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Everything posted by Elder_Haman

  1. See I’m thinking just the opposite. I’m happy with how they are depicting the pace of travel. No one just happens to end up where they are supposed to be “just because”. The only possible exception is Liandrin’s appearance in Cairhien. But I’m guessing that after speaking to Lan, Siuan immediately sent for sisters to join her in Cairhien.
  2. You have at least one more season to suffer through hate watching.
  3. Agreed about Lan. (Although I finally saw flashes of book Lan.) But Mo doesn’t have to be stilled for it to be dramatic. She merely needs to believe she has been. Will be interesting if Mo recovers the OP only to have Siuan really be stilled.
  4. I think "easily" might be a stretch. I think one could certainly do a version that hewed much more closely to the source material than this version. I'm not sure that it would make for particularly captivating television though. And definitely some scenes that would be particularly challenging to film in a way that made sense to the audience. The portal worlds and flicker, flicker, flicker come to mind. Without any context for those scenes, they aren't going to make much sense to the viewer without a ton of exposition.
  5. I asked you why it was difficult to believe that it could be accomplished given magic and Liandrin’s connection to the Black. Not for a laundry list of possible problems. I’m genuinely sorry that you feel attacked. That was not my intent. I’m home sick with COVID and I had no Wi-Fi for three days, so my patience has been on a ragged edge.
  6. It does not have to be step by step but if you cant see an issue with transporting 3 unconscious students through the inside of the tower into the stables and then to the waygate you are not taking the practicalities of the world seriously. A carriage is waiting where the secret passageway exits. One or two dark friends help load the girls in. The carriage leaves Tar Valon where Liandrin meets it later. Easy peasy, lemon squeezie. Or do we still need to talk bathroom logistics?
  7. I did deploy it because I’m sick of arguing with you about it. It’s a silly argument. I don’t need to know the details of the kidnapping and don’t think it was poorly written for failing to depict those details. I’m sorry that offends you so.
  8. This was my original comment on this issue. Then you hemmed and hawed: To which I replied that she could have had help. You kept arguing about it: At which point I got irritated and made the statement in question.
  9. No. I presented several perfectly logical explanations for how it could be accomplished. You responded by claiming that I was making up my own explanations and that was indicative of bad writing. It was at that point that I washed my hands of this silly argument by making the statement you so enjoy quoting.
  10. I think you and I are mostly in agreement about where the writing has been weak. I definitely don't like the changes to Lan and I didn't really love the "Perrin kills his wife" thing. (Though in retrospect, it did give me a very visceral understanding of his hesitation to fight.) I think you agree with me that the writing in S2 has been better. I think we just have a different tolerance level for the changes.
  11. I understand your point. But I keep coming back to the fact that at the end of the day, the Wheel of Time is about balance and duality. As Rand comes into his power, I think you're going to see some of that shift a bit. We'll see.
  12. But it's not. It's using those alternate story lines to tell other parts of the story in a way that is dramatized instead of given via exposition. Stepin to explain the bond, Layla to explain Perrin's caution, etc. It's addition by subtraction and meant to make the worldbuilding seem organic rather than a bunch of lore dump via exposition.
  13. Neither does that mean that adding them is a poor choice. For me, they've done a fair job of bringing the story to the screen, with the work improving noticeably in S2.
  14. Filming the books as written would be utter garbage. How are you going to film all of the things that happen in Rand’s head? Voiceovers? World building via exposition dumps?
  15. Sorry. But this is just wrong. Adding “self-contained plots” helps the writers with exposition and character development across the whole series. As written, the books are not filmable. I don’t know why that’s difficult to understand.
  16. It could be so applied only if you are desperate to engage in bad faith arguments. You are bellyaching about not seeing how the mechanics of the kidnapping played out and claiming that it is an example of terrible, amateurish writing. And I’m telling you that in this universe, the existence of magic and Liandrin’s connection to the Black provide an easy explanation that need not be depicted on screen. The rules of this world make the logistics of the kidnapping unimportant.
  17. I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make? The writing for the last Star Wars film (The Force Awakens?) was far worse than WoT at its worst.
  18. Ahh the good old its a story about space wizards intended for children argument. A very poor argument. Internal consistency is vital at a fundamental level for good writing. Dude. Literally all she needed was a carriage and two burly helpers to get the girls inside. You are overthinking it. This is not Oochie’s random dagger or writing that does nothing to create conflict between the protagonist and antagonist. This is hand waving a not particularly critical piece of information to get to the parts that matter. You are emotionally invested in the show being poor and refuse to see anything that doesn’t fit that narrative.
  19. No, no. I was responding to your comment that there was no way to get them through the Ways while unconscious. I simply pointed out that that could be achieved exactly as it was depicted in the show - by rendering g the women unconscious and putting them over their horses. You then moved the goalposts to how they were removed from the tower grounds, to which my response is that it is not hard for me to believe that Liandrin could accomplish the kidnapping given her connection to the dark.
  20. In a show where people can do magic, raise people from the dead, speak to one another in dreams, talk to wolves, see visions of the future and where the spirits of the long dead are being resurrected to bring about the end to time, you want me to worry about the logistics of how three people are kidnapped. pass.
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