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Posts posted by Nolder

  1. Knights of Pen and Paper +1


    Honestly I'm addicted to it because it reminds me of Pokemon but what it really is is basically a DnD single player RPG.

    You pick a "party" of 3 people to start with and there is a game master and there seems to be a loose story line you follow and a world and stuff and it's sort of like your party is playing DnD and you're just kind of there in the background watching them but you still get to make all the decisions about where to go and what to do and customize their gear and whatnot.

    The writing is a bit quirky and kind of funny at times. Like the place you start is Default Village and there is a Maya Me Beach (get it?) and some other stuff.


    My party is an Alien Mage, a Werewolf Cleric, and a Pizza Guy Warrior.

    You get a few different choices about what you can have in your party to start but you can unlock stuff and customize it more later.


    I saw This Is The End

    I wanted to like it, I tried, but I didn't

    It had a lot of great moments but the movie also dragged more than once and was way over the top

    Probably would make a good friday night rental but would not recommend seeing it in theaters

    Gah, I had high hopes for that as a comedy.. Was the bit with emma Watson at least hilarious?


    Nah. She was in it for 5mins then disappeared for half the movie then came back for another 5 mins and then left again.

    The only funny thing involving her was a line someone says it went something like "**** we got robbed by hermione" or some such.

  3. Saw The Internship yesterday. It was pretty much what you'd expect except slightly more heartwarming than expected at times. Solid comedy.


    One thing I have to note though which didn't really impact my enjoyment of the film was some bad editing. It was painfully obvious when they'd edited clips of different takes together to make a scene at times.

  4. Care to back that up?

    I'm not going to spend hours thinking about tropes and different series and how they are used when I'm sure someone will just come back and accuse me of cherry picking anyway. Instead of me providing some comprehensive list of tropes for both series and other series those tropes are used in why don't you give me JUST ONE similarity that you think is unique to just the wheel of time and sword of truth series.


    The whole point is that the similarities are very specific - therefore  the more specific, the better. And the more generic your counters, the more evident it is that you don't have an argument.

    They are needlessly overspecific. No I'm not going to be able to find another series that has "male only magic controlling devices". Not many series even have gendered magic in the first place. I could probably find a device that controls a magic user, but men only? Probably not. And that's being needlessly overspecific because the trope is "magic hero getting too powerful, needs to be taken down a peg or two" and it's accomplished with "a device". I'm not going to find exact matches because other series are not telling the exact same stories.

  5. Why would uniqueness matter?

    Because if they are not unique then it follows no one is ripping off anyone, or rather everyone is "ripping off" each other.

    It means SoT and WoT don't share 9999999 similarities it means SoT, WoT, and 999999 other series share those same similarities.


    The Worst Witch? Harry Potter? Straying outside epic fantasy, here - same genre, different subgenre.

    Please. Are you really arguing that Harry Potter and WoT are too different to compare?


    And Harry Potter doesn't even have an all-female school.

    Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.


    The argument people are using is that WoT and SoT have a higher than usual number of very specific similarities - not just things that are generic within the fantasy genre, not just one or two very similar things but a lot of very similar, non-generic things.

    Yes and I keep asking what those things are and then just get referred to old threads or ignored.


    More likely is that Goodkind copied from RJ. Plagiarism is, by its nature, difficult to define the parameters of, but there's no need to make it harder. There are similarities that go beyond the generic, and they are quite numerous. This is enough for us to be suspicious.

    You're suspicious so he's guilty is the reasoning you're using here. I hope you can see how unfair that is.

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