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Posts posted by Nolder

  1. 7 hours ago, Andrej said:


    Alchemy is pretty good in Skyrim. I’ve never dabbled too much in it, but now thinking about it that would give me plenty of grinding skills to use lol. The house in Whiterun comes with its own chest and alchemy table. Maybe I’ll go Breaking Bad and become a skooma dealer ?‍?


    I dont have the DLCs anymore but you can still become a werewolf through the Companions storyline.

    Yeah I've always felt alchemy as a class in itself was under utilized by most players.

    and I didn't remember that I thought vamp and werewolf were both DLC.

  2. 4 hours ago, Andrej said:

    Thinking about booting up the 360 and having another play through of Skyrim.


    I’ll take any and all build suggestions 

    It's been a long time so I can't really remember...was it Oblivion or Skyrim which had a pretty good alchemy systm? If Skyrim I say be a potions master for all your needs. If not then be a werewolf/vampire ASAP. If you don't have the DLC and alchemy sucks then try playing a wizard dagger/staff hybrid where the only magic you're allowed to use comes from staves, otherwise you can use the dagger for physical attacks.I


    If none of that sounds appealing then use SDs random thing I guess.

  3. On 12/26/2018 at 6:01 PM, Krakalakachkn said:

    So it's been a long time since I've bought new video games (outside a terribly misguided decision to pre-order Fallout 76), and I've decided to clean up on Microsoft's EOTY games sale (only 8 days left).  There are a ton of games and game bundles available (and many are definitive/ultimate editions) and these are the ones that caught my eye.  I already picked up some games that I've heard about for years but never pulled the trigger on.  So far Tomb Raider is dope. 


    (Prices are in parenthesis and based on if you have a gold membership)


    What I've Bought

    - Tomb Raider ($6)

    - Rise of the Tomb Raider ($12)

    - Child of Light

    - Diablo 3 ($20)

    - Ori and the Blind Forest ($10)

    - Fe ($5)


    What I'm Going to Buy

    - Limbo ($2.50)

    I didn't like Limbo and imho I'd rather have 2.50 in my pocket.

    - Dragon Age Inquisition ($10)


    What I'm on the Fence About

    - Bioshock Collection ($15)

    Great deal almost picked this up myself, highly recommend if you've never played them.

    - Titanfall 2 ($6)

    - Metal Gear Solid V ($15)

    - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided ($7)

    - Gears of War 4 ($10)

    - Inside ($10)

    - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor ($8)

    - Okami HD ($14)


    Could Be Talked Into Buying

    - Wolfenstein II ($20)

    - Dishonored 2 ($13)

    - Destiny 2 ($30)

    - Batman Arkham Collection (Asylum/City/Knight $15)

    - Bastion ($4)

    - Injustice 2 ($18)

    - What Remains of Edith Finch ($10)




    So I'm looking for any and all advice/reviews/info on any of these games (or any others offered on the sale).



    I almost got the witcher 3 complete edition for 20 bucks as well but I ended up splurging and bought red dead 2 instead. Still witche r is also a good deal if you're into i t.

  4. @Krakalakachkn if you're still wondering what I think of the game my opinion has continued to sour. I thought maybe after two updates to address my two biggest complaints things would start to look better but if anything it's only made me more frustrated because in a way they didn't deliver what they promised with the updates.


    Right now I would give the game a 3/10 and most of that is due to good music, art design, and local flavor of the Appalachian region. The actual meat of the game, the quests and combat and all that are either functionally boring or broken.


    And while we're at it...why is this a multiplayer game? The PvP is clunky and forgettable, trading is a nightmare, and questing together with friends is annoying in ways I couldn't have even imagined before trying it. This game was pitched as a broken world that the denizens of Vault 76 needed to rebuild but nothing you do has any effect on the game other than the temporary nuke drop which is the end game content most people won't get to.


    Save your money and pray Elder Scrolls 6 won't be a disaster.

