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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Zander, if you're looking for a mission.


Find when Nolder village read me post those two statements.


Find when he decided BFG was a deep wolf - it was definetly before the Pizza lynch because it was an answer to a shots questions.


If you can't I'll do it tomorrow.

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Not alot has changed with this night. Im disappointed and surprised Pizza flipped town, I had a gif picked out and everything, but it doesnt change my stance on Tina or Shad.


For Nolder I pushed him and got annoyed at him all last game and read him wrong and I dont wanna make that mistake again. I do like to try and be right sometimes afterall.


For Nikon, hes not my top priority. If we lynch Shad and Tina and they both flip town im initiating operation Skyfall.


ATM All  I can really do is wait for Pizza to get around to lynching someone and reevaluate after the flip.

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Will PM the mods but honestly, I can't spend enough time to keep up with the posts so probably a good idea to get a replacement if anyone is up for it...  Trying to keep up but so many posts to read to even make it to one read-through and spending all my free time for two nights in a row and doing so is really starting to get me not caring about the game which is just bad for my fellow town members.


I am a town member but just saying it won't prove anything so, as I said, please give my spot to someone if anyone is up for subbing in... Until then I'll keep trying my best and hope I can offer some help while still here.



As for tonight I've started from the beginning and given each post, up to post 280, a rating so I can have a ranking of my personal thoughts up to there...






