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Everything posted by HeavyHalfMoonBlade

  1. It is most certainly an alleged agenda, as "some of you", as in you, Mirefox, constantly paraphrase what certain people say to back up your blatant antifeminism. You take moments such as the Eye of the World, where in the books Rand, without even consciously knowing he could channel, defeats a Forsaken as strong as LTT and Ishamael, destroys a Trolloc army, has a conversation with the Creator, then defeats Ishamael, where Ishamael does nothing whatsoever to fight back, then saunters back to see how everyone else is doing. But when the show does not give Rand this glory moment, it is because men are not allowed to have power moments, and Rafe said he hates Rand and only wants the women to shine. So of course there is an agenda. Rafe said so, that all men had to be marginalized and belittled, and for the show to all be about the women. None of the things that the showrunner has said in anyway relate to what you claim they have said, and in no way back up your "all the changes are bad because they are motivated by evil" argument.
  2. There is zero reason assume that showrunner is not attempting to make the best adaptation that they can. That all they are doing is in good faith trying to make best TV show that they can. And I am not claiming that creative decisions involved cannot be criticized or should not be. But to suggest that any changes were implemented because of "lol" by some drooling idiot who cares nothing for the books, or the story, or the fans, but thinks they can improve on the books by making something up on the spur of the moment, is blatantly false. As I have said before and I'll probably say again, even if you disagree with the creative changes that the show has made, that is no reason to be disrespectful and insulting to those who made the changes, or even are just the public face of those changes.
  3. It is all very well everyone using their amazing insights to know who better writer is, who is the best script writer, who's ego thinks they are the best writer, but it still all comes across as ad hominem attacks on the showrunner. Which as someone was pointing out is exactly what was aimed at Mr Sanderson back when he was writing the last books. There is no point discussing who should be writing the series, while being certain about the quality of said counter-factual series. It would be nice if people could keep to discussing the show as it is, without attacking the personalities involved and without constantly bringing up some alleged agenda.
  4. I am not sure where this assumption that being a non-channeler was so bad in the AoL comes from. Channelers only make up a small part of the population, and there was nothing to say that the government was made up channelers, or that channelers as a whole had any say over anything but the Hall of Servants. The only thing obvious is that the society was driven by status and prestige earned by public service, and that would be where channelers excelled, not because they could channel per se but because their lifespans would allow them to shine in their respective fields which largely seemed to include professions that did not require the One Power, channeling seemed to be a side-line more than a way of life. Obviously that is not to say that it was perfect, but they had free, clean energy, no hunger, no (weather based at least) natural disasters... any problems they did have would nearly have to be first world problems that we can only dream of on this planet. There seems to be a deep underlying suspicion of any Utopia, which in this case seems unfounded.
  5. I think the show showed that they were unconscious at every point we saw them. After being pushed into a wallTM by a flow of air. Except for Nynaeve who is blocked. And was presumably pushed into a wallTM again after her chat with Liandrin.
  6. I think this is alluded to in the books, where one of the Forsaken (probably Moridin) is amazed by what the Windfinders can do as in the AoL Aes Sedai could not do anything to the weather without powerful ter'angreal. And because of this he is worried about what they could do with access to one of those ter'angreal. I think it is left unconfirmed if the Bowl of Winds is a run of the mill ter'angreal from the AoL or if it is something special made during the breaking to try to make up for loss of the weather network. All of which you could put down to unreliable narrator, or it could be foreshadowing for how they could undo the effects of the Dark One while the Shadow thought they could not do so. Which of course does not make so much sense as why would using the ter'angreal be in any way like manipulating the weather directly? But it could also go back to the breaking where the Windfinders could have been experimenting with how to get more out of a single ter'angreal as well as how to directly affect the weather when they still had AoL knowledge about such things.
  7. *hands over some iced kaf* How would you earn points? How would they be tracked? Why would we need points? Is this not some nefarious scheme of someone with 46.1k posts wanting to corner the points market and subjugate us all? I guess I am just to wet behind the ears for these kind of discussions and should just WAFO 🙂
  8. She is very understated, the way she manages to operate at a level equivalent to Tuon, while also keeping the Aes Sedai in line is very cool. And she does not threaten to spank anyone. Does she? Well, she does not actually do it, at least. I was sure that she was going to turn out to be one of the ex-Amyrlins that Siuan was always talking to Egwene about, so sure that it still feels a bit hollow now that I know that she isn't. And also, when was someone going to tell her that it can be healed? It makes me itch, and no one is helping me reach it. Looking at you, Mr. Sanderson. The only downside is Mat's fascination with her breasts and cleavage. I think maybe the books made a bit too much of that. Though maybe that was meant to misdirect you from thinking she was an ex-Aes Sedai? I've blanked out Olver's creepiness with full grown women so I don't know if he joined in with the lechery.