  5. On 12/1/2018 at 10:36 AM, 2RiversFan said:

    I binged seasons 1 and 2 several months back.  Season 3 is on the list of things to watch, but haven't had time for it yet.  Probably won't get to it until January, the way my schedule looks

    Might want to bump it up, I'd say season 3 was the best yet. Particularly towards the end. I wont drop any spoilers but the set up for next season has me very excited although it will be a long wait.

  6. Technically yes. Like if you check out the past 3 or 4 patch notes the number of crashes they've fixed for zombies takes like a real life minute to scroll through lol. The problems I had with it weren't the bugs mostly though. Although one of the things I complained about they did address sort of. The last zombie will still bleed out but it takes 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes. 10 minutes seems to be long enough to do pretty much anything you want to do on the map without problem but it's still annoying that the zombie bleeds out at all when it didn't used to.


    I'm not gonna lie though, I haven't played zombies since the last time I posted really. I've been playing MP and Blackout. 

  7. Credit where it's due.





    December 4, 2018 – Next week’s update will bring an increase to the Stash limit, 

    Stash Limit Increased: We know many of you have been asking for an adjustment to the Stash storage limit, and we’re happy to share that we’re increasing it from 400 to 600. While this is somewhat conservative, we plan to increase the storage cap further once we verify that this change will not negatively impact the stability of the game.




    December 11, 2018 – The next update after December 4 is currently planned for the following week.

    C.A.M.P. Placement on Login: Your C.A.M.P. will no longer be automatically blueprinted and stored if someone is occupying your location when you log into a server. Instead, you’ll receive a notification that your space is occupied. If you decide to find a new home for your C.A.M.P. on that server, it will be free to do so. However, if you don’t attempt to place down your C.A.M.P., you will be able to switch to a new server where that spot is vacant and your C.A.M.P. will be fully assembled and waiting for you.

    Bulldozer: This is a new C.A.M.P. feature that will allow you to remove small trees, rocks, and other obstructions so it’s easier to create and place your C.A.M.P. when and where you want it. You can also use the Bulldozer to clear these items from the surrounding area to make your C.A.M.P. feel more like home!


  8. 38 minutes ago, Krakalakachkn said:

    Yeah I'm waiting for them to iron out all the kinks before I start to play.    Always heard New Vegas was great so that's what I'm doing now.


    - Feels/plays like a FO game.

    - Play with friends if you want or alone, both are fairly easy to do and there are perks to compliment either style.

    - West Virginia is beautiful.



    - You need food and water to survive (like you will literally die without it) and 90% of food spoils.

    - Food, water, and ammo all weigh a lot more than they probably should making inventory management very difficult.

    - Your "stash" is limited to 400 weight which gets filled quicker than you'd think, they've promised to increase but until they do inventory management is very difficult.

    - Most of the quests are kind of basic and boring.

    - $60 for a game that is honestly kind of empty from the start. Also microtransactions.

    - Bugs and crashes galore. I'm not one to harp about this sort of thing especially from Bethesda where it's almost expected but it quite often doesn't just stop your progress it rolls it back. So if you were in the middle of a quest you have to start over from the beginning not pick up where you left off.

    - Some people are dicks and will steal your stuff, destroy your house, and even kill you if they can. Some try to trick you by standing in front of you when you're fighting so they can enter combat with you. 


    The worst part by far is the building though. Now I fully admit I'm biased. This is the part of the game I was most interested in and most enjoy and it's the part that works the least IMHO. If you just want to walk around and do quests more power to you but I want to build a ****ing house and I just CANT and it pisses me off.


