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Jagen Sedai

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Posts posted by Jagen Sedai

  1. Jagen only nodded. She finally picked up the tea and took in the smell to see what kind it was.  She took a small sip out of politeness and kept the cup in her hands. She didn't know anything about Mayene, other than where it was on a map and the few facts she could recall from political lessons over the years.


    This visit certainly took a turn she would not have predicted, but she was getting useful information at least. She felt perhaps she should not have mentioned the Choedan Kal, lest the boy get it in his head to try to get more power. She wondered how strong he was, how strong they both were.


    A curious look on her face, she turned to Adrim. "Have you ever linked before? I wonder if such a thing would help, or hinder your friend here. Of course, I am not talking of giving you control, but I do think the wonder of feeling saidar might draw him back to some state of normalcy."

  2. The Aes Sedai hesitated. She had not been completely sure she would draw him out of his stupor, but she found herself both glad and relieved that she had. Before she could respond to Nox's question, though, Adrim was back with tea. She watched Adrim interact with Nox. Taking in a breath, she let herself relax from saidar.


    "Whatever you are saying is helping,"  Adrim told her.


    Jagen only gave a nod, and she did not touch the tea. "In the Age of Legends, it is said our most wondrous feats were created with male and female Aes Sedai working together. There is great evidence of such, even today. Have you ever been to Whitebridge? It is named after the artifact, the bridge from the Age of Legends, having been built then. It is said it was done with the One Power.


    "And there are others--the Choedan Kal should be the most relevant example, I would think. These large statues, they are what the Dragon Reborn used to cleanse saidin." Yes, she was getting used to saying all of this, now, and recalling the knowledge overrode any distrust or even disgust she had for saidin.

    It was still hard to believe the taint was actually gone--that men wouldn't go mad from using the One Power anymore. Or so they said. Still, she had bonded Aslan for a time, and she was sure she could have or would have picked up on any level of instability.


    "In the Age of Legends, they were built to handle massive amounts of the One Power, and were so strong they needed access keys made." Jagen then decided to veer from that topic. "Perhaps one day in the future we can achieve similar results. Now, if you will tell me, what book are you holding there? Books, you like to read them, yes?"

  3. Jagen watched Adrim go, wishing he hadn't. She had no desire to be stuck with a madman. And this, it is exactly how it is. One minute they seem fine. The next, they are mad.


    Unfortunately, she knew she could not embrace the Source, even if she was on the verge of doing so. The Red knew that men could feel some sensation when women embraced the saidar, and Jagen wanted to curse the very nature of the One Power for what she perceived as a horrible flaw. Women needed to take extra steps to find out if men had even channeled! And even then she could only find a whisper of a weave.


    She watched the boy carefully, frowning. She hoped Adrim would get her tea as well--though at this point, she wasn't sure if she would trust taking a drink.

    "Nox?" she prodded carefully. "I am not going to hurt you." Then she spoke in a teaching tone, "You should forget everything you think you know about the Red Ajah. I bet half of what you have heard is not true. The Red Ajah, we are working together with the Black Tower. Have you not heard some of us, myself included, have Bonded your Asha'man?" She paused to let it sink in--if he heard her at all, then continued, "Yes, that's right. His name is Aslan; do you know him?" No reason to tell him she'd passed on his bond, though. And she was in no rush to be bonded again. Perhaps.


    "The Taint, it is gone now, yes? So there is no more reason to bring you to the White Tower." She carefully avoided saying gentling. "As it is, some Asha'man now willingly come to us, so that they may teach our novices and Accepted of saidin." It took her a while to get over her fear of that to even attend the lesson. Saidin seemed as untrustworthy and foreign as the men who handled it. But her mission now was to calm him down. She'd needed to do this in the past, long ago, with other men who could channel. Yet the words she chose now to do so were vastly different than those she spoke before, when her mission had been so different. "Perhaps I could even teach you what saidar feels like, should you ever decide to link with an Aes Sedai. Did you know the most wonderful feats in the Age of Legends, they were created using saidar and saidin together."

