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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Everything posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. Macha is tasty. My husband especially likes it, but i enjoy a cup on occassion.
  2. Oh, I do love my vegetables. Among my favorites are brussel sprouts, broccoli, and zucchini. Mmmmmm. Making myself hungry.
  3. Greetings to all. I am Dar'Jen Ab Owain, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. While I first began to read WoT in high school, life got in the way and I never got very far, though I did enjoy it. Later in life, when I was dealing with a lot of chaos, I turned to reading to keep my mind busy, and thankfully, picked up WoT once more. My favorite character is Lan. It was my reading of the books that led me to DM (joined June 2017) , and I am so glad that it did, as I have found an incredible community on DM, among them my Green Ajah family. I am a mother of a twenty-one year old son. My husband, son, and I live with my father (we moved here to help care for my mother before she passed). And we spend a great deal of time traveling between OH (with my father) and TN (helping with my mother-in-law). Situation is not ideal, but we have come to live minimally and make do with what we have. I work as a customer service representative for an insurance company. I love fantasy. Reading is a major past time, when I have the free time. Working slowly on a re-read of WoT. I am passionate about history. I have hand-sewn period clothes and cos-play costumes, and do other handcrafts like finger weaving and lucet cord making. I like playing video games with my husband and son, such as Halo, and independently, like Skyrim. We go for walks at the park and cemetary, and hikes in the woods. I am a writer, and after dealing with lack of muse for some time, hope to get back to actively writing and submitting pieces. It's great to re-meet folks here on DM. And hope this helps some of our newer members as well. It is often the journey that teaches us much of ourselves.
  4. These are incredible.
  5. Welcome to Dragonmount!
  6. Happy New Year to all.
  7. Wishing everyone a wonderful Happy New Year!
  8. This is a lovely gathering. (Takes a sip of hot chocolate.) Work has been crazy. And trying to balance looking out for my dad with helping look over my MIL (which involves traveling between states). Being optimistic for a better year ahead. Looking forward to a snowy day where I do not have to go anywhere and can just enjoy watching it and enjoying the time with family.
  9. You've definitely had a lot going on. Hoping you have the opportunity to rest and enjoy some peace. Work has been busy. My son turned 21. My husband and I are busy, as always, trying to juggle taking care of my dad in OH and his mom in TN. Trying to enjoy the little things as much as possible.
  10. Congrats all@ This was so much fun. We should do this again.
  11. It was a lot of fun. Thank you.
  12. (Sets out a spread of various treats.) They all look so tasty.
  13. These treats are definitely making me hungry.
  14. Thus are healthy and yummy looking treats. Thank you.
  15. Treat, please.
  16. Happy Halloween! If you celebrate, enjoy the festivities, and if you do not, you can still join us in a discussion of your favorite treats. When I was a kid and went trick-or-trearing, some of my favorite treats to find were Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Mounds, and Three Muskeeters bar. What are some of your favorite treats?
  17. Very excited to see all the lovely costumes. And enjoy the guessing.
  18. That is beautiful. Very comfy.
  19. Here's one of mine...
  20. Here are some Mother did for me... (Probably my favorite, and Green) (This is probably the closest to me in real life, especially the eyes.) (Classy...) (Love the hair...)
  21. I have my serpent ring (silver) and I'm so glad I got my husband Lan's ring before they removed it.(years ago) Glad they are getting more rights. I guess I'll but the Green Ajah necklace on my wishlist.
  22. That is lovely. Made me smile. Thank you, Mother.
  23. Fascinating way to put it.
  24. Happy Mother's Day!
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