  9. Reading up on this, as sour and bitter to me are sort of the same thing, I have found out I am wrong. Though much of what you can find on the internet appears to be slightly confused or contradictory. But what I have learned is that sour, is a basic taste that indicates acidity, citrus fruits, vinegar, etc. It tastes acidic and pleasant. Bitter, is a basic taste that indicates base or alkaline, and is perhaps the most sensitive of our tastes as poisons are very often basic. It tastes acidic and unpleasant. So they should be on a very basic level very different, but are both for some reason similar. Perhaps not helped by such things as orange fruit being sour, and orange peel bitter. Peaches I can guess at. Peaches and their close relatives almonds, are poisonous. Or at least their stones are. As are apple seeds. They contain amygdalin, a compound that reacts with hydrochloric acid in your digestive system to produce hydrogen cyanide. But they are not very poisonous. Bitter almonds are the poisonous of the family and are generally treated so that the amygdalin is removed from them, but I think you have to eat a lot to be in danger. Like for apple seeds, about a thousand in a very short period of time. Peach stones probably less. I don't think wild-type peaches are more poisonous, but I guess RJ is just taking in his world peaches still had to be domesticated from a poisonous wild-type. Just in our age we only domesticated apples very recently, and never managed things like acorns, which could have been hugely beneficial to food production in medieval times.
  10. *raises hand* Is it OK if I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, or do I have to go and stand in the corner or something?
  11. No idea from a medical point of view, but fantasy books in general have taught me that you first make sure the head is all way through (assuming any kind of barb, otherwise you could just pull it out), then you break off the head, and pull it out. You would only push it through if there was some reason you could not remove the barbed head. I'd imagine the chance of infection from the organic material from dirty goose-feather fletching would be high. So have a bunch of authors who probably know little about battle-field medicine taught me, and I am standing by it.
  12. @Dead Warder Our experiences make us who we are, I think it would a dark place if we had to hide parts of that from others. And as for appropriate, it is a thread about Friday the 13th, so I do not see how it could not be. Friday the 13th is clearly arbitrary, there is no objective natural reasons to divide time into months, seven day weeks, or assign any special meaning to them. I find it amusing how few people notice the flaw in the statement that this year for the first time in 666 years, Halloween falls on Friday the 13th, before they stop thinking about how spooky that is. While of course I would agree with Delenn Sedai that for some superstitions there are base reasons, I would argue this is a lesser root cause of them. We are not talking about folk tales or Aessop's fables. Superstition is by and large a product of our brain's need to identify patterns. They are really good at it, and it has stood us in good stead in our descent from the trees and into high rise apartments, but we are so good recognising patterns that we also see them where they are not. Take nearly any game that has match-making involved, visit their forums and see huge ground swell of opinion of players that the MM is biased. And while I accept that many will claim they really are biased, despite all logic, common sense, and statistical evidence pointing otherwise, there are of course other examples. like Spotify's random playlists, which due to massive complaints about not being random, run on a different algorithm (not random) so it appears more like what we expect random to be like. Because we see patterns in random and complain Spotify is manipulating our listening because of dire and unspeakable motives. Added to the fact we want to feel like we can have an influence on the world, such as helping our sports teams win by wearing a lucky item, or stave off ill health by some strange behaviour and we are trapped into believing the most idiotic things. Because the cold facts that things happen due to random chance, without meaning, and we have no way of influencing anything except for our own actions, are scary and we don't want to deal with that. We are much happier thinking the other team always has better players, that black cats are good luck, and if we eat a taco every Tuesday we will live forever.
  13. They are the world-saving force, not they are all Lews Therin Telamon reborn. It is a possible widening of what the Dragon is as a concept, something the books completely ignore, not who Rand is, or who is called the Dragon, but what the Dragon is at a base level.
  14. I don't see how his answer is any different the three ta'veren in the books being necessary, and Moiraine, Egwene, Min, Aviendha, Elayne, Birgitte, Lan, Nynaeve, Tam... The Dragon was the one facing the Dark One, but he could not do it alone. He did not say they were all the Dragon, but they were all the world-saving force.
  15. I was saying it did not make any sense. And them fighting in the sky, standing on what? Why were the huge? How does any of that make any sense whatsoever? And why is the banner important? What does it have to do with Horn? The Horn is a ridiculous magic item that does magic things because it is magic. It makes no sense in the lore of the books at all, they are bound to the pattern, but the pattern is about balance, not fighting the Shadow, and the banner being necessary does not make a lot of sense either, so that the pattern must preserve the Horn and the Banner at all times, which does not seem like a very pattern-y thing to do. Falme was an arbitrary let's give the book an ending that did not make a lot of sense as a whole. It is a shame that the show did keep some of the personal development of some of the characters that was the important part about the story, but huge figures fighting in the sky with banner and ghost heroes and it all being controlled by the actions of two men, because reasons, leading to a completely inconclusive victory of the Light, I don't feel the show needed to work hard to preserve. Of course, in my most humble opinion.
