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Posts posted by Agitel

  1. 7 hours ago, Guire said:

    I can deal with him going into rage, charging at darkspawn, her following then getting killed.  If he rage thrashes and kills her. Ugh.  I think that is too much of a fundamental change in who Perrin is and what he becomes.  This also probably removes Faile and Lord of 2 Rivers arc.  Very tough to be sympathetic to wife killer that shacks up with hot chick from out of town.  


    If the rumor is true, and he does kill her, I have to wonder if it's some accident, or if he does it intentionally. Remember in the EotW when he contemplates killing Egwene himself rather than let her live through torture (and he's sick with himself as soon as the scenario is over)?


    Sigh... Like, I understand how showing it works into his development, but it's a huge change, something he's never done before. Not a childish accident, but a horrific thing however they do it. If they do it. 


    Edit: I know this is just layering levels of speculation.

  2. 10 hours ago, CaddySedai said:

    Well to an extent that is true. Just because we never read of an initiation like that doesn’t necessarily mean it never happened. 


    I would argue that edits or revamps may be possible without changing the overall arc of the story. 


    And for cinematic purposes it may be necessary to flesh out or change elements to improve visual flow. 


    The struggle I have is if you change a key part. So if thats some kind of wisdom initiation that foreshadows her Tower initiation - thats all well and good and fleshes out and expands the wisdom aspect that didn’t get a ton of play. 


    If however that is her tower initiation and exists INSTEAD of the Silver Arches… thats a more drastic and in my opinion tragic change. 


    So really its too early to speculate what happens. Is it unrelated foreshadowing? Dunno. Is it replacing? Dunno. Is it part of but not replacing - instead supplementing? Dunno. 


    Thats sorta the issue with us getting all worked into a tizzy over a Teaser which provides little overall context because that is not the purpose of a teaser. 


    I may be misremembering, but the Silver Arches were part of her test to be raised from Novice to Accepted. I don't think we ever see any ceremony related to becoming a Novice. Some people (me included) think that scene from the trailer with her rising up in the pool of colors is a ceremony for entering the Tower to become a Novice, which still leaves the Silver Arches as something for later. I think it'll actually be the climax/end of Egwene's personal arc for the season, since the first season will supposedly adapt all of EotW and the beginning of TGH.

  3. 1 hour ago, DojoToad said:

    My first thought was that we're losing a major chance at character development with the aging up.  But I've known a lot of 18-20 year olds (myself included) that thought they had it all figured out before real life smacked them in the face.  So it might be okay.


    Plus as mentioned earlier, Egwene and Rand's very adult relationship makes the cost much higher later on when they realize it is not meant to be.  So we may or may not lose some growing up moments (to be determined), but we definitely gain significant emotional impact between Eg and Rand.


    When people say the characters are "aged up," what do they mean. Book Rand/Mat/Perrin are just about 19 years old. Egwene 17.


    So if the characters are aged up for the show, I'd expect all the show versions to be at least in their early 20s. They can still be naive, though.


    Edit: I had originally rounded the ages up.

  4. I have to wonder if the EotW will.be present at all. I know that's heresy, but Jordan never really explains its implications in any way, a first time reader might come away thinking it's just a macguffin.


    Then again, they could offer more exposition in the show than they did in the books.


    It being a place of pure saidin specifically to train and prepare the Dragon Reborn so he doesn't go mad. The fact that it was lost hurting the Light's chance of having a sane DR make it to the LB (and part of the DO's plot to turn the Dragon). The fact that it is possible to purify saidin, even in a finite supply sense.


    Edit: Hmmm... When Rand made saidin pure he had to put the taint somewhere. Where did the Aes Sedai who made the Eye put the taint they filtered it off? Did that expand/create the beginning of the Blight? Sorry, random speculation there.


  5. 17 minutes ago, JJLXL said:

    Your memory is not serving you well if you think the books came across as PG-13.  There is arguably way more over the top violence in WoT than in GoT.  Nudity, not so much, but violence is aplenty.  Think Dumai's wells.  Emptying entire villages into Trollock cook pots.  Any scene involving Padan Fain while he's with the shadow souled. Many torture scenes involving Forsaken.   The list goes on and on.  Maybe it was described using PG-13 language, but the scenes were definitely R-rated. I don't know how you get around that on screen without making a lot of changes.


