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Everything posted by SinisterDeath

  1. I'd recommend watching at least the first two episodes to get the context of what a lot of people feel is the superior show in terms of all around quality.
  2. Honestly, if you skim through S1 of GOT, the one thing that stands out is the use of outdoor scenes compared to WoT. What's probably feeling like "cheap sets" is that we get a lot of interior shots, that are often made to look cramped as they're trying to get us closeups on the main characters. Then we flicker over to GoT, and we see these expansive landscapes. These' outdoor set pieces. Courtyards with stables. Natural lighting is littered throughout the first episode of the first season. If a show goes from one interior set to another interior set, it starts to feel like a stage play, and that might be the feeling you're getting. It doesn't help that we only got 8 episodes to GoT's 10. We can't have a lot of extra's in certain scenes without crowding out the main characters. But if your in an outdoor scene with characters walking around, you can have extra's doing extra stuff... and we didn't get a lot of that stuff in S1 of WoT.
  3. If we get flicker flicker, It's likely this was the child Perrin & Laila lost. I don't get this criticism. The sets don't look low budget, and they don't look too clean or neat/orderly at all. I'll give you that they need to work on lighting. (HBO has superior lighting compared to Amazon's). RJ was always going on about how the Aes Sedai, Aiel, and White Cloaks were meticulous about bathing and keeping things spick and span, so there are going to be areas of the world that ARE going to be clean and orderly, and that's reflected in the show. Here's a screenshot of Shadar Logoth. We see dust on the floor, broken stuff everywhere. Here's Dana's Bar. It's quiet lived in. Clutter everywhere. You see dust in the air due to the way the lights coming in. Here's the Place Rand was staying with Mat when brother book brought Nynaeve over. The piller's a bit dirty, the furnishing is sparing but it's an Inn. It doesn't need to look like a family lives there. You keep it to a few beds, wardrobes, light sources, maybe a painting or two. Here's Lan with Steppin. The area looks about as lived in as a Warder who spends a few weeks out of the year there. It's clean, because it should be. The novices & accepted do their jobs well. And of course here's Fal Dara throne room area. It should be clean. They're nobility. It's an open dais, you don't want a bunch of clutter around it. Now here's Game of Thrones S1. Sansa's room. Boy, that looks clean! The only "dirty" thing I see is all that candle wax. That throne room is really clean and bare! And of course, look how clean this chamber is! Those chairs are spaced far to evenly! Thank goodness there's no starbucks cup in this shot! 😉
  4. Rand v Dark One ERB Style plz and thank you.
  5. I suggest reading some comments regarding the choice of music in the Willow TV series on Twitter/Reddit sometime. Fans can and will find anything to criticize, fairly or unfairly when it comes to any sequel or adaptation of a beloved piece of work. (Remember kids, Fans = short for Fanatic) What will be interesting I think, is if we'll get any more in-world music like Thom's song and the song of Manetheran. I'd love to see how they craft in-world music that has evolved over thousands of years since the breaking. I doubt in-show we'll experience anything like rap, that would be too much for certain demographics, even though it's one of the most popular music genres in our world... A case could be made, that if it existed in that universe, it would survive the breaking far better then the likes of highly synthesized pop and rock music, as it doesn't require much in the way of instruments, since it's pretty much just poetry spoken over any type of music. Course, knowing my luck Shatner's spoken word singing is still a thing.
  6. literally just post the youtube link, it does the rest.
  7. I'd die on the hill that the soundtrack is what made that movie. Replace it with period specific music, and it'll lose it's charm. 😉
  8. So, something to consider is that this is a world that is "our future", so who's to say our songs haven't lived on in different instrumental mediums with different lyrics applied? Or similar lyrics applied to different instrumentals? Thom's portrayal in this show is very country.
  9. Definitely Emoji's. Much to the Confusion of Perrin who doesn't understand what an Emoji is.
  10. Interesting counter-point, first trailer didn't really have "music" but did have a "generic fantasy score" as you put it. I wouldn't be surprised if it was something put together by Lorne Balfe?
  11. One of the reasons I like 7 nation army, is the lyrics and that absolutely killer/catchy guitar solo that sounds like Bass but isn't. Replace 7 nation Army with 10, we've got a bit of Madness workin' in here. Indestructible works great for the Asha'man coming to Rand's rescue at Dumai'. 7 nation, that works when Rand's showing off how devastating he can be while the Asha'man are just gawking at how OP he is.