  16. Just like she just had to not think about hitting her with the pitcher, then hit her when she wasn't looking? You mean undoing the best section of the whole series? You mean that? You really mean that to defend this you would undo everything good about the show? Or you could admit that you are wrong, and that it does not make sense. Or sure keep arguing this, because it makes so much sense. Egwene just had to not think about getting free, while she was getting free. Not think about hurting Renna, while doing so. Just like the whole pitcher story, the best part of the series took such pains to teach us how the a'dam works. How about you repeat that she just had to not think about again. That will surely circumvent all the lore in the show. While it may not have bothered you that they chose this route, that does not make it any less stupid or contrary to the lore of the book and the show. And no amount of assertions otherwise make it so, that is simply not how the a'dam works, in any universe or turning of the wheel.
  17. Why then could she not pick up her own bracelet, or move from it if it was hung on the wall? I think there was very much a prohibition on trying to escape. And she could only use it to escape by forcing Renna to let her go by force of violence. Which was prohibited. Your argument is completely wrong, both in premises and conclusion.
  18. With all due respect that does not make sense. Why did she do it but to hurt Renna? To kill her like she said she would? That whole internalising meant she could not harm Renna, not that she could pretend she was not. This is not a debatable, that is what it means. She did not have to pretend to herself that she would not hit Renna with the pitcher, she had to believe. That was the whole point, how is possible to ignore this? She could not think, I'll hit her with the pitcher another day, she had convince herself that she could never hit Renna at all. She could only have put the collar on her if she genuinely thought it would not harm her, which she obviously did not think. Could she even let a sul'dam die by inaction? Cannot remember from the books. What happened made no internal sense, She was still very lucky to be given those circumstances, so why not just give her some help and avoid all of this? They still need someway of freeing damane but that now means they need a female channeler to take the bracelet and release them. Asha'men and Rand cannot touch them, which seems limiting. As I said before, if they let Egwene free herself they don't amplify Egwene, they diminish the horror of the a'dam and that is what they did. Not hugely, as the circumstances for Egwene getting free would be pretty rare, but diminish it none-the-less.
  19. Who is "they"? It is more complicated than you are making out. There are pledges to the people who are funding it, the contracts of the actors, the whole of season 2 was rewritten due to the withdrawal of a major actor. I definitely share a lot of your concerns, though neither do I think it is so easy to implement something as complicated as an adaption of the Wheel of Time. Though I think you need to also keep in mind the books at this point were also, troubling. Fighting in the sky, with the Seanchan and the heros and Whitelcloaks ebbing and flowing as the battle in the sky? Really? Does that make any sense? I love we have a series, and I am enjoying it. Being overly negative only hurts your own enjoyment.
  20. No, she didn't? Blood and bloody ashes, are you deliberately trying to be dense? You took that as circumstantial evidence of something that is completely against the book lore and the show lore and the very nature of the a'dam. Well, congratulations. Is admitting that there is a plot hole so difficult for you? Or what is your particular problem here? Your solution beggars belief, does not fit the evidence shown in the show, does not fit the lore in the books. That you find it convincing means nothing, it is still pointless, idiotic speculation. What point are you trying to make here? That any spurious defense of the show's plot should held equal to the logic of the show or the book's lore? Or that anything you say is beyond reproach? Your argument is stupid, and contradicts the show lore and the book lore. Even if the show's writers agree with you, it does not change that and your attempts to bully and supress other users here is demeaning. And if you must know, yes, that bothers me. Perhaps you can enlighten me who I should complain about your behaviour as a moderator to? Or are you allowed to act as you please and insult you who you please here?
  21. That does not make sense. She could not do so with the pitcher, why now can she do so with the a'dam? Why not with anything else? Where are you getting this info from as it was not in the episode? Why are you making things up to explain what happens rather than accepting that if there is an explanation we have not been given it?
  22. What? So why would she do it? She did it to escape, not because it was not a weapon. She literally used it as a weapon to force Renna to release her. The a'dam is not like a court of law, where a lawyer can make some convincing argument about "what if", the a'dam knows the truth. Egwene wanted to be free and wanted to use the a'dam as a weapon to get that freedom. Arguing otherwise is..... doubt I can finish that sentence while keeping to the forum rules.
  23. But the purpose of a water pitcher is to be a weapon? It matters not what the item is, but how you intend to use it. I suppose you could argue that Egwene had realised that sul'dam could channel therefore were marath'damane so should be collared, but this stretches it a bit. She picked up the a'dam to use as a weapon, then she channeled to pick up Renna and literally hang her by her a'dam. By show lore and book lore, neither should have been possible. And in show it was not possible without the help of the trebuchets, so why not get a little help from the umpty-billion people right there that could have helped instead?
  24. That does not make a lot of sense. In a novel, when you send it off, that is it, you cannot change it any more, and if there are flaws they could prevent you being published or mean you get bad reviews or that your sequels are messed up. You are talking about leaving details vague so that you can you ad-lib later. Absolutely not the same thing. Plus SinisterDeath doesn't know half of what Greta has going on. Wait til he sees what's in his fridge tonight, then he'll understand what not paying your tab means to a hard-working barmaid.
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