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Everything posted by SinisterDeath

  1. "Construct" aka a computer program / golem isn't necessarily the correct verbiage when it comes to something like weather... I'm not even sure that's the right word to use for shadowspawn seeking lightning, as we don't know how weaves that specifically target creations of the dark ones even work? Hell, we don't even know why or how Aes Sedai can even sense shadowspawn! When it comes to weather manipulation, I don't think it has much to do with this idea of a "construct" or "computer" program, except for when it's taking place in doors like you described. Outside, you add or remove away energy from the weather system, and then the weather does what it does. If you want lightning to strike, you create the conditions for lightning. If you want lightning to strike a specific place, you create a conduit from the ground to a point in the sky, and the lightning will follow it like a copper wire down a kite string. If you want to create a mini storm in the hallway of a building, that's an entirely different beast then creating a natural storm. That reminds me of the difference in technique between lighting a candle by drawing the heat out of your cup of wine cooling it in the process, and using only the one power to create a ball of flame hot enough to melt solid rock. Both techniques their dis/advantages and limitations. Scales are prevalent here. One example is maintaining a high degree of flame. Transferring heat from a large body of water to shoot scalding steam at the enemy all day is possibly less draining then launching massive molten balls of fire. So kinda getting back on track here. Whether something like Shadowspawn seeking weaves are a "construct", I'd put regular weather manipulation in a different category then whatever that storm was that shot lightning specifically at trollocs was. My best guess is. Whatever it is that allows Aes Sedai to sense Shadowspawn, That's tied to the weave in some manner. And that weave is almost like a tied off mini thunder-storm, that has a bunch of tendrils of spirit that wave around, and when it touches a shadowspawn, it causes that conduit to make a connection for that lightning to create a ground and go Zzzaaap.
  2. Just to interject, the healing weaves Aes Sedia were using at the start of the series, was basically known as battle healing, which was primarily used during the war of power. (It basically puts the patient's metabolism into hyperdrive, akin to Wolverine) It's analogous to channeling lightning, where you're effectively using the one power on the environment around you, to guide nature into doing the hard work for you. There's several examples of this throughout the series, but it's not utilized very often. Nynaeve introduced actual healing weaves that don't cause the patient to die from loss of energy/metabolic hyperdrive. Whether her weaves still cause the body to go into metabolic hyperdrive, and the one power is substituting the patients energy stores, or the weaves are repairing the damage like a 3d printer, or "fixing the pattern", I don't know... As for how it relates to other weaves. It's just another form of energy manipulation.
  3. Recently, DM has been bombarded by spam bots. As such, I have made some tweaks where new users will be subject to content moderation for a period of time so users don't come to DM and see their boards flooded with this nonsense.
  4. Books to TV, having a character with a backstory where they feel responsible for losing someone, can help justify their fear and obsession trying to fix future situations they are responsible for. Perrin can't save Laila, but he can save Faile. Having a past trauma like that on screen, can be used to allow that character to heal from their past trauma by fixing it this time... They can also subvert that, by doing exactly what book Perrin does. Lose control, and kill someone who was actually helping his wife. I feel there are parallels to Sam from Supernatural, where he feels responsible for what happened to his Girlfriend, and Sam feels responsible for his mom turning into toast. Remove that Trauma, and you have a completely different show. Book Perrin, falling in love with this annoying character that reminds me of Jackie from that 70s show, after being betrayed/manipulated by said character over the course of 2 books, feels rushed. Yes, that love grew, but that's going to be harder for TV audiences to understand. TV audiences understand a character grieving a loss by immediately jumping into another relationship. It's a relatable experience. We do the same thing with Pets and future spouses.
  5. I think this ultimately comes down to WAFO. How far it ultimately strays from the source, is going to depend on what they do in season 2 and beyond. S1 of WoT currently has a variety of "easter eggs" and foreshadowing layered throughout the show. That those things exist, means that some of the writers/artists/etc have definitely read the source material. They successfully managed to inject those elements into the show despite everything else that went on that contributed to the show deviating from the books. Looking at the Witcher & the Expanse, both are guilty of wildly deviating from the source material. They both went so far as to create "entirely new plot lines". I can't speak for fans of the Witcher but I don't think most fans of the Expanse would call it a poor adaptation. (Particularly since the author(s) helped write the tv series).
