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Jagen Sedai

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Posts posted by Jagen Sedai

  1. A brothel, Jagen thought in some disgust. "Well, his history, that certainly explains his behavior," Jagen felt exasperated, "but it does not excuse it." She wanted to ask him if he was a child, but decided to push that in the back of her mind, for now.


    "The Black Tower, it grows quickly, but perhaps too quickly for it's own good," she explained, looking at Adrim now. "But the White Tower, we have agreed to work together with you, yes?" She looked around his house; it wasn't bad, but she nearly shuddered to think it was all put together with saidin. But it was fascinating. She couldn't deny that.

    "Nonetheless," she continued in a slightly more pleasant tone, remembering why she was here, "It is... remarkable... what you, the Asha'man have managed to accomplish here. It is pointless to deny it. I came here to see it for myself. And while I think your... advancement process... could use work.... The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills."


    She smoothed her gray skirts, itching for the comfort of her shawl. No, she didn't need that. But she rarely went without it, when on Tower or Ajah business. "Ah, I realize I have not introduced myself. I am Jagen Sedai. And you, Adrim, yes? I understand you are Nox's mentor? How did you two meet, and come here, if you do not mind my asking?" She looked around for a chair, and moved to sit.

  2. Jagen nodded to herself as she turned away from the men working the wall. If they did manual labor with the One Power--and she presumed as she looked around, everything else they did--it explained how they were rising so quickly within their ranks.  All around her, men using saidin. Getting stronger, more deft, in it. Her lips tightened. They got stronger while avoiding doing anything that made Aes Sedai otherwise so great--learning about the world, discipline with good, manual labor to build character, and receiving a proper education.


    They could use the Power, but they were little better than wild, undisciplined children.


    Nox answered her question. And then, with chosen words, winked and grinned at her. He winked at her!


    Jagen's hands grasped her gray skirts and clutched them, and her eyes narrowed, her expression growing cold. If anything the visit thus far only hardened Jagen's belief they needed to be gentled. All of them. Foolish children. Animals with crass desires. How dare he imply anything of the sort with her!


    She drew herself up. "I am Aes Sedai, you foolish boy, and I suggest you do not attempt to clarify what it is you're implying." She was going to threaten with dragging him off to the Tower, but that wouldn't do. Only her anger covered her fear, though, and she very well wanted to draw up a gateway back to the White Tower then and there.


    No, she thought, this boy, do not let him think he has intimidated me.

    "Bring me to Adrim. He is the one I wish to speak with, lucky for you." He was no one she'd ever heard of before, but knowing that he was supposed to be Nox's mentor, she certainly wanted to speak to him now, if for no other reason than to tell him he needed to discipline his charge.

  3. I'm thinking of creating a character I want to RP first in Retro, as an Accepted. ICT I'd like her to be Aes Sedai, but I definitely want to get to know her most in the Accepted phase. I just need a few days of budding inspiration. :)

  4. I'm wondering, by count, who we have for active Aes Sedai (and Accepted that know what Ajah they'll join) and what their Ajah is, just for knowing purposes.


    I know we have two active Red PCs (myself and one other), and two active Yellows (same), but I don't know about the other Ajahs.


    I'm also looking for any active Whites and Browns, for RP purposes. :smile: Basically I want to make an Accepted, who I only know is wanting to go Brown or White, and I was hoping some PCs could um, vie for her  :)

  5. Jagen watched Nox in silence, observing him as he interacted with the boy. She certainly hoped the boy couldn't channel, or learn. She would hate to go after a child. No, we do not gentle anymore. Not unless they're already mad, of course. She did not like to think of a child going mad from the Taint.


    "Yes, thank you," she replied to Nox, having calmed down from before. She was in little danger of being bonded here, she thought. Still, the sight of every man there made her feel like a deer surrounded by lions. Channeling lions. Asha'man, they called themselves. Jagen nearly harrumphed. It meant 'guardians', and she thought it stupid.


    Jagen purposely spent more time looking at all the buildings than the men around her. A few regarded her warily. Most, thankfully, seemed to ignore her after a glance, if they looked at all. At least one older fellow an an expression of open contempt on his face. Jagen assumed he knew an Aes Sedai face. At least she wore gray today. She couldn't help but let a corner of her mouth turn up in a grin, as memories came into her mind of bringing channeling men to the Tower to be gentled.

    The buildings were many; much more than she expected. The Black Tower wasn't a tower at all, but more of a village. A large one. There were huge warehouse-sized buildings of wood and smaller buildings of stone, but many were the size of a minor noble's house, or a well-to-do merchant. She was quite fascinated by it.