    Building is frustrating on many levels. The building budget is too small to make anything meaningful most of the time. Environment often prevents you from building or intrudes into your house (ie tree branch just stabs through the wall). Most of what you can use to build is locked from the beginning and you have to find "plans" to unlock them (So you if you want a Nuka Cola Machine you need to find/buy the plan). PvE seems to be triggered by owning a house so if you don't have turrets and other defenses set up ghouls or super mutants will just wreck your shit and kill you over and over if you're unprepared. Modifying your house can be extremely difficult sometimes like when you want to put say a clock on the wall and you want it in a certain location it can be really hard to just highlight the clock and then have it actually place on the spot you want to move it. I literally spent all day one time just micromanaging stuff in my house and not because I was having fun but because it was just HARD to do. You also need resources to build the stuff in your house which is to be expected but that eats into your limited inventory which I've mentioned before. the resources don't weight that much but when you have 500 steel, 500 wood, 500 lead, 500 cloth, 500 rubber, 500 plastic, etc, etc, etc on top of ammo, armor, weapons, outfits, food/aid/drugs it all adds up reeeaallly quick. Another thing is you can't find stuff in the world and drop it into your home. For example if you find a vase or maybe a bobble head or whatever you can't just put that down on a desk in your home. No no no you need to have the plan for that vase if it even exists. Another thing is that most of the stuff doesn't really work or interact like you'd think it should. For example you'd think you could put Nuka Cola in your Nuka Cola machine but you can't. And maybe they'll add that eventually but right now you can't. I want to put Nuka Cola in my machine god damn it! Oh and the worst part about all of this is you can spend all this time obsessing about your house and collecting all these plans to make it cool and finding an out of the way spot so it's destroyed by griefers and you finally log out and go to bed and you sign on the next day...and your house is gone. Just gone. Poof. I think it happens when you sign into a server where someone has a house where you have your house which like what are the odds right? But there are some spots on the map that are probably hot spots like near vault 76 for example. And oh don't worry the game gives you a blueprint so you can place your house back down again just like you had it. Except you can't because the way this game works everything needs to be placed very specifically and precisely otherwise it can't be built so the blueprints are worthless. So your house is gone and you have to start over. Do this 4 or 5 times and you'll be done with the game too.

  9. On 11/18/2018 at 11:34 PM, Krakalakachkn said:


    Biggest pros/cons?

    It'll have to wait until next time I'm on PC but suffice it to say that I am so frustrated with the game I've basically quit, at least for now. The 10gig update they did the other day addressed none of the problems I've had. Right now cons far outweigh pros imo.

  10. On 10/26/2018 at 6:16 AM, Krakalakachkn said:

    I'll never understand no SP campaign.  Ever.

    There is a mode that sort of kind of functions as a single player campaign if you squint at it hard enough which is the Specialist HQ. For every mission you do you get like a 20 second cutscene and if you read between the lines you can sort of get the aroma of a story. But yeah no it's basically not there.


    On 10/26/2018 at 6:17 AM, Krakalakachkn said:

    How did they ruin zombies?

    Zombies bleed out. Perks suck. Elixers/Talismans suck. Wonder Weapons suck. Most achievements in the game are for Zombies so if you don't really like it tough luck.


    And this is in contrast to the maps which are actually really cool. It kind of makes you hate it even more because you see what it could have been had certain decisions not been made.


    Then again I tend to think this is the MO of game companies now.

    They purposely make their games not as good as they could be in order to "fix" them later and keep their playerbase happy and fooled into thinking they're actually working to make the game better when in fact they made it that way on purpose from the beginning knowing people wouldn't like it.

  11. See, I thought TFA was basically fine. I mean it has a few problems but literally every Star Wars film does none of them are perfect. TFA was very safe. It was almost literally A New Hope and while we've seen it before we also know we liked it before so there wasn't much that could go wrong. Rogue One and Solo are both well below TFA imo.

  12. So I watched this recently.

    I thought I wasn't going to like it because it had a lot of negative hype around it and also it flopped...but it was actually ok?

    I mean it had problems and it was far from my favorite star wars movie but ehhh it was alright.

    Way better than TLJ anyway. As far as spin offs go Rogue One was superior if only because it actually tied the original series and the prequel together.

    Solo was a movie that no one asked for and never needed to happen.

  13. No single player campaign, they ruined zombies, new maps all suck, SMGs all suck, the camos suck, and the scorestreaks kind of suck too.


    Unless you're going to play Blackout save your money imo.

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