  12. I moved the music discussion to this topic. To each their own for sure. I agree if it has modern, it should be written for the show, or at least re-worked, and something they did do, is rework the original song to the trailer. If you google the lyrics to the song "Control by Halsey", you'll see that the lyrics in the trailer don't match the song all that well. As for matching the tone/theme of the show, "Control" works really well. Rand's fighting for control of the OP. He's fighting control over his own destiny. He's fighting over other's trying to control him. He's trying to control others. He's wrestling with the madness trying to control him. The lines "And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"" "Who is in control" Are lines that should send a shiver up your spine when thinking about Rand. Seeing the Text "To Seek the Light" with a little girl running and Perrin looking happy, while the audio is saying "I can't help this awful energy"... These are a couple of CW trailers. 1) Sometimes I think when people say something is like a CW drama, I don't think they know what a CW show is. 2) I don't think the WoT trailer resembles either of those trailers at all. Song lyrics - 100% agree that I wish "subtitles" would catch lyrics/display them differently so we could better understand them with everything else going on. Part of the audio mess going on, is not all of that audio is from the song. I hope we get some more bloody mother's milks in a cup in season 2 as well, but we do have to be mindful that sometimes using "period" specific curses can make a show an unintended comedy. I wish I could find the article, but there was apparently a script written for Deadwood where they used period specific language, and the actors couldn't stop laughing at the cursing, so they replaced the majority of it with modern words. I'm not saying WoT should replace Bloody with the F-Bomb at every opportunity it can, it should bloody well keep the bloody word in there, but it' can also be difficult to work certain made up curse words into natural language. Here's the original song song if anyone's interested.
  13. I'm of the mind that a fantasy show doesn't need to have high fantasy LOTR music all the time. The Willow tv show got railed for having "modern" music but I loved it's sound track. I also loved "A Knights Tale" sound Track. The trick is finding the right balance of "High Fantasy Orchestral" and "Modern" that just fit. You don't want the music taking over the scene or the dialogue, unless it's a transition scene with a lot of walking/traveling, or some other type of scene where the music can be used to heighted the emotion of the scene. (Like playing Born to be Wild when someone rides off on a motor cycle) One example of something I'd love to see, is a version of this song play when Rand & his Asha'man enter the battlefield.
  14. Song lyrics as they appear in the trailer (there were some words or humming intermixed in the trailer where they'd singe a single word and stop so I wasn't able to parse what the word was and didn't include it here) I'm bigger than my body I'm meaner than my demons I'm bigger than these bones I'm bigger than my body And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me" I can't help this awful energy Who is in control? "Control" By Halsey, from the Album Badlands.
  15. I looked at that image a million times while making that image. I was thinking she was a lady leaning back in a chair talking to Ishy, as he was out of his chair. I guess there are 12 chairs, and 13 people. Interesting.
  16. Season 2 Trailer comes out on Wednesday.
  17. https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Three_Oaths Assuming they're correct...
  18. (BT) - 2 (WT) - 24 (SG) - 31 (S) - 29 (BT) Arie - 2 (WT) Arie - 4 (WT) WD - 17 (WT) CaddySedai - 3 (SG) Arie - 23 (SG) Lily - 8 (S) SD - 29
  19. (BT) - 2 (WT) - 24 (SG) - 30 (S) - 28 (BT) Arie - 2 (WT) Arie - 4 (WT) WD - 17 (WT) CaddySedai - 3 (SG) Arie - 23 (SG) Lily - 7 (S) SD - 28
  20. Oh also. If the 4th age can figure out how to create computer programs out of weaves. Holy Crap. They're going to make the Age of Legends look like literal children playing with toys.
  21. "Construct" aka a computer program / golem isn't necessarily the correct verbiage when it comes to something like weather... I'm not even sure that's the right word to use for shadowspawn seeking lightning, as we don't know how weaves that specifically target creations of the dark ones even work? Hell, we don't even know why or how Aes Sedai can even sense shadowspawn! When it comes to weather manipulation, I don't think it has much to do with this idea of a "construct" or "computer" program, except for when it's taking place in doors like you described. Outside, you add or remove away energy from the weather system, and then the weather does what it does. If you want lightning to strike, you create the conditions for lightning. If you want lightning to strike a specific place, you create a conduit from the ground to a point in the sky, and the lightning will follow it like a copper wire down a kite string. If you want to create a mini storm in the hallway of a building, that's an entirely different beast then creating a natural storm. That reminds me of the difference in technique between lighting a candle by drawing the heat out of your cup of wine cooling it in the process, and using only the one power to create a ball of flame hot enough to melt solid rock. Both techniques their dis/advantages and limitations. Scales are prevalent here. One example is maintaining a high degree of flame. Transferring heat from a large body of water to shoot scalding steam at the enemy all day is possibly less draining then launching massive molten balls of fire. So kinda getting back on track here. Whether something like Shadowspawn seeking weaves are a "construct", I'd put regular weather manipulation in a different category then whatever that storm was that shot lightning specifically at trollocs was. My best guess is. Whatever it is that allows Aes Sedai to sense Shadowspawn, That's tied to the weave in some manner. And that weave is almost like a tied off mini thunder-storm, that has a bunch of tendrils of spirit that wave around, and when it touches a shadowspawn, it causes that conduit to make a connection for that lightning to create a ground and go Zzzaaap.
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