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Posts posted by Nolder

  1. On 9/23/2018 at 2:11 AM, Nolder said:

    Been watching this on Netflix although I think it's a Syfy show (damnit they hook me back every time only to break my heart) anyone else watching this?

    How true this statement is. Every damn time man.


    Season 3 premiered with 0.39 million viewers.

    I'm not hopeful about getting a season 4. :sad:

  2. 1 hour ago, Krakalakachkn said:


    Don't worry, they have infrastructure in place to prevent your sadness.  


    If a player decides to kill you, you have the option to engage or ignore.  If you ignore and they kill you then you retain all your shit and they deal with some repercussions.  It also sounds like the system will make it easy for you to rebuild your CAMP and you can also just pack up and move if you see a threat incoming.

    Source on any of that?

  3. On 10/3/2018 at 6:52 PM, Krakalakachkn said:

    How's the production value?

    Somewhat higher than I expected for a Syfy show but it's no Game of Thrones.

    Expect episodes to take place in one or two sets/locations for long streaks, especially in season 1.

    Costumes are pretty good but aside from blood and gore and the occasional explosion special effects are limited to non existent. The fake blood looks red and guns go bangbangbang if that's what you're asking.

  4. Been watching this on Netflix although I think it's a Syfy show (damnit they hook me back every time only to break my heart) anyone else watching this?


    Maybe I enjoy it because I actually know almost nothing about original Van Helsing lore/cannon but it seems like an ok vampire/disaster show all things considered.

  5. 1 hour ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Never played any of the prior Monster Hunter games, so I fear I might get bored of it and thus waste $60.

    Exactly what happened to my friend.

    He saw the E3 trailer and got hyped, bought the game when it came out, played for like 2 weeks (or less?) and dropped it.


    My rec is unless you already know you like MH or you want to make it the only game you play for awhile, don't get it.

  6. If you guys wanted me to be interested in this you could have told me McCree is the DM.

    And no, I didn't know his name.


    I watched about an hour of the first episode and it's ok but I don't know if I'm going to watch all 999999999999 hours of this. I don't really like a few of the people who are participating. The half elf brother guy is whatever, the half elf druid chick is whatever, and the...gunslinger guy? I don't even remember him talking yet.


    So far the best part has just been McCree tbh.

  7. Was he going to march to Washington? It seems to me the party that sought confrontation was the Government. I'm not saying that they didn't have a good reason (maybe) but they were definitely the "aggressors" in the situation from what I can tell.


    As for thinking he's Jesus. 

    That's hardly a reason to call the ATF out to raid the place is it?


    I dunno like...I think the governments incompetence here was probably portrayed well.

    They wanted a big public win and they screwed with a group of people they shouldn't have and it ended tragically.

  8. It definitely seemed to make the Branch Davidians and David Koresh in particular sympathetic characters. Even for his faults Koresh was portrayed as someone who didn't hurt anyone intentionally and just wanted to spread his weird religious views. I have no idea how accurate that is to reality but it made for a great mini series.


    As for asymmetric forces...well if you believe the Davidians didn't actually want to fight and just wanted to be left alone I think that probably comes into play in how deadly they were and how willing to actually fight back they were. Also they were trying to hold onto territory, in this case the Waco compound. If you're engaging in asymmetric warfare against a larger and tougher opponent who has more men and weapons than you do your only option is hit and run tactics not making an Alamo style last stand. It maybe is a lesson in how the over application of force can garner sympathy even for a somewhat villainous underdog. I am sure the public was told that Koresh was sexually abusing children or whatever not to mention stockpiling weapons but during and after Waco there was still a lot of anger and resentment towards how the government handled the situation.

  9. Honestly trading might make or break the game for me.

    I'd like to see them improve on hearthstone's model in a way that's good for players and not the company.


    Looking at the dollar to Gem to pack rate it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

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