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Posts posted by Nolder

  1. I think he might be refering to the arrogance of the characters, both are smug and self assured characters which assume they are correct

    Speaking of actors that seem to always play the same character

    Jason Statham and Johnny Depp


    Almost every movie JT stars in is just a generic action flick where JT gets some guns and shoots'em up

    They're ALL the same


    Johnny Depp's movies on the other hand are different but that's kind of the problem

    They're too different

    They're usually just weird

    JD always plays in these really eccentric and weird roles in movies

    There's a couple exceptions but really I'm so tired of both of these actors doing the same thing over and over

  2. Wing Commander was watchable and loved starship troopers


    A WoT fan worried about how tWoT would be adapted should HATE Starship Troopers, which entirely changed the message of the book.

    It was still an enjoyable movie though

    And I'd also argue that a fair few of the core themes were retained

    You just gotta dig a little deeper to find them in the movie

  3. I read the first two book and thought they were pretty great. Eragon becomes quite whiny during the second book but mans up towards the end.

    I agree

    The one thing that actually stopped me from giving up on the series was that I felt he actually did a good job representing that young emo feeling

    What Eragon was going through felt real to me

    It was frustrating to read for sure but when he got back to business it was very satisfying


    Have you read the last book yet?

    I'm doing a reread of the series before I read it for the first time

  4. Doom. Omg, when The Rock dies and he looks directly into the camera and says, "This isn't supposed to happen!" Ridiculous.

    I kinda liked Doom

    It was cheesy and fell far far below it's potential but as far as VIDEO GAME movies go...it was one of the better ones


    Easily the second MK film and the DOA movie. The last movie I saw that I actually wanted to walk out of was suckerpunch, and prometheus was bad as in let down bad.

    I like both of those movies

    Though admittedly I like the MK ones BECAUSE they're so bad


    Have you seen the MK show on youtube? I think it's called legacy

    It's actually pretty good


    two words, phantom menice


    ok so its not the worst movie ever, its just the biggest letdown ever

    Phantom Menace was my favorite of the prequels and honestly I think I enjoyed it about as much as any other star wars movie

    TBH the star wars movies in general were never really that great

    The extended universe (books, comics, games) are far superior


    Pirahnah DD (no, not Pirahnah 3D, DD. LIke Double D's.)

    Its sooo bad, I haven't even seen it and I know its bad.

    I downloaded and skimmed this to see if it would be something I'd be interested in watching

    I'm generally down with crappy horror movies with lots of tits but this was something else

    Needless to say I didn't end up watching it

    The pirahnahs looked really cool though IMO

  5. Any movie made for SciFi ( yes I know they "rebranded" but I think that it's stupid and wish "SyFy" would die and go away).

    You mean you don't enjoy such classics as Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus or Megafault?


    edit: I'm being sarcastic

    I wish there was a sarcastic indicator like bold or italic...

  6. that "Vote for Pedro" movie... I forget the actual name of it but it was so bad

    Napoleon Dynamite


    Also Get Smart was pretty bad imo but my mom loved it

    I guess I just didn't get all the references to the show

    Still 99999999999999999 times better than Eagle vs Shark though

  7. I'm wondering what you guys think is the worst movie you've ever seen. Please only put down movies you've actually watched or attempted to watch.


    For me it was Eagle vs Shark. Went in expecting epic animal battles, left hating New Zealand SO MUCH.

  8. I just came back from seeing Snow White and the Huntsman


    It was impossible for me to take the movie seriously

    At one, completely inappropriate, point I burst into laughter and had to rush out of the theater so I wouldn't ruin the movie for others

    I stepped on some guys foot on my way out

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