  4. Jagen leaned forward, forgetting her composure as she watched Nox retreat. He acted like a child indeed, but she was not judging him now--not as harshly, anyway--but her brow furrowed. In concern.


    Her head tilted, and she considered standing, then thought better of it. Her eyes met Adrim's. She was not sure she understood what he meant with the foul-smelling dog comment. "It was not my intention to... cause this sort of reaction." She firmed her voice. "I am here in interest of alliance, of working together, and I am not stepping around my Oaths when I say that, as I admit this directly and fully." She smoothed her skirts, rubbing sweat from her hands. Since when did she sweat?


    "Adrim--Asha'man Adrim," she corrected, soothing her voice, "tell me now how I may assist you, and I will do so. Within reason, of course," she had to add for her own benefit. "I would like to be of help in this situation. Has he had bad experiences with the Red personally? Have you?"


    Even as she focused on him, she made sure to watch Nox, too, and she was on the verge of embracing saidar. Just in case. She could not be too careful.

  5. Jagen wished she had something in her hands to occupy herself. To distract from looking at them. Instead she kept them folded in her lap, and her gaze on them. Her eyebrow raised at Nox's words. He was getting quite angry. She avoided the temptation to embrace saidar though; she did not want them to think she felt threatened.


    The Sitter sniffed. "Control though you might have," she said coolly, and she very much doubted his control matched hers, "clearly you do not have such control over your emotions. When dealing with the One Power, your emotions, they are as important to control as the True Source."


    She turned her gaze calmly on Adrim. "I will not presume to know what happens here at the Tower, or the rules." They seemed fast and loose rules, to her--how could one attain their upper rank so quickly? No use in pondering that for long; she already knew the answer. Their training was inadequate. "It would be quite illogical of me to assume your ways and those I know of the White Tower are the same, yes? I came here, Asha'man Adrim, to learn of your ways. Perhaps it is best I find someone with better control of their temper, however." How she itched to do something with her hands. "That said, I would actually see a bit of a benefit, if I dare say so, of maintaining such a relationship. Again, I am not here to presume, nor am I here to undermine you or your ways." She took in a breath, and said gently, "I apologize to have offended you. It is certainly not my goal." That took some effort to say, though.


    "Now then, if you don't mind, shall we continue? It is important we have a close relationship--the White and Black Towers--and it is especially important to me, as a member of the Red Ajah." She watched them both closely for their reaction.

  6. Okay, Red Ajah Class Outline is Complete!


    I wonder if I need six full posts, though, because I could only come up with five. I would definitely welcome any input and ideas, though! :D





    Red Ajah Class


    Lesson One: Introductions


    • Welcome; the Red Ajah is the largest Ajah, with the most important mission.

    • Reds' Purpose: To Prevent another Breaking of the World

    • Method: Gentling Male Channelers, we make sure to keep on eye on their madness, and to not let them stray. Male channelers should fall under White Tower control, to be taken to the WT to be gentled for their safety and the safety of the world.

    • Not man-haters, but our mission requires us to often maintain an emotional distance from men.

    • Red Amyrlins (Let's skip this, shall we?)


    Homework: Impressions of the Red before the start of the class. Also, what does the student think would or could happen if a male channeler is allowed to run lose? Can they name any examples besides False Dragons?


    Lesson Two: Traditions

    • No bonding of Warders; this accomplishes two things; 1) Keep the Red sisters at an emotional distance from men, 2) A Red would never have to worry about gentling a Warder, which would surely cause them both pain.
    • Relationships with men are discouraged for the above reason; conversely, relationships within the Ajah, to support one another, are strongly encouraged. (And relationships with other Sisters).
    • Sisters practice Weaves to help with reading Residues, to help detect evidence of saidin.
    • We have a lot of pride in what we do and encourage our members to always wear something red. We also feel our mission is one of the most important in the Tower.