4 DICE 0



7 BES 0



10 PIZZA -1

11 SOOH -1

12 ZANDER +1

13 TINA 0 Joke Vote

14 CORY 0

15 TINA 0

16 PIZZA -1

17 TINA 0



20 CORY -1

21 CORY 0


23 TINA 0

24 CORY 0 or -1 Just weird but probably D1 jokes


26 CORY 0

27 BES 0

28 DICE -1 His reply to 2nd quote irked me


30 CORY 0 or -1 more town-like but weird he’d warn BFG to play quality and not volume

31 SOOH 0

32 CORY 0

33 CORY 0

34 SOOH 0

35 SOOH 0

36 PIZZA 0

37 CORY 0

38 PIZZA 0

39 SOOH 0

40 SOOH 0

41 BES 0


43 PIZZA 0

44 TINA 0

45 DICE 0

46 PIZZA 0 or -1 The 3rd comment irked me

47 SOOH 0

48 TINA 0

49 DICE 0


51 SOOH 0

52 SOOH 0

53 CORY 0

54 PIZZA 0


56 DICE 0

57 PIZZA 0 or -1 What Bodies?

58 DICE -1 Suggestion to kill one of the two if they make it to day 3

59 SOOH 0

60 DICE 0

61 PIZZA 0

62 CORY 0

63 SOOH 0

64 ZANDER -1 Putting words in Dice’s mouth with 3rd comment

65 CORY 0

66 PIZZA -1 Too many mentions of being a townie seems like hiding something

67 SOOH 0

68 SOOH 0

69 CORY 0 or -1 Too early in game to have a real feel for anyone other than self (1 hr).


71 CORY 0

72 DICE +1 Points out Zander’s error in post 64

73 SOOH 0


75 PIZZA 0

76 ZANDER -1 Does not question being marked townie so early in game

77 TINA 0


79 LENLO -1 Accepts Cory and Zander with no question to the limited timeframe

80 PIZZA -1 Calls own post wolflike

81 TINA 0

82 CORY 0

83 CORY 0 or -1 Still about an hour since game started and he thinks he can figure everyone’s alignment out?

84 LENLO 0

85 BES 0

86 LENLO -1 Laughing if/when a valued town player dies is not good sign

87 CORY 0


89 SOOH 0 or -1 Why say she can’t ride bike and why even point it out?

90 LENLO 0 or -1 How would you know who is teamed with who?

91 BES 0

92 PIZZA 0

93 DICE 0

94 LENLO 0

95 LENLO 0

96 SOOH 0

97 BES 0 or -1 Again, how would you know who is teamed with who?


99 PIZZA 0

100 CORY 0

101 LENLO 0

102 ZANDER 0

103 DICE +1 Points Zander out then acts on it with vote

104 SOOH +1

105 PIZZA -1 Why do you say that?

106 LENLO 0

107 TINA 0

108 ZANDER 0

109 LENLO 0

110 SOOH 0

111 ZANDER 0

112 PIZZA 0

113 SOOH 0

114 DICE 0

115 ZANDER 0

116 ZANDER 0

117 ZANDER 0

118 DICE +1

119 SOOH 0

120 SOOH 0

121 ZANDER 0

122 ZANDER 0

123 SHAD 0

124 ZANDER 0

125 LENLO 0

126 LENLO +1 Points out issue in earlier post by Dice

127 LENLO -1 The last quote reply irked me

128 LENLO 0

129 LENLO 0

130 LENLO 0

131 LENLO 0

132 ME

133 BFG 0

134 ME

135 BFG 0

136 BFG +1 Asking for my “couple things” which I later reveal as two strongest vibes yesterday evening.

137 CORY 0

138 PIZZA +1 Wants to talk with players and get a feel for them

139 LENLO 0

140 ZANDER 0

141 ZANDER -1 Does not seem like he even read BFG’s post

142 ZANDER 0

143 BFG 0

144 ZANDER 0

145 LENLO 0

146 BFG 0

147 BFG 0

148 ZANDER 0

149 LENLO 0

150 ZANDER 0

151 ZANDER 0

152 BFG 0

153 LENLO -2 Even suggesting we lynch a town member on purpose

154 ZANDER 0

155 ZANDER 0

156 LENLO 0

157 BFG 0

158 BFG 0

159 LENLO 0

160 ZANDER -1 Does not answer the question he quoted and only gives reads

161 ZANDER 0

162 LENLO -1 Why character/role reveal at start of game when not even at L1/L2

163 BFG +1 Points out issue with Lenlo’s kill a townie on purpose suggestion

164 DICE +1 Explaining himself clearly

165 BFG 0

166 BFG 0

167 ZANDER 0

168 LENLO 0

169 LENLO 0

170 ZANDER 0 or +1 He pointed out a missed question

171 ZANDER 0

172 ZANDER 0

173 LENLO -1 Post count doesn’t = quality or townieness

174 DICE -1 Doesn’t disagree with Lenlo’s lynch villager idea but also doesn’t agree

175 BFG 0

176 ZANDER 0

177 ZANDER 0

178 LENLO -2 Pushing the lynch a townie idea some more

179 DICE -1 Same as 174

180 ZANDER 0

181 DICE 0

182 LENLO -2 Pushing the lynch a townie idea some more

183 DICE +1 points out that Lenlo is pushing the idea too much, not asking opinions

184 ZANDER 0

185 DICE 0

186 LENLO +1 the 3 mafia members to 8 town is normal so odds are 3/11 not 1/11

187 ZANDER 0

188 LENLO 0

189 DICE +1 points out Lenlo is STILL pushing the idea too much

190 DICE 0 Not sure on math but nothing scummy either

191 BFG +1 Seems to be trying to clarify both sides of what is being said

192 BFG 0

193 DICE +1 Explains his side to BFG

