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Posts posted by Nolder

  1. 15 hours ago, Tyzack said:


    Yes, and it'll still be a joke.


    They're betting, basically, that the changes in the game around player safety, combined with using sports as an outlet for politics, has created a large enough splinter in the market that a rival leauge can form.


    Both of these are very weak assumptions, and combined they are, well, a joke.

    NFL viewership is down ~20% in some cases. If there's a time to try it's now.


    15 hours ago, Tyzack said:


    1.) Concerns around player safety were initiated by the players, which means that the XFL will have to create a compensation package large enough to attract new talent away from the NFL and pull talent from the NFL. Note that most of these changes around player safety have been in youth football, and college football for years - and in other sports. 

    Many fans want (or think they want) a sport less concerned with safety. If the viewership can be turned the money will be there. That said this is at least a valid reason to think it wont take off.


    15 hours ago, Tyzack said:

    2.) Asides from players (see 1), you'd need to get fans who were anti-politics (specifically anti-progressive politics) in sports to watch. Would they watch a game with lower caliber play because everyone stood for the national anthem and weren't allowed to talk about what happens outside the white lines inside them?


    Perhaps, but that's very small subset of the population.


    It's useful to note while viewership down overall, viewership in markets where teams were competitive was unchanged from normal. What happened this year was that almost half the teams (15) were under .500, and of those 15, most of them were "major market" teams which, if/when they were/are good drive overall national ratings.

    Just like the 2016 election, you may be underestimating the population. I guess that remains to be seen though.

  2. 3 hours ago, Tyzack said:


    It’s going to be a joke, again.

    Have you read up on the details (such as they are)?

    It seems like a legitimate attempt to provide what the NFL does not.

    There won't even be cheerleaders.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Andrej said:


    Is Vince McMahon still running the show?


    13 minutes ago, Andrej said:

    Realistically I can’t even fathom 700 football teams entering a tournie. There’s so much game planning/practice that goes into one game, not to mention the recovery time between. A bracket that big would literally take an entire year to play out.

    The XFL has 8 teams.

  4. 8 hours ago, Sunrise Lord said:

    Rumor has it US/UM are the last games for the handheld systems.  

    Yeah. I think they want to end the handheld altogether.


    Anyone who owns a Switch knows they already have seamless transition.

    If you just get it a liiiiiittle smaller it would make a perfect handheld itself.


    Also that rumor is coming from the fact that they announced they were going to have a main series pokemon game on the Switch. I think they are testing the waters. If it's a success we'll probably see Pokemon transition to a console title. If it flops they'll keep with handhelds for another generation at least.


    For as much as they are innovators Nintendo is also very skittish when it comes to change. Kind of ironic imo.

  5. 6 hours ago, Sunrise Lord said:

    I liked them better than S/M honestly.  The storyline (especially with Lusamine) was better put together, and the little additions were nice.

    Well, yeah that's usually what these types of editions are. They are improvements on the game that came out. Like a "Director's Cut" or something. They usually look nicer, have more to do, and the stories flow better.


    I just thought it was going to be a sequel. I wanted to explore Alola more and see what everyone has been up to. I wanted to see what happened now that the Ultrabeasts were invading, etc.


    Oh well I guess.

  6. Ok so as some of you may know the MCC was extremely buggy when it first came out so a lot of people stopped playing it. Years later it still has a small multiplayer community so it's difficult to get into matches sometimes. The best playlist to get a match is, ironically, Big Team Battle (8v8 gametypes).


    Now, I've played every Halo game multiplayer. I even did LAN for Halo 1 back in the day. I have preferences but I'll play pretty much anything. Apparently there is a sizable Halo 3 community on the MCC. So when you're in a Big Team Battle lobby it will bring up 3 maps for players to vote on and those 3 maps are usually different games. So for example you might get an option of Multiflag on Blood Gulch in Halo CE, Slayer BR on Standoff in Halo 3, and Dominion on Longbow on Halo 4. Or maybe 1 Bomb on Terminal in Halo 2, Slayer on Relic in Halo 2A, or Slayer BR on Valhalla on Halo 3. You get the idea.


    So almost every single time it's time to vote Halo 3 wins because of this large subset of the community. They don't want to play Halo CE or Halo 2 or Halo 2A or Halo 4. ONLY Halo 3. In my opinion Halo 3 had the worst multiplayer but hey whatever I'll play. And so I play these extremely frustrating matches of Halo 3 over and over and over trying to earn the medals for the multiplayer Achievements. And then it happens, FINALLY a majority of people vote for a NON Halo 3 map...and someone leaves and the voting resets. Then it happens again...and someone leaves again and voting resets. And then it happens again and this time the game starts...and like 3 people instantly quit on one team, 2 people on the other. One guy keeps killing his own team, two guys aren't playing and meanwhile the other guys are just screwing around shooting the sky or just standing still like they put their controller down for 10 minutes.


    I swear to god I have never seen such childish tantrums thrown in and about a video game before. I've noticed that people who vote for NON Halo 3 maps only do it because they're sick of playing Halo 3. They don't actually mind playing Halo 3 they just want to mix it up. For god's sake the game has 5 different games to choose maps and weapons and vehicles and graphics and physics and all that from! Mix it up and have fun! But these Halo 3 people wont do it. They just refuse to play anything but Halo 3 and if a non Halo 3 game comes up they purposely ruin it.


    I am so frustrated with this whole thing. I think I can feel my blood boiling in my veins. I'm mad that 343 even put multiplayer achievements. I'm mad they released a broken game and killed what should have been a Halo 2 community. And I'm mad at these people. Probably kids but that doesn't make it any easier. If anything it just makes me more angry. Why are kids allowed on my xbox live? In my shooters? Go play minecraft or something.


    I just want to note that it was extremely difficult to type this without any expletives and I hope the staff appreciate that.

  7. 22 hours ago, Ironeyes said:

    My feelings exactly. I bought UM as a Christmas present for my brother but didn't play it myself. 


    ...still waiting on those DPP remakes...

    Yeah same. I keep getting into an argument with a friend about those. He says they wont make them because enough time hasn't passed and I say the games are over 10 years old so plenty of time has passed.

  8. Geostorm.


    It was horrible.

    You should watch it.

    It was so bad.

    So, so, bad.


    There were dozens of continuity issues, the world was not internally consistent, the characters used dialog for the sole purpose of setting up one lines.

    Actors couldn't decide on accents for their characters, and frequently switched mid-conversation.


    Also, water dries up immediately when the sun comes out, and dogs are immune from tornados.

    That last line is a spoiler.


    I don't care.

    Sharknado bad?


    Dogs are always immune in Hollywood... I think I've seen one exception but I cant remember the film :unsure:

    John Wick?

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