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Jagen Sedai

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Posts posted by Jagen Sedai

  1. Jagen chose out her dress very carefully that morning. A beautiful medium gray silk, embroidered with crimson threads, it was of a Taraboner cut; not as revealing as Domani dresses, but it did cling to her form. Her red braids had all been redone, and a silk veil covered the lower half of her face. She wore a simple belt of black leather--a choice based on the Asha'man's black coats--a couple pouches hanging from it.


    The Sitter headed to the stables and gathered up her bay mare, Vega. After she was saddled, she made her way to the Traveling grounds. She had never before visited the Black Tower, herself. So when she made her gateway it was to Caemlyn; a spot agreed upon between the White Tower and Andor. There were guards there when she arrived. They quickly stood straighter and made a bow. Jagen only gave them a nod, mounted her horse and set off to cover the two leagues south.


    While she rode, she realized how alone she felt out here, even though farmers and merchants were traveling the same way, or going back to Caemlyn. Astounding. It was still astounding to her that the Black Tower existed at all, much less that people actively did trading with them as if they were just another town! It wasn't long--perhaps too soon--when the smooth, long black stone wall came into view with it's half-completed towers. Even the wall itself seemed undone, but it was massive to Jagen, for this place that started off being called "The Farm." Her lips tightened. Slowly she road to the gain, and again that lonely feeling seemed to come to the forefront.


    It was because of the missing bond, she knew. Jagen had transferred Aslan's bond to her friend Tesarene, a fellow Red who, in her opinion, needed the experience, and had wanted it besides. She obliged, having expressed some interest in Aslan, though it was much harder to convince the Asha'man to let her go of being on the wrong side of that bond. Still, Jagen made sure he understood it was not breaking the original bonding agreement. He still was bound to an Aes Sedai, just not Jagen. Tesarene was more... willing. The Sitter was just glad to be free of it.


    So why was she now sitting on her horse, approaching the Black Tower so casually when she just escaped being bonded to one of them? Multiple reasons, she supposed, but she had little time to bother dwelling on them as she approached the gate. She did not wear her shawl, but her Great Serpent ring was on the first finger of her right hand, and her ageless face should have given her away besides.

  2. Jagen's expression did not change at the girl's words, but she gave a small sniff. "You cannot tell a bear it is impossible to climb a tree when the bear does that very thing every day." She made the ball of light, previously white, change color to yellow. Then it slowly changed again, to red. "I have encountered girls who have said it is impossible, but I have shown them some of them wrong, yes?" The light changed to green. "Now, those girls wear novice white. Or the Accepted's dress. Some, are Aes Sedai now." The ball shifted to gray, briefly, then brown.


    Her voice became more firm. "It is not you who determines the test or when it is done. Me, I will make it clear when the test is finished. Until then you do as instructed, yes?" The ball of light became blue. "Concentrate," she ordered firmly. Then she restated her previous words, "Only the light matters. You will concentrate on what it is, what makes it so."


    While she worked, she herself concentrated on the girl. Jagen compared it privately to a field of grass... when she spotted the bud of a flower, she would stop. But until the sensation rose in the girl, the test had to continue. It would take longer than a minute--nobles seemed to have no patience, and neither did youth--but Jagen would continue the test until she was sure. The Red did not like any potential channeler to slip through her fingers.

  3. 9 hours ago, Chaelca said:

    well the beer in my system tells me that, instead of dividing the RP areas place-wise, maybe we could divide them timewise?


    But maybe it would complicate things with HoA's and such?


    For the step forward thing, if we need to recreate lore and things, make we could make a brainstorming group? So that all the motivated people could join in the fun ?



    I think, overall I would like to keep the boards as is, especially with all the work put into them by the staff. But on the flip some, some consolidation could work. I personally think it'd be cool to set many Randland nations on only 1-2 boards (North and South, for example) and have RPers state, in the very top OR the title of their post, what country they're playing in.