    Homework: In your own words, explain why having a Warder could be detrimental to the Reds' mission. Also explain what One Power weaves would be useful in tracking down men who could channel--or helping to capture them and keep them contained.


    Lesson Three: The Traitor's Court

    • Go over the three reasons the Traitor's Court is used for; further explain why men are not gentled on the spot wherever they are found (they deserve a trial, too).
    • Press upon the student the importance of the Red Ajah mission; one needs a stable world to do anything else in, thus we support the other Ajahs' missions by keeping the world safe; we help guarantee the Tower's mission of success
    • The Reds also help keep countries stable and wars from breaking out by preventing False Dragons from causing a ruckus. Go over a few past False Dragons.


    Homework: Reflect on the importance of the Reds' mission. Explain what could have happened if the False Dragons were allowed to run free.


    Lesson Four: Not Single Minded

    • Because of the Red's narrow mission, we have other benefits; we are free to pursue other goals.
    • We can and will assist other sisters (even in other Ajahs) in their goals if our main mission is not compromised.
    • Getting out into the world is encouraged to help seek rumor of men who can channel. Thus being advisors to nobles, teachers and researches outside the Tower is encouraged, as it plants a Red out in the world.


    Homework: What could or would you find yourself doing if you chose the Red Ajah? Would the mission of the Reds impede your own goals?


    Lesson Five: Dismissal, Reflections

    • Explain that the Red Ajah is very necessary.
    • What is the over-all impression now of the Red Ajah?




  7. Jagen nodded. She came to realize the strange place was the other man's bed; perhaps he'd forgotten what happened. She wondered if he'd been drinking that night.


    It was more curious that Nox had panic attacks... and that he passed out as a result. It sounded dangerous. What if some mishap happened again; what if he killed others with another mistake of the Power?

    "I imagine is is, this situation has been resolved? With your training in the Power, yes? It would not be ideal if you set your kin on fire." Her tone was serious, but she eased it up as she leaned back in the chair. "If you're wondering what my first question was," she offered, "it was that I wondered if you two were bonded." She let a little smile come upon her lips. "I have heard men bond their wives, but me, I wonder now it is allowed between the men here."


    She didn't think the answer was going to be affirmative though; she doubted the two were bonded at all, but it was worth asking the question.

  8. I'm trying to figure out which classes or lessons I can do to raise my OP Skill Score (I know females can raise it by 3 points), or if one is an AS, can one can do RP threads (in which the OP is used) and this raises the score? I couldn't find this info on the WT website.


    I was also looking around the boards, but no luck >_>

  9. Jagen was sitting very still when he finished. Only a slight tightening of her eyebrows betrayed that she was going over the details of that story. She had been about to ask what a 'jon' was, but then understood through context. So. They preferred to sleep with men, then. No, Nox indicated before he liked women. Perhaps both. There were some men like that. That meant, at least, that Adrim preferred men.


    Jagen was just fine with that. Let men keep interest in each other; the lest they would bother her then. She actually somewhat relaxed; a little more than before. But only a little.


    Her mouth opened to ask a question, then she closed it again. Then she asked, "You woke up in a strange place?" She thought more about the second half of the story, then nodded. "A strange place, and fire. You had channeled? This was your first time, yes?"

  10. This is great :)


    I do have one question, and maybe you guys plan on changing it, I'm not sure: What is the difference between the Boards "The Great Hall" and "The Hall of the Tower" inside the White Tower board? I can't really figure it out >_>


    Also, is it possible, maybe, or desired, to change "Secret Whisper Hole" to be something more obvious for new comers?

  11. To PREFACE: I did this simply because I had the curiosity and time to do so. I wanted to know how the DM OP scores would compare to WoT canon, so I tried figuring it out.


