inspired by something and stealing an idea from something?


    Also, does anyone else remember when Elijah Wood was a teenage heart throb? *lol*

  5. msg-6827-0-41163300-1507491336.jpg


    Welcome to Mashi's Movie Rewatch: The Fellowship of the Ring!


    It's been probably eight or nine years since I've watched these films and I thought this would be a great opportunity to view them all again.  We'll start with The Fellowship of the Ring, the first in the series.  The film originally opened in the US on December 10, 2001, with an extended version released the next year on DVD and VHS (which really dates how long ago the film came out!).  For this purpose, I'll be viewing the extended version.


    I'm going to watch this tomorrow, (Monday the 9th) around 11am EST.  I'll post my comments as I'm going through, with things I like, dislike, or anything that stands out to me from my previous viewing.  Feel free to watch too, or just add to the discussion if it's all clear in your mind.

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