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Everything posted by Elder_Haman

  1. Hmmm... June 14 would fall on a #WoTWednesday. I'm calling that as S2 trailer release day. Let's see if I continue my impressive .000 prediction streak.
  2. @Cipher also consider that there may be thematic reasons that the Tower will look more or less white depending on the context of the scene or arc of the story. Television is a visual medium. For example, in the shot you posted the shadows in the foreground sort of bisect the picture, enhancing the yin/yang themes. The Tower itself is pictured as (1) obviously white, (2) covered in shadow, and (3) with certain bright points shining amidst the shadows. In that one shot, you have a visual description of the state of the Tower and its politics as the story begins. The way the Tower is lit in these larger shots will probably change in ways to reflect the ebbs and flows of power throughout the series.
  3. What even is this photo? This isn't a still from the show.
  4. This is the standard you've established. So I'd like you to explain how some of the things you mention makes it so, "the story [no longer] works without [the source material]." How do the changes require a major overhaul of Mat's story? And how will these changes make it so that the story doesn't "largely work" anymore? Rand does go off on his own at the beginning of tDR, but explain why having him go off on his on now makes it so the story doesn't "largely work" anymore. Why will this mean that the story doesn't "largely work"? In short, which changes do you feel have broken the story and why.
  5. There are plenty of fair criticisms of the writing in S1. There are plenty of reasons to say that a particular scene in the book would have been superior to what was ultimately put on screen. But at the end of the day, that's picking nits. @WhiteVeils is absolutely correct: Adapting a television show from a book is far more complicated than people seem to think. You have to think about the number of locations, number of sets, costumes, actors, filming schedules, time constraints, etc. -- all before you even get to which scenes from the books you are going to film, what you have to cut, and how to patch over the things you have to cut all while being able to get the exposition necessary for any fantasy series across without being ham-handed about it. Season One wasn't great. But it wasn't horrible either. And nothing about the core story has changed so drastically that it can't be accounted for in later episodes.
  6. I missed that. Still, Ishy with the Seanchan makes sense to me.
  7. That was the most interesting shot to me. But it makes sense. The other interesting shot is Perrin and Avi together in what - to me - looks like Tear. Is Perrin just with Avi? Or are Ruarc, Gaul, Bain & Chiad also a part of Avi's group?
  8. The influence of AI on things is fascinating to observe. I'm really curious to see how this plays out.
  9. Agreed. But in terms of specific scenes? Dumai's Wells Egwene and Verin Rand's final scene with Tam Mat and the Gholam Taim's betrayal Lan vs. Demandred in the Last Battle. Nyn vs. Moggy I also want a good Mat & Tuon arc (I think I'm in the minority of folks who would like to see a Tuon redemption). I want a cleaned up Perrin/Faile arc. I want the Wolfdream. Just off the top of my head.
  10. I honestly can't bring myself to care whether the novice dresses are all white or not. Season 1 made it clear that they are willing to deviate substantially from Jordan's descriptions of things (which is not a big deal in my opinion). I also think it's an apron though.
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