    I hope I'm not digressing ~_~ We already do have one board for RPs that have nothing to do with the PSW, and I think that's cool.


    4 hours ago, Matalina said:

    So if you want to stay with the books.  Why not let the cannon be cannon and we react to the story but can't actively change it.


    So for example.  For Jan to March we are running the Eye of the World.  You may use any events in these books but you cannot interact with cannon, you can be there, participate but you can't be change the events.


    Then from April to Jun you'd move into The Great Hunt.  Set a timeline that advances regardless of players.




    I LOVE this idea. A LOT. <3 I would definitely support this. I think the only thing I would change though, possibly, is the timeline for running books. Why only 3 months? I feel this is too short. Way too short. Perhaps that's just me, but threads can take a bit of time to complete, and I'd want to do multiple threads for character growth and experience per book. I'd propose setting each book at 6 months minimum. This also gives incoming players time to join the fun, before it's suddenly all over. If I've learned anything these past few years getting older, it's that time is going faster, somehow!

  4. Jagen embraced the Source and wove Air. She used simple threads to move a chair in front of the desk where Aubriana was standing. The Sister sat down, arranging her white and red skirts, then gestured, a small wave of her hand. “Take a seat,” she finally told the girl, studying her. 


    She took a moment to weave more threads of Air, pulling the curtains at the windows to close them, making the room fairly dark. Only hints of sunlight came through. 


    “There are questions I could ask you—your knowledge of the Power, of the White Tower and Aes Sedai.” A brief pause. “But no; this, it will be a waste of time. Instead it is better you clear you head of what you think you know of the One Power. Right now, it is time to clear your head of everything. For this test, you must be calm, yes? Utter focus. Focus on me. Focus on what you feel.” She wove a ball of light. It was suspended between them. “Saidar. The female half of the Source. Very few are born with the ability to sense it. Yet this is the very thing we shall seek out today. If you have the ability, I will feel it. It could take time. Patience. Just concentrate on the ball of light. Act as if nothing else is here; nothing else matters other than this light.” Her voice was firm, yet guideful. It also left no room for questions. 

  5. Ah, hmm. I was thinking of basically what Moiraine and Siuan went through right after their Raising. They had to learn things the day they were raised, and had to meet the Ajah head, too. 


    I would be fine with anything, as casual or formal or inbetween as you like. You’ve been a Yellow a lot longer than I. I haven’t used Celestine much at all except in four small threads. 

  6. I do want to add I would love to Retro RP stuff for my current AS, though I'm guessing I can do that any time I wish, as long as it's not too major of a plot point (I do want Jagen to have had part in some kind of gentling stuff, though, and I want to RP that out).


    I would only see a major benefit of moving the timeline *back* if PCs are allowed to take part in major plotlines, alongside or just shy of the major [NSW] characters.

  7. OOOH she had a baby! Okay, I had no idea. I'm sorry to hear life is being rough on her :(

    I was thinking of writing a post to RP it out, but I think I shouldn't control Jakar, so I'll just say it happened--that the bond was completely switched to Tesarene (my NPC).

  8. Jagen closed the door gently after the servant handed her a small note from the Mistress of Novices, turning back to her small table. The food was mostly gone, her breakfast almost done, and she sat there again to finish her tea as she opened the small scroll. It was a note requesting Jagen, as one of the teachers here in the Tower, to meet with a freshly arrived young girl for testing. Her channeling ability was unknown, thus she needed the most basic test.

    She took some time finishing the tea and did not bother with a reply; Valeri knew Jagen would oblige, as she had offered her services while she remained in the Tower.  Some Aes Sedai avoided teaching at near all costs, but Jagen liked having a direct hand in molding the future generations.