  6. Why did I lock this thread? This comment Lead to this comment. My unpaid job here is to administrate and moderate content posted by users. This entails the de-escalation of topics to prevent users from fighting. Fighting which is often instigated by trolls. Sometimes, the best and fastest course of action is to lock the offending topic and move on. This allows users time to cool down so they don't say something that could result in disciplinary action. Typically, if a user has an objection or questions regarding why a topic was locked, they are free to use the PM function to discuss it in private. This is covered in section III of the CoC. The fact that a user was upset enough to create a fake email called "sdbigjerk", which skirts the CoC rule about creating multiple accounts, and then violated the CoC by using the contact form to "bully/Harass/personally attack" a member of staff; Is evidence that this thread needed to be locked because a user was likely trolling the topic.
  7. Correct, it's a "Trap" in several ways. (Below is according to the Wiki) First, a Man can be forcibly entered into a Circle against his will. Second, It amplifies the taint the Male channeler is exposed to. (Whether this means most Sa'Angrael buffer the user against the extra OP/Taint they channel, or whether Callandor somehow draws more taint into it, I don't know) And Finally, it lacks a "buffer", which can cause a man to "burn out" drawing too much of the OP through it. Prophecy/Plot point wise, the "Trap" was there so the shadow had a way to take over the "Dragon", but it also existed to prevent the "Dragon" from going mad and destroying everything if they became "mad" from the Taint. The danger from a lack of buffer, is mitigated due to the Circles ability to act as a Buffer, so the good guys or the bad guys could "force" the dragon into a circle, preventing them from turning into toast.
  8. The only answer I could have for this, is she just didn't put enough power into the Balefire. The amount of power = how far back in time balefire burns something back. If they died an hour earlier, but she only burnt the mydraal back 5 seconds, it's not going to change anything. Plot Armor. Also, at this stage Rand barely has any understanding of what it is he's doing with the one power. Later on he has more control, and with that control he's able to fully grasp how how unwieldly Callandor is. It's kind of like operating a machine or tool as a child, and then later as an adult operating that same tool, you fully understand the power behind it, and how lucky you were that you managed to operate it without incident as a child.
  9. I hadn't thought about it like that, but that's definitely something an Aes Sedai would do.
  10. I'm totally allowed to discard unlikely speculation. Just like you're allowed to speculate unlikely things. 😉 As far as this adaptation goes, the one power works mostly the same. (There are still two halves, women can't see men's weaves, etc) Minor changes to the OP so far = Circles are no longer safe, and women can't sense potential in other women (yet?) until they channel. The Dragon was still male, and that dragon was still Rand. In the show, Moiraine sending the reds after Mat was mainly about the "darkness" from the Dagger she healed from him, and that she worried "what if he is the Dragon? The Dragon can channel, and if he's it..." If we go by the books, he's still infected by the dagger even after he's "healed"; and that's likely true in the Adaptation. We've got some confirmation that his fight scene with the two brothers is still happening. Which at least supports the idea that his Tar Valon plot will be fairly similar, where he's treated like a "guest" that's not free to leave. Tldr: Changing Mat into a "Channeler" IMO is most likely a red herring. I would be very surprised if they said he could channel, and that his depression is due to the Reds severing him. We'll just have to WAFO, and I'll be the first to say "you were right" if you were. 😉 *As a note* hen I speculate about what's going to happen in the show, I always temper it with what we know happens in the books + what we know as true in the show. So until we (I) see the episodes, I'm always going to assume the show is going to try to follow what happens in the books at some level. Take season 1 as an example: Before the show came out, I would never have expected Mat to leave them before they all went off to fal dara. I wasn't surprised by the lack of the jolly green giant, but I was surprised it was just Rand and Moiraine. I was disappointed that Rand didn't go nuclear and blow shit up like he did at the end of EotW. When it comes to S2, what we know from the teaser images, and other information like them merging parts of book 2 and 3 together into season 2 (and we don't know how much of each) I can speculate that in S2 and S3, the wonder-girls probably aren't going to run off from the tower twice to get kidnapped and then rescued in both seasons, like they did in books 2 & 3. I'm going to speculate that The girls & Mat are going to share some time in Tar Valon before converging to the finale. I have no idea if they're merging the Stone & Falme, or if Falme's going to be a mid-season event, and the Stone is going to be our cliff hanger.