194 LENLO 0 Says that he never wanted to vote a townie but sure sounded that way so don’t really believe him.

195 DICE 0

196 LENLO +1 Offering ideas towards possible game mechanics

197 LENLO 0

198 LENLO 0

199 LENLO +1 Asking Mod for rule clarifications

200 CORY 0

201 SHAD 0

202 CORY 0

203 CORY 0

204 CORY +1 Points out issue with voting a townie

205 LENLO 0

206 CORY 0

207 CORY 0

208 LENLO 0

209 CORY 0

210 CORY 0

211 CORY +1 Seems to be trying to ask questions and get things flowing

212 DICE +1 Explains self and answers questions

213 ZANDER 0

214 ZANDER 0

215 ZANDER 0

216 ZANDER 0

217 ZANDER 0

218 ZANDER 0

219 LENLO 0

220 DICE +1 Answering questions again

221 LENLO 0

222 CORY 0

223 PIZZA 0

224 BFG 0

225 SOOH 0

226 PIZZA +1 Asking Questions

227 TINA +1 Don’t read Lenlo’s post as saying Dice=Scum but otherwise good points

228 TINA 0

229 PIZZA 0

230 PIZZA 0

231 BES 0

232 SOOH 0

233 PIZZA +1 Finds something he finds off and points it out

234 BFG +1 Seems like asking good questions

235 PIZZA 0

236 BES 0

237 PIZZA 0

238 BES +1

239 PIZZA 0

240 PIZZA 0

241 BES 0

242 PIZZA +1 Pointing out valid issues he sees with players

243 NOLDER 0

244 PIZZA +1 Pointing out valid issues he sees with players and ideas

245 NOLDER 0

246 NOLDER 0

247 NOLDER 0

248 NOLDER 0

249 PIZZA +1 Pointing out valid issues he sees with players

250 BES 0

251 PIZZA +1 Pointing out valid issues he sees with players ideas




255 NOLDER 0

256 NOLDER 0

257 PIZZA 0


259 NOLDER 0

260 BES 0

261 PIZZA +1 Reads list

262 NOLDER 0

263 PIZZA 0

264 SOOH +1 Answering questions asked of her

265 ZANDER 0 Love the sad-bat from Hotel Transylvania but no points for spam

266 ZANDER 0

267 ZANDER 0 Just says he likes Tina’s logic but no additions or WHY he likes it…

268 ZANDER 0

269 ZANDER +1 Seems to be doing valid reads of posts

270 ZANDER +1 More post reads and investigations

271 ZANDER +1 Asking for more thoughts of other players reads

272 DICE 0

273 ZANDER 0

274 ZANDER 0

275 ZANDER +1 Asking for more thoughts of other players reads

276 ZANDER +1 Asking for more thoughts of other players reads

277 BES 0

278 ZANDER 0

279 ZANDER 0




AskThePizzaGuy - Vanilla Town (-7)





POINTS (BUT NOT WHAT I THOUGHT IN MY MIND SO... BLEH... I don;t know...  :wacko: )

BFG: 4

Zander: 3

Tina: 1

Nolder: NULL

Shad_: NULL

BlomBessie: -1

Sooh: -2

Dice: -4

Cory: -5

Lenlo: -12



Yeah... Definitely hope someone can take my place ASAP cause I'm at a major loss here... SO SORRY!!!

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I love that even through all that, this entire 121 page thread, there are still people that think I ever seriously suggested we lynch a town player on purpose. Did 90% of that post fly over everyones head or was I just that freaking unclear?

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To be clear, my numbers came out NOTHING like what I thought... Players I felt were very town-like came out in the negatives and just no clue how...

In any case I asked for a replacement and know someone asked to join in the game thread a day or two ago so hopefully you can get a player who has the time and experience to play a mafia game like this.


I barely scraped through with the other two or three games I've played in and somehow tricked myself into thinking I could do it again but just can't do it on top of other responsibilities and RL commitments so sorry and good luck to the rest of the town.

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Will PM the mods but honestly, I can't spend enough time to keep up with the posts so probably a good idea to get a replacement if anyone is up for it...  Trying to keep up but so many posts to read to even make it to one read-through and spending all my free time for two nights in a row and doing so is really starting to get me not caring about the game which is just bad for my fellow town members.


I am a town member but just saying it won't prove anything so, as I said, please give my spot to someone if anyone is up for subbing in... Until then I'll keep trying my best and hope I can offer some help while still here.



As for tonight I've started from the beginning and given each post, up to post 280, a rating so I can have a ranking of my personal thoughts up to there...






