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Posts posted by Nolder

  1. I skipped it, didn't miss it. I assume it had something to do with Gannicus becoming the "god of the arena"?


    Anyway I finished Spartacus. Actually not a bad show if you don't mind that they seem to be appealing to frat boy college bros or whatever.

    To be honest I didn't even notice the main guy switched. I think there were like two episodes where I was like hmmm but it passed quickly.


    7/10, if you like tits and swords you'll enjoy this.

  2. good point


    Nol, AJ, I take it you're not interested?

    What's football?





    I am a very casual viewer if I view at all. I usually only watch if someone around me is watching. A fantasy league is definitely not my thing.

  3. Do you know if the show ends on a cliffhanger or not?

    I am ok with a rushed ending but cliffhangers always suck.

    Last time a show I liked left me on a cliffhanger I was emo for like 4 years.

  4. Has anyone here watched this show? I've been watching it on Netflix and I have some thoughts.


    First I want to get out of the way that I know the main guy got cancer and the show was ultimately cancelled so maybe what I hope for doesn't come to fruition, I'm only 10 episodes in.


    With that said the show seems to be aiming at a certain audience. When there's violence it is very gruesome with lots of CGI blood and to the tune of rock anthems. Sex and nudity is near constant and rages from casual to depraved. This is Game of Thrones on steroids as far as sex and violence. You can imagine what audience they were aiming this show at but underneath there is something that is holding my interest. It is the story about a man, a slave, who has been broken down and remade into a Gladiator. And he wants to fulfill that role. He wants nothing more than to be the champion of the arena and to be the best slave that he can be. But these damn Romans keep giving him more and more reason to hate them! Sometimes the acts of cruelty aren't even against him but merely in his presence but there is a near constant reminder that the people who he calls master are worth nothing but contempt. I don't know what it is about that that I find so entertaining. I think I'm waiting to see the breaking point. How far can they push him before he turns into the leader of an uprising we know of well?


    Anyway if anyone has seen it let me know what you think but please spoiler major plot spoilers.

  5. I read a theory on a "missed detail" that I don't think was actually intended but sounded kind of right.


    Littlefinger loved Cat and tried to marry her but was rejected by her father for not being important enough. So Littlefinger's entire life from then on was dedicated to gaining power and wealth. Trying to be "Somebody", as in Somebody important.


    Arya has spent almost the entire events of the series trying to leave behind her legacy as a Stark because it was deadly to her. Everyone wanted something from Arya Stark so she traveled half way around the world to become "Nobody".


    In the end: Nobody killed Somebody.


    Again, I don't think this was actually intended I think it's just a case of a fan finding a funny little detail, but it is funny regardless.

  6. I saw a great comment chain on reddit and thought I would share.



    "Not Dany. How about my Queen?"

    Guess that's how smooth you have to be to seduce your Aunt.


    I thought he was proposing at first.



    Doesn't matter, he'll be getting that dragonass soon



    Dany: I thought you said you were here for dragonglass

    Jon: S-Sorry, that's what I meant to say...
  7. It seems my leaked episode ended early and I didn't realize it. I've now watched the full ending.



    Apparently a certain someone lived even though by all rights he shouldn't have. First of all there were zombies pulling him down into the water. Secondly he was screaming so he had only seconds of oxygen left. Third that water was literally freezing, again he should be dead in seconds. Fourth his clothes AND armor should have been so heavy and he should have been so numb he shouldn't have even been able to swim up to the surface let alone get out of the water and that's not even counting the zombies. FIFTH Benjen should not have been there. I mean, why? Deus Ex Machina I guess. If they were going to have Jon survive all this I'm not sure why they even did it in the first place because the odds of him surviving all that in the way he did was so improbable it completely takes me out of the story. Oh well I guess it looked cool.



    30 hours-ish. I'm trying to be strong and avoid the YouTube videos that are tagged as episode 6 spoilers.


    One of my coworkers approached me on Thursday and told me she'd watched it. All she said was that she cried.



    One of my coworkers caved on Thursday night and all she said was it was great and one of her theories was right. I was afraid to ask what theory :laugh:


    Ok I'll tell you...



    Bran actually IS a Jedi. This is a crossover story decades in the making. He makes his lightsaber next episode.


  9. 30 hours-ish.  I'm trying to be strong and avoid the YouTube videos that are tagged as episode 6 spoilers. 


    One of my coworkers approached me on Thursday and told me she'd watched it.  All she said was that she cried.



    You have no idea what's waiting for you my sweet summer child.
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