    "This place, it is more of a city than a Tower," the Aes Sedai commented, watching a man and woman come out of a small house, a child running from behind them. "Families. Children." She looked and saw men who seemed well versed in masonry working the large wall that was to surround the entirety; perhaps that's exactly what their profession was before coming here. Yet now they worked the stones with the One Power. Saidin was being channeled right in front of her, all around. Stones were laid precisely and in large quantities. She wasn't sure how she felt about the wall. It meant they were blocking themselves off from the rest of the world, trying to shut everyone out. It struck her as very defensive in nature--but who, exactly, did they want to keep out? The White Tower, she thought, and perhaps others who didn't want them here.


    She watched the floating bricks a moment longer before turning away from the wall. She noted more women, now, mending clothes or carrying baskets of food. They had to all be family. "Do you have a family here?" she asked Nox. "Friends?"

  6. Jagen lowered her hands slowly from Tesarene's temples, watching the fellow Red carefully. The sister gasped and shuddered, and for a moment looked dizzy.

    "I feel... like I was hit with a brick." Tesarene rubbed her head as she leaned back, and her eyes slowly widened. "I can feel him more strongly, now. Yes." She nodded to herself. "Very curious. And... odd." She looked queasy, but soon she looked like she was working on a puzzle in her head. "So this is what it is like to be ... double Bonded."


    Jagen relaxed. It felt odd for her too, to suddenly have the bundle of emotions that was Aslan gone from her mind. She let out a breath, sure she felt better. Alone, perhaps, but now she could examine her own feelings without the knot in the back of her mind. "Indeed."

    The two sat for a time in silence, sipping their tea. The Sitter's was unsweetened and strong in flavor, and she was grateful it tasted good. After some time Tesarene nodded again. "I will take care of him, Jagen, while you do what you must." The Sitter only nodded. Tesarene took another sip of her tea, then excused herself.


    Jagen only relaxed fully after the other Red was gone. Finally, she was free of that damnable man. It wasn't that he was necessarily that bad, but she resented him from the moment he bonded her, simply because of how that bond had worked. But she had bonded him back, and managed to transfer both to Tesarene. After telling Aslan what was going on, of course; he had to pass his half to the other Red, as well.


    The Sitter took a bath, and after put on a white dress slashed with red to attend to dinner. She rarely took dinner in her room, as she liked to know what was going on inside and outside of the Tower on a daily basis. Meals were an ideal time to talk with her sisters. As she entered the hallway and pulled shut the door, she looked up in time to see an almost unfamiliar face heading toward her. It made the Sitter blink.

    "Carraidhin?" she asked, her tone surprised. Jagen made sure when she had entered the Ajah long ago to learn the face and name of every sister, and all those who came after. But she could not recall anything else about her, not in this moment, at least. "Your name is Carraidhin, yes?"




    By chance how old is Carraidhin? Jagen is 190, and was raised when Kathana was Amyrlin. I couldn't find a current age in your bio.

  7. Jagen had firmly planned to stay on her horse the entire time--or at least during the beginning. She wanted every advantage she could get, including that of sitting. She had not expected him to offer his hand. It presented her a problem. If she didn't accept it, she'd be seen as too haughty, perhaps, and he would mot likely be much less inclined to help her.


    But she worried more what would happen if she did accept it. While it was possible he was being genuine, Jagen could not help but visibly stiffen, and even lean back, away from him, in her saddle. Her eyes widened slightly as if he'd extended a weapon. Last time an Asha'man reached out to her, she'd been kissed and found herself bonded at the same time. She almost grabbed saidar, but after telling herself hundreds of times not to overreact here--if that was possible!--she had at least some control.


    She composed herself quickly and swung off the saddle--on the opposite side from him. She walked stiffly, holding onto her mare's reins. "Her name is Vega," she said coolly. She did not mean for her demeanor to change so quickly, but now she was clearly tense. She forced herself to sound more friendly as she thought of something to distract from herself, "And you, your name is Nox, yes? Where are you from?" Then she added, only for his benefit, "If you don't mind me asking."


    I have to be calm. Relax, she told herself firmly. What a fine mess I will find myself in if I scare him!

  8. Jagen smiled down at him. It was not forced, but a genuine smile. She wanted him to feel unthreatened, though he made her somewhat wary. She thought it would be awhile before she had to stop fighting her urge to shield him. 


    “This, it is my first visit to your Black Tower,” she said smoothly. She had had to practice saying that without her mouth turning up in disgust. Right now performance was everything. Calm. In control. She thought of telling him that she was one of the sisters who Bonded an Asha’man, but thought against it.   “Perhaps you’d care to be a guide, if it is allowed. If it is not, perhaps you can point me to a... gentleman more appropriate.” 


    Gentleman. She almost felt like laughing at the absurd notion. As she thoght about it, no man who could channel was truly a gentleman, not in her eyes. She did glance at his book, half wondering what he was reading—and had he nothing better to do? Jagen had been under the impression that everyone was kept busy from sun up until sun down. Nonetheless she countered herself fortunate to have run into one of them outside the walls. She was not surrounded, then. 