    And all of that except Dumai's Wells I can easily see how to do justice to at a  TV-14 rating.

  6. 8 hours ago, JJLXL said:



    This has me a bit disappointed. I get it, but the confirmation of YA is disheartening. 


    It doesn't mean it'll have common themes targeted at a YA audience. It just means it is not sexually .explicit or have gratuitous gorey depictions, or much vulgar language. And it'll probably still have more "mature-only" content than the books.


    Edit: See Sinister's description of the raring below. I was not clear in the above, but I meant "not as much" of these things as compared to a Mature rating. I did not mean it wouldn't have them at all.

  7. 7 hours ago, Thrasymachus said:

    Hasn't changed my views at all.  Though I have gone from hoping it's such a flop we can throw it on the trash heap with the Last Airbender movie and all pretend it doesn't exist, to wishing it had never been made because apparently some people would be happy with absolutely anything no matter how bad it is, as long as it has the right names in roughly the right places.

    Bad in what ways?


    Edit: Specifically, if you knew nothing about the WOT books, do you think this looks like a bad show? Or do you mean a bad translation to TV/in terms of fidelity to the books?

  8. If I'm just describing how I pictured Lan, without this being a criticism of the show (matching exact physical appearance is less important than other things almost always), I imagine book-Lan with a bit more physical presence. A bit more broad shouldered and thick set, with a wider jaw.

  9. 24 minutes ago, dssharp said:

    It’s a valid question as to which rating will bring the most fans. I read that in all the other countries it is listed as 16+, which is definitely more than TV14. So I think the jury is still out on what the final rating will be. 


    The show Vikings avoids nudity/sex while still having lots of violence. It's possible to have adult shows without needing to meet a "T&A" quota. GOT had literal execs assigned to it by HBO that told writers/directors to add more nudity and sex to it. The books did have more mature elements there, but GOT was just very gratuitous, at least (mostly) in the front half of the seasons.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Borderlander said:

    Maybe, just maybe, when Moiraine is teaching Egwene for the first time, or in other rare instances where the channeler is really focusing, the camera can 'zoom in' or go into 'channeler mode' and we can see them like almost at an atomic level 'weaving' fire and air and water and so forth into complex threads and patterns, but that would be CGI-heavy and probably not practical to do for more than a few shots. And then when they 'zoom out' again, it's just the nebulous silvery magic again.


    This is what I'm hoping for. Explain it to the viewer while Moiraine is teaching, or Egwene/Nynaeve are being taught, and then start to introduce some color.

  11. 2 hours ago, Skipp said:

    I feel that the water/paint scene is just Egwene's Wisdom initiation.  I have a feeling they are going to make certain themes more prevalent among the cultures such as the surrendering to the rivers flow and the 7 Ajah colours.


    It's not going to upset me or anything, but the ajah colors have no broader significance in the world. It's not like the ajahs chose the colors because of some theological reason or other. Seems unnecessary if the color coding is more widespread.

  12. Any thoughts on Egwene coming up in the water to the seven paints on top? My thoughts are that


    we know the first season will cover book one and the beginning of book two. I think what we're seeing is near the end of the season and an initiation into the Tower. This shows her becoming a Novice.


  13. For me I'm not sure it feels like WoT yet. I'm definitely still watching and excited. I need to watch this a few more times. 


    EDIT: My comment is pretty vague. How do you quantify a "feel"? The WoT is certainly epic fantasy, serious fantasy, and plays into a lot of generic fantasy tropes but makes it very much its own. But, and this may just be the nature of "TV trailers", it felt a bit too... all of those things. I've watched it a few more times and am liking a lot of details I missed on my first watch. But I think I really need to see a whole episode to get a sense of its pacing and how much it lets its actors/characters breathe. A trailer is of course going to be very "heavy" all by itself.

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