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Posts posted by Nolder

  1. I saw a great comment chain on reddit and thought I would share.



    "Not Dany. How about my Queen?"

    Guess that's how smooth you have to be to seduce your Aunt.


    I thought he was proposing at first.



    Doesn't matter, he'll be getting that dragonass soon



    Dany: I thought you said you were here for dragonglass

    Jon: S-Sorry, that's what I meant to say...
  2. It seems my leaked episode ended early and I didn't realize it. I've now watched the full ending.



    Apparently a certain someone lived even though by all rights he shouldn't have. First of all there were zombies pulling him down into the water. Secondly he was screaming so he had only seconds of oxygen left. Third that water was literally freezing, again he should be dead in seconds. Fourth his clothes AND armor should have been so heavy and he should have been so numb he shouldn't have even been able to swim up to the surface let alone get out of the water and that's not even counting the zombies. FIFTH Benjen should not have been there. I mean, why? Deus Ex Machina I guess. If they were going to have Jon survive all this I'm not sure why they even did it in the first place because the odds of him surviving all that in the way he did was so improbable it completely takes me out of the story. Oh well I guess it looked cool.



    30 hours-ish. I'm trying to be strong and avoid the YouTube videos that are tagged as episode 6 spoilers.


    One of my coworkers approached me on Thursday and told me she'd watched it. All she said was that she cried.



    One of my coworkers caved on Thursday night and all she said was it was great and one of her theories was right. I was afraid to ask what theory :laugh:


    Ok I'll tell you...



    Bran actually IS a Jedi. This is a crossover story decades in the making. He makes his lightsaber next episode.


  4. 30 hours-ish.  I'm trying to be strong and avoid the YouTube videos that are tagged as episode 6 spoilers. 


    One of my coworkers approached me on Thursday and told me she'd watched it.  All she said was that she cried.



    You have no idea what's waiting for you my sweet summer child.
  5. I think my favorite episodes so far this season have been the "slow" ones that most people don't like.  I think it's because they focus on storytelling rather than bewbs, sex, and gratuitous violence.  But, eh, idk.

    I'll give you sex but we're at the endgame. If you didn't sign up for violence why are you here?

  6. Next weeks episode leaked, don't read what I have to say because I am talking major huge gigantic spoilers





    So wow a dragon died. It wasn't Drogon...I think it was the green one but I forget their names. Also apparently Jon Snow is dead again. I guess. I kind of thought the ice spear was for him at first actually. I thought he was going to join the dead and lead them against Daenerys. But nope it was for a dragon and he's just dead. Maybe he'll finally warg into ghost now?


  7. I think the show is covering years worth of time as if it were weeks sometimes. You can see this in the way people travel (ie Jamie and Bronn to KL or Jon and Co to the Wall). This is obviously necessary to continue the narrative but sometimes makes for confusing events. The BWB has probably been sitting in that cell for months.

  8. MAYBE


    But you're left to assume that is the case rather than it being shown that that is in fact the case.

    With a show that usually pays attention to such details skipping over that is a pretty big slip which I think lends more credence to the case that Sansa is better trained and more sure of herself than she probably should be in this instance.


    And just to address your unshown example of Sansa asking Ned about the leather, in the world of Westeros women are almost never warriors. Ned could have just as easily told her it was none of her concern as answered the question in detail. And what we know of Sansa's character is that she probably wouldn't ask such a thing in the first place, Arya was the tomboy remember?


    Just feels out of place.

    It's fine for the show I guess but if the books ever finish I suspect we'll see a different Sansa from the one being portrayed here.

  9. Saw this on reddit thought it was funny



    Sansa: hey Bran! Welcome back

    Bran: I'm not Bran, I'm the three eyed raven
    Sansa: Hey Arya, welcome back!
    Arya: I'm not Arya, I'm no one
    Sansa: Hi Jon, welcome again
    Jon: I am not a Stark, I am a Targaryen
    Sansa: Hi Theon, welcome back
    Theon: I am not Theon, I am Reek
    Sansa: Hi Uncle Benjen, nice to see you alive
    Benjen: Sorry I am half-dead
    Sansa: fu*k you all! I'm out!

    Oldtown: Well that was a quick treatment but I´m happy that Jorah is well. It will be great to see him in Westeros. It was a touching moment between him and Sam. Was I the only one that got a bit afraid when the shook hands? Sam must have been really sure that he had succeeded. I wonder how long Sam will stay in Oldtown. 


    I think that was the point.

    Sam was so sure he'd cured Jorah that he risked infecting himself just to shake his hand.

    I think it was meant to be touching for Jorah. Like he's regained his humanity.


    Sorry for the triple post I just kept thinking of another thing I wanted to say lol, I'll stop now.

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