  9. Celestine felt both overwhelmed and relaxed at once, if that was possible. She was utterly exhausted--she hadn't slept since before yesterday's test--and it took all her remaining strength to stay up on her feet. At least she'd received Healing after the testing was done. That had made her feel refreshed. Now it was breakfast time--the last part of the Raising always took place very early in the morning--but perhaps she could eat right after. Still, she wasn't thinking about food, but how the Yellow Ajah quarters were now her home.


    Eqwina was the Head of the Ajah, the First Weaver. Celestine had to remember that. And the names of the Sitters--Camigwen and Nynaeve. She couldn't possibly remember all the other Yellows whose name she did not know already, but as the last sister welcomed her, she made sure to keep her name in mind. Seheria. It was very unique, she thought.


    "I am sure you have had a trying day and could use a rest," Seheria addressed her. "I would show you to your own rooms, but I'm afraid they are not quite ready for you yet. Please, come join me for some tea, some talk, and a bit of a rest. Your day has been long and unlike any other since your arrival here, but I assure you, your journey is just as fresh now as it was when you first walked through the Tower doors. A new journey, mind, and one you are largely in control of...or will be, but a new beginning to a new way of life is starting before sundown."


    "Thank you, Seheria Se--" She stopped, then smiled. "Thank you. Sister." She nearly spread her banded skirts in a curtsy, but as she grabbed them she just managed to stop herself. Her shawl almost fell off her shoulders as she did--she was still carrying the huge bouquet of yellow thunderfox flowers Busaya had given her in the hallway upon her welcome--and she embarrassingly caught it, holding it close as if dropping the fringed cloth would have ended her. And perhaps it would have, with all the new rules. She clutched that shawl like her life depended on it.


    Still, when the Sitters and Eqwina made their departure, she did curtsy for them.


    She followed Seheria into her quarters, and spotted Chelisa, another Accepted. Celestine had just seen her yesterday after returning from her test.

    "If you'd like some tea, Sister," Seheria said, "I'm sure the child would happily steep it before she returns to her classes."

    "I--" She looked at the Accepted. Not the other Accepted, not anymore, even though Celestine still wore her Accepted's dress. But she had her shawl now. And the Three Oaths made her feel like she was wearing tight leather all over her body like a second skin. "Thank you Chelisa," she said in a very friendly tone. A warm tone. They weren't friends per say, but there were few Celestine didn't get along with among the Accepted. "Tea would be most welcome."

    "Yes, Celestine Sedai," Chelisa said.


    Celestine almost paused. It was the first time someone called her that, and that someone had been her equal just yesterday. But Chelisa's tone was proud and happy for her, she could tell. Celestine smiled more, and looked to Seheria. She did not wish to sit before the other Sister, in case it was improper, and still held the bouquet of flowers, somewhat awkwardly.



  10. Jagen slowed her mare considerably as she rode closer to the gate. While still far enough away the man standing watch did not call to her, she noticed a reader sitting nearby. A man, who promptly bolted up upon seeing her and did up his shirt buttons. Good, so he knew to show some modicum of respect. She hoped he was not on duty, but that hardly seemed likely. Maybe he was enjoying a short break in the middle of guarding the wall?


    She gently pulled the reins and Vega stopped. Resting her hands on the pommel of the saddle, she studied his face. A man who could channel, like Aslan. How long would it give her pause, to wonder how much had changed in so short a time? While she had attended a small gathering at the White Tower where a man offered to introduce them to saidin, to even link with him to feel it, Jagen had stayed on the sidelines. She had not been prepared for that, and had no desire to do so.


    So again, why had she come here? She knew the answers. She just didn't let them come to the forefront of her mind.


    Looking at the man, she smoothed her gray skirts. The Sitter wondered how he got that scar on his cheek; he seemed almost pretty, otherwise. Then she spotted the pins on his collar--a full Asha'man then.

    "I am Jagen Sedai," she announced. "I have come from the White Tower, but on... less than official business."

  11. Jagen waited some time after Aubriana's comments before she let the ball of light disappear. The Aes Sedai did not bother to verbally acknowledge what the young girl said. She let go of the Source and straightened her back. "So. You wish to learn from Aes Sedai, but not become one. No ambitions at all, then, Lady Aubriana?" She raised an eyebrow, and did not wait for an answer. "It is too bad for you, yes? The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills." She adjusted her shawl, though it didn't need it.


    "The White Tower, child, is a symbol of the Light itself. It is influence. Power. Would you not want, if you could, to be part of something so grand? To be more than what you are today? Well, whatever you say now, you will certainly have plenty of time to think on it in the coming years." She stood up. "The Mistress of Novices, I must take you back to her. Come. The test is over."


    She turned away, not waiting for the girl to stand nor did she give her room for her own questions. But Jagen smiled just a little until they reached the small office of Valeri Sedai. She knocked politely, and opened the door. The Red's smile grew.


    "Valeri Sedai, we have a new novice on our hands."

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