    Also, I felt like doing this in case DM ever decided to go with canon WoT OP scores, which I think would be cool, but seems a bit complicated. Maybe I'm doing it too simplistically.  But, I sort of wanted to be ahead of the game, in case someone wanted the work done.


    Ultimately, I really wanted to answer the question, "What would DM AS scores be on RJ's canon scale?"


    So, I began by copying the table of the DM Aes Sedai OP scores. I then arranged it by strength, figuring out that there is a range of 13 strength levels (or categories) that Player Characters fall under per the WT rule of "Females [receive a strength score] from 22-34".


    Unfortunately I came upon a part where I can't seem to figure out any more, so I'm posting what I hashed out in a Notepad on my computer. Feel free to leave a comment if anyone wishes. I can now see why Jordan had to go into + (positive) scoring... I went into - (negative) high scores, myself.



    13 categories of scores listed on the DM WT page/ 13 different strength levels with all current AS DM characters;

    Thanelle (NSW) is highest at 34; lowest PC AS are at Strength level 22.

    (For all intents and purposes, this is potential strength, since DM has made it clear female channelers cannot change their strength score.)


    Eldwene and Elnora add 5, and Nynaeve adds 3 more.


    This gives a total of all strength level categories at 21.


    Cat 1 (strongest) = Strength 42
    Cat 13 (weakest) = Strength 22
    Cat 27? (weakest possible AS DM Score) = __? (see below)

    The highest recorded strength for an AS are for Cadsuane 5 (+8) and Meilyn Sedai at 10 (+3)
    Egwene and Elayne are 8 (+5)
    Strength 13 (1) is for Elaida
    Level 45 (33) is the minimum strength to be allowed to be Aes Sedai; strength level 46 (34) is too low to be allowed to test.

    So there are 45 levels where a woman can be Aes Sedai, but Nynaeve tops the list for modern WoT AS at 3 (+10)
    1 (+12) is Lanfear, Alivia


    However, DM gives a range for Player Character female scores (for female AS) to be from 22-34; this is a range of only 13 levels/categories.


    We know that there are *at least* 21 possible levels for AS to be at DM, and this number goes up to 27 (see conclusion). The OP Strength system is also noted to be out of "50 levels" (according to the WT page).


                          DM STR SCORES        CHARACTER SCORES IN BOOK   DM CATEGORY
    Lanfear                   __                                       1 (+12)                                           __
    Nynaeve                   42                                      3 (+10)                                           -7
    41 = -6
    40 = -5
    Eldwene + Elnora   39                                       8 (+5)                                           -4
    38 = -3
    37 = -2
    36 = -1
                                    35                                           --                                                0
    Thanelle(NSW)      34 (Highest AS on DM)       --                                                1


    33 (strength score) would be a Strength category 2
    22 strength score is category 13.

    Between Nynaeve and Eldwnee/Egwene: 3 point difference on DM; 5 point difference in books


    The problem is, the ratio doesn't work out. Nynaeve's score should be raised two more points so the difference is the same. But if we ignore that....

    Questions I'm trying to solve:

    If Lanfear (1(+12)) was the highest DM Category, her strength score would be __.

    If Lanfear became DM Cateogory 1, then Nynaeve would move to category __ and Thanelle to __.

    If every 5 points of the 45 strength range are condensed to 3 each, then all DM AS would have 27 levels where they can test to be AS. Therefore the lowest category a DM AS can be is Category 27, which would be a strength score of ____.




    Feel free to correct anything potentially wrong or misinformed.