4 DICE 0



7 BES 0



10 PIZZA -1

11 SOOH -1

12 ZANDER +1

13 TINA 0 Joke Vote

14 CORY 0

15 TINA 0

16 PIZZA -1

17 TINA 0



20 CORY -1

21 CORY 0


23 TINA 0

24 CORY 0 or -1 Just weird but probably D1 jokes


26 CORY 0

27 BES 0

28 DICE -1 His reply to 2nd quote irked me


30 CORY 0 or -1 more town-like but weird he’d warn BFG to play quality and not volume

31 SOOH 0

32 CORY 0

33 CORY 0

34 SOOH 0

35 SOOH 0

36 PIZZA 0

37 CORY 0

38 PIZZA 0

39 SOOH 0

40 SOOH 0

41 BES 0


43 PIZZA 0

44 TINA 0

45 DICE 0

46 PIZZA 0 or -1 The 3rd comment irked me

47 SOOH 0

48 TINA 0

49 DICE 0


51 SOOH 0

52 SOOH 0

53 CORY 0

54 PIZZA 0


56 DICE 0

57 PIZZA 0 or -1 What Bodies?

58 DICE -1 Suggestion to kill one of the two if they make it to day 3

59 SOOH 0

60 DICE 0

61 PIZZA 0

62 CORY 0

63 SOOH 0

64 ZANDER -1 Putting words in Dice’s mouth with 3rd comment

65 CORY 0

66 PIZZA -1 Too many mentions of being a townie seems like hiding something

67 SOOH 0

68 SOOH 0

69 CORY 0 or -1 Too early in game to have a real feel for anyone other than self (1 hr).


71 CORY 0

72 DICE +1 Points out Zander’s error in post 64

73 SOOH 0


75 PIZZA 0

76 ZANDER -1 Does not question being marked townie so early in game

77 TINA 0


79 LENLO -1 Accepts Cory and Zander with no question to the limited timeframe

80 PIZZA -1 Calls own post wolflike

81 TINA 0

82 CORY 0

83 CORY 0 or -1 Still about an hour since game started and he thinks he can figure everyone’s alignment out?

84 LENLO 0

85 BES 0

86 LENLO -1 Laughing if/when a valued town player dies is not good sign

87 CORY 0


89 SOOH 0 or -1 Why say she can’t ride bike and why even point it out?

90 LENLO 0 or -1 How would you know who is teamed with who?

91 BES 0

92 PIZZA 0

93 DICE 0

94 LENLO 0

95 LENLO 0

96 SOOH 0

97 BES 0 or -1 Again, how would you know who is teamed with who?


99 PIZZA 0

100 CORY 0

101 LENLO 0

102 ZANDER 0

103 DICE +1 Points Zander out then acts on it with vote

104 SOOH +1

105 PIZZA -1 Why do you say that?

106 LENLO 0

107 TINA 0

108 ZANDER 0

109 LENLO 0

110 SOOH 0

111 ZANDER 0

112 PIZZA 0

113 SOOH 0

114 DICE 0

115 ZANDER 0

116 ZANDER 0

117 ZANDER 0

118 DICE +1

119 SOOH 0

120 SOOH 0

121 ZANDER 0

122 ZANDER 0

123 SHAD 0

124 ZANDER 0

125 LENLO 0

126 LENLO +1 Points out issue in earlier post by Dice

127 LENLO -1 The last quote reply irked me

128 LENLO 0

129 LENLO 0

130 LENLO 0

131 LENLO 0

132 ME

133 BFG 0

134 ME

135 BFG 0

136 BFG +1 Asking for my “couple things” which I later reveal as two strongest vibes yesterday evening.

137 CORY 0

138 PIZZA +1 Wants to talk with players and get a feel for them

139 LENLO 0

140 ZANDER 0

141 ZANDER -1 Does not seem like he even read BFG’s post

142 ZANDER 0

143 BFG 0

144 ZANDER 0

145 LENLO 0

146 BFG 0

147 BFG 0

148 ZANDER 0

149 LENLO 0

150 ZANDER 0

151 ZANDER 0

152 BFG 0

153 LENLO -2 Even suggesting we lynch a town member on purpose

