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Posts posted by Nolder

  1. Just played a demo for an indie game called Teleglitch

    LOTS of fun

    So much tension just walking through a door or around a corner

    Not really knowing anything about the story (if there really is one) and not caring regardless

    Reminds me of some old school games I used to play

  2. I just got back from The Hobbit

    I happened to watch it in 3D because my uncle had never seen a 3D movie before and wanted to try it and I was pleasantly surprised

    The 3D effects didn't feel gimmicky or forced like most movies except in like one part but I didn't mind

    The movie itself was awesome as expected

    The beginning was kind of...ehhh I didn't really like the prologue stuff and felt it tied in badly but once the movie really got going it was fine

    My favorite thing was the goblins

    I was extremely pleased that they looked very different from orcs as that is something I was concerned about

    I'd say they nailed it

    Can't wait for part 2!

  3. Jirio Dreams of Sushi

    Its a documentary... And I highly recommend it.

    I thought about watching that

    Did you like it a lot?

    Well, just to note, its in japanese (english subbed) and its about an 85 year old sushi cheff,that won a 3 star michllin(sp) award. His resturant seats only 10, and costs $300+. Its basically a documentary, of what they do, and, in some sense, how they got where they are today. This guy... My god. if he had come to america, he could have done anything. :wink:

    I used to watch quite a bit of subbed anime, not a problem.


    Snow white and the huntsman. Two hours of my life I'll never get back... :sad:

    I know right?

    It had some small potential in certain areas but those were totally overshadowed by...the movie...

    I can only say that I didn't regret it so much because I had reduced price tickets


    Hunger Games. The only redeeming factor was the fact that it felt like it stole four hours of my life, but in reality it only stole two and a half. So there's that...

    Really? Everyone always tells me how amazing it is when I ask

  4. What I find interesting is that it wasn't even the first alien

    The video I watched on youtube showed a close up of that mural in the one room and pointed out that an alien is depicted there


    So yeah what we saw is not the first alien and it's not the one Ripley & Co encounter


    I'm thinking that there is going to be a sequel to Prometheus to really tie together the "prequel" story to the Alien franchise

  5. Didnt get the story or what they were trying to say.

    I dunno about meaningful messages but I found a youtube video that breaks down the movie and does a pretty good job of explaining the things I didn't get


    Like you know the vats? I thought the snake alien was in one of them

    But it turns out the black goo stuff IS the alien basically

    It landed on the worms (if you remember seeing them) and mutated them into the snake alien we see later


    I dunno maybe that seemed obvious to some people but I needed that explained to me

    I can link the video if you want

  6. I just finished Prometheus and was confused about 85% of the time

    I actually attempted to google "didn't understand prometheus" to see if there were any sites out there that could explain what the hell went on in that movie

    As I was typing it in I got to "didn't u" and google autofilled the rest

    I was highly amused by that and just thought I'd share

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