  12. February 2018


    • A Visit (Attn Nox/ Open) - Status: Ongoing
      • Thread Start Date: February 18th, 2018
      • Timeline: Current
      • Description: Jagen visits the Black Tower on personal/semi-official business.
      • Players: Jagen, Nox (Matalina)

    • Trading Chains for White - Status: Ongoing
      • Thread Start Date: February 15th, 2018
      • Timeline: Retro
      • Description: A new girl at the Tower, Aubriana, receives the test from Jagen to see if she can channel, and is put into the novice books.
      • Players: Jagen, Aubriana (Arie)
    • Reds and Blacks - Status: Ongoing
      • Thread Start Date: February 16th, 2018
      • Timeline: Current
      • Description: Carraidhin, a fellow Red, returns to the Tower. Jagen runs into her.
      • Players: Jagen, Carraidhin (Arie)
  13. When Moiraine and Siuan were raised to Aes Sedai, there is a curious comment:



    Once their direction became clear, the sisters from other Ajahs began making their courtesies to the Amyrlin and departing, first the Yellows, then the Greens, gliding from the chamber with their Sitters leading the way in regal procession. The Browns left, and then the Whites. What set the order, Moiraine did not know, but once the Reds were gone, the last...


    I don't know what sets the order either, and it's been bothering me since I first read it. Since I often re-read parts of New Spring, this bothers me even more.


    The more simple list of departure is here, leaving out the Blues since we have no idea where they'd be in the hierarchy:




    What I've determined is this:

    • It has nothing to do with the order of the colors on an Accepted's dress;
    • It is not in relation to Ajah size



    • It MAY be related to the Portal Stones, which are only described in the following manner: "Something about the steps caught his eye, the different colors, seven rising from blue to red. “One for each Ajah,” he said." (Rand POV, tGH, Chapter 13).


    This presumes that the Blue would leave first if not chosen in the ceremony, and also presumes the rest of the steps and their color order. It's really too bad no other description is available (that I can recall; I checked both where Rand was teleported for the first time and when he used the Portal Stone to get back).


    Any other thoughts or information would be welcome.

  14. Celestine felt grateful when Seheria took her bouquet and set out arranging it in the vase. Perhaps this was another custom, too, she thought. As far as she was concerned, she was going to treat everything as if it was custom unless she could make that it was not. She sat down in the other chair, letting her hands brush along the shawl, along the yellow fringe. She wrapped it around herself, and tempted though she was to lean back in the chair, only her fear of offending decorum kept her upright and stiff as a log. And perhaps the tightness from the Oaths, too.


    "Thank you," she said softly to Chelisa as the tea was placed in front of her. The smell was most curious, and she wasn't quite sure what it was.

    She took only a moment to think on her words before answering Seheria's question, not wanting to keep her waiting. "The Yellow Heals all it can," she answered, "and what it cannot, it will strive to find cures for." She smiled slightly, "My hearing was improved, somewhat, after I came here, over the years. I was near deaf when I arrived, but it was the Yellow who helped me. I may not be fully cured, but I can learn more here. And I am determined to find this Weave for myself, if no one else does first." She took up the tea and took a small sip. "But it is more than that. I want to help those who are sick. There are so many out in the world who could use healing--I once knew  boy who broke his leg as a child, and it took him years to recover. Even now, as an adult, he limps. Well, last time I saw him." She looked down at the fringe of her shawl again. "To Heal is to improve someone's life from unnecessary suffering, and to bring happiness. This, to me, is one of the most, if not the most important of the Aes Sedai's purposes. We cannot all Heal, but those who can, should."


    She smiled at the thought; just speaking of the Yellow's mission was making her excited. The point of collapsing from tiredness had passed; she felt there was no way she could sleep any time soon, even as her body felt exhausted. "May I ask you a question, Seheria Sedai?" She waited for the other sister's go ahead, then asked, leaning forward in her seat, "Can I be told, exactly, how the taint on saidin was cured? Everyone said it was impossible. Yet a Yellow did it, right?"



  15. *nods* Understandable :)


    In the meantime, if you wish, I could do for the other Ajahs what I did for the Reds... consolidating information in the same manner I did on this thread for the Reds. I... sort of like such organizational work, and seeing as there is no rush nor obligation, just desire, I could do this, if it is desired on your end? (Or maybe it's already done and still up to date, even years later--I have no idea.)

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