    She spent some time reading missives until the prescribed time came close, then headed for her wardrobe and chose out a white Taraboner gown accented with red; not as clingy and revealing as those worn by Domani, but they were form-fitting dresses compared to other countries' garments. After doing up the buttons, using her mirror and the One Power for assistance, she grabbed her shawl and looped it over her arms so it rested in the crook of her elbows; the red fringe was so long it dangled around her knees.


    Jagen made her way down the wings of the Tower where the classrooms were and swept into the prescribed room. Her deep blue eyes settled immediately on the small, blonde girl in the room. A noble, or at least a well-to-do family girl by her dress. The expression on her ageless face did not change as she stopped, pointedly looked her over, and addressed her.


    "I am Jagen Sedai.," she said as she casually adjusted her shawl and took a seat behind the desk, her beaded red braids clicking. She pointedly waited, not speaking further, to gauge the girl's manner... and see if she could feel anything, initially, at all from her before the test began.

  9. I actually bought and wear a silver AS ring. I always wear silver jewelry so it was a plus, but actually, for cosplay, I took my ring and spraypainted it gold. It... was okay for a photoshoot, but the spray didn't last long. (when they came out with the cheap fake gold ones, I bought two, for cosplay reasons).


    I actually think the Asha'man pins look awesome as is. Definitely get the red enameled version. But, this is from someone who hasn't personally bought those.

  10. I think there is a bit of advantage to this. Sort of. Men finding out they can channel, gathering in small places, helping each other, avoiding Aes Sedai (especially Reds)... could be interesting.

    Maybe that could be a factor into favoring not going back *too* far, but a LOT of men showed up at the BT in Randland after it was set up, and not all of them were young. I wonder how many of those older men (well, 25+) were, in fact, wilders, who'd somehow managed to stave off madness for a few years. Logain and Taim certainly managed to stay fairly intact, mentally speaking.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Arie said:

    I'm not against moving ahead, or even pushing the 'old' timeline further back to pre-books and not start over but allow the next 5 years to actually have book timelines and consequences carry forward year by year.


    I think going back to pre-books would be very awesome. Like by 5-10 years back. :)

  12. For any active Yellows (though I only know of Kathleen ^^), I'd like to continue my initial Raising RP. Though old, I never got beyond receiving Celestine's shawl, and I'd really like to ICly be introduced to everyone, learn customs, etc.


    This is the original thread. :)

  13. I'll keep my post fairly brief, and to the point. I could see us going two ways:


    1) As you suggested, move forward in time to after the Last Battle. I won't go into the details here of where Randland is sitting at the end of the last book, because you haven't read it. But... 30 years is NOT a lot of time for any world to change that much, or any culture. If humans are good at anything, it's being stubborn and holding onto our past, not progress, as the world has demonstrated many times. I actually don't think it'd be that hard to jump forward to after that Last Battle. However, I would suggest a SMALLER jump. Much smaller. Like a year after the Last Battle. Lots of fighting action is going on, as well as other changes. Suddenly the players can make the world... based on Admin guidelines, of course.

    There are three possibilities with this, however:

    • We keep all NSW characters and keep our PSW, including our events; or,
    • We do this but move into canon Randland timeline, just with different (NSW) names; or,
    • We move our characters into post-canon Randland, with WoT characters being NSWs (But I think you can't for legal reasons? I have no idea how this works, but I saw it previously mentioned).


    2) Go BACK in time, and start all over--make a new PSW. I don't see this option being popular with older players, but I've been on and off part of DM since 2001, but I personally wouldn't mind doing this. I may be biased though; in 2007 forward I couldn't be on DM nearly as much as I planned or wanted to, and I only just got settled back last year (I was in the military from 2008-2016, and simply never had the energy for DM in that time--along with other pursuits). So, my time ACTUALLY RPing is not that long, unfortunately.

    My thoughts in this are that role-playing here would be more appealing if much hasn't happened yet. Though, I'm thinking about a future influx of people. And that won't come until, or unless WoT becomes a TV show >_>


    I'm fine with either of these options.

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