  11. I don't think that's likely. If I had to guess, the daggers influence has put him into a depression that's solved by kicking two golden haired brothers asses with a staff.
  12. I like to think that the Seanchan crossed the ocean, specifically to kill that one little girl. Then they're like. "Well, while we're here..."
  13. Ep5 @5:45 Ep5 @8:06, Rand & Mat Arrive Ep5 @8:34 Ep5 @45:54 It looks pretty white to my eyes. We see it in a variety of different types of lighting, which hugely impacts how something like this looks in reality. The taj mahal can look just as "dirty" depending on the the time of day the picture was taken, and what color correction methods were used. We should consider what @Elder_Haman mentioned regarding the thematic reasons behind the various lightings used through out the show. (It was LITTERED with yin-yang symbolism!) We're allowed to have our opinions, and you're entitled to believe the tower looks dirty and wrong according to how you imagined it from the book descriptions. Just like it's okay that @DojoToad was okay with the coloring, but wasn't impressed with "chonky toad shaped" tower. For me, it works. It could be better, but I also recognize that the island in the books has always looked like a Vulva, and the tower has always been a massive Phalic symbol, and in that regard they succeeded on a detail a lot of book fans still miss.
  14. That picture you posted was more than just super imposing. There were various filters/color changes to both Moiraine and Tar Valon. The one I initially posted, is from the show, It showed the tower. There wasn't any reason to add another picture, specially with the claim that it was from a scene you most recently saw. Lol As for the ogier smooth organic lines... Do you really want to see a giant dildo tower on TV? Because that's how you get a giant dildo tower on TV. The "whiteness" of the tower, as I showed looks absolutely horrible. Making something too white on TV causes the object to lose any kind of detail. The non-white colors aren't "dirt and grime". Thats just how white stone works. Remember the Taj Mahal? It's not so white, depending on where you are, and the lighting.
  15. I made the white tower in the TV show whiter. Now it just looks like a bigger white dick.
  16. Niche markets can overlap, and often being the fan of one, doesn't mean you can't be a fan of the other. WoT currently has 100 Million total sales. Legos sell ~220 million sets a year, 5% of which are directly attributed to adults. There are brick building contest TV shows. Hundreds of websites for kids and adults. Youtubers. Video Games, Movies and TV Series. Ergo, Lego is part of popular culture. And just because not every WoT fan is a lego collector, doesn't mean that WoT fans won't sign the petition, so their kids, or their friends kids might get a WoT lego set... or even get one themselves because it's WoT related.
  17. That's called "anecdotal". Understanding demographics, means looking into what people outside of your own social circles enjoy.
  18. I don't think you know your demographics as well as you think you do...
  19. https://techcrunch.com/2022/08/01/amazon-prime-video-launches-localized-services-for-top-three-markets-in-southeast-asia/#:~:text=Amazon Prime Video launches localized services for top three markets in Southeast Asia,-Lauren Forristal%40laurenforristal&text=Amazon Prime Video today launched,Indonesia%2C Thailand and The Philippines. China isn't the only country in Asia? Indonesia: 273.8 million Thailand: 71.6 million Philippines: 113.9 million South Korea: 51.74 million India: 1.408 billion Those 5 countries all have access to Amazon Prime Video. (Total population of Europe is ~746.4 million, and US is 331.9 million)
  20. Books did come later, but they also came before the newest movies. A lot of comic book purists would say they're shallow, trashy, and nothing but a cash grab.
  21. You and King implying that 2 missing episode titles on that list are evidence that execs have cut the season down to 6 episodes. 😉
  22. Season 1, we didn't know the episode names of 7 & 8, until the day (or week) they aired. So uhh, can we try not to freak out?
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