154 ZANDER 0

155 ZANDER 0

156 LENLO 0

157 BFG 0

158 BFG 0

159 LENLO 0

160 ZANDER -1 Does not answer the question he quoted and only gives reads

161 ZANDER 0

162 LENLO -1 Why character/role reveal at start of game when not even at L1/L2

163 BFG +1 Points out issue with Lenlo’s kill a townie on purpose suggestion

164 DICE +1 Explaining himself clearly

165 BFG 0

166 BFG 0

167 ZANDER 0

168 LENLO 0

169 LENLO 0

170 ZANDER 0 or +1 He pointed out a missed question

171 ZANDER 0

172 ZANDER 0

173 LENLO -1 Post count doesn’t = quality or townieness

174 DICE -1 Doesn’t disagree with Lenlo’s lynch villager idea but also doesn’t agree

175 BFG 0

176 ZANDER 0

177 ZANDER 0

178 LENLO -2 Pushing the lynch a townie idea some more

179 DICE -1 Same as 174

180 ZANDER 0

181 DICE 0

182 LENLO -2 Pushing the lynch a townie idea some more

183 DICE +1 points out that Lenlo is pushing the idea too much, not asking opinions

184 ZANDER 0

185 DICE 0

186 LENLO +1 the 3 mafia members to 8 town is normal so odds are 3/11 not 1/11

187 ZANDER 0

188 LENLO 0

189 DICE +1 points out Lenlo is STILL pushing the idea too much

190 DICE 0 Not sure on math but nothing scummy either

191 BFG +1 Seems to be trying to clarify both sides of what is being said

192 BFG 0

193 DICE +1 Explains his side to BFG

194 LENLO 0 Says that he never wanted to vote a townie but sure sounded that way so don’t really believe him.

195 DICE 0

196 LENLO +1 Offering ideas towards possible game mechanics

197 LENLO 0

198 LENLO 0

199 LENLO +1 Asking Mod for rule clarifications

200 CORY 0

201 SHAD 0

202 CORY 0

203 CORY 0

204 CORY +1 Points out issue with voting a townie

205 LENLO 0

206 CORY 0

207 CORY 0

208 LENLO 0

209 CORY 0

210 CORY 0

211 CORY +1 Seems to be trying to ask questions and get things flowing

212 DICE +1 Explains self and answers questions

213 ZANDER 0

214 ZANDER 0

215 ZANDER 0

216 ZANDER 0

217 ZANDER 0

218 ZANDER 0

219 LENLO 0

220 DICE +1 Answering questions again

221 LENLO 0

222 CORY 0

223 PIZZA 0

224 BFG 0

225 SOOH 0

226 PIZZA +1 Asking Questions

227 TINA +1 Don’t read Lenlo’s post as saying Dice=Scum but otherwise good points

228 TINA 0

229 PIZZA 0

230 PIZZA 0

231 BES 0

232 SOOH 0

233 PIZZA +1 Finds something he finds off and points it out

234 BFG +1 Seems like asking good questions

235 PIZZA 0

236 BES 0

237 PIZZA 0

238 BES +1

239 PIZZA 0

240 PIZZA 0

241 BES 0

242 PIZZA +1 Pointing out valid issues he sees with players

243 NOLDER 0

244 PIZZA +1 Pointing out valid issues he sees with players and ideas

245 NOLDER 0

246 NOLDER 0

247 NOLDER 0

248 NOLDER 0

249 PIZZA +1 Pointing out valid issues he sees with players

250 BES 0

251 PIZZA +1 Pointing out valid issues he sees with players ideas




255 NOLDER 0

256 NOLDER 0

257 PIZZA 0


259 NOLDER 0

260 BES 0

261 PIZZA +1 Reads list

262 NOLDER 0

263 PIZZA 0

264 SOOH +1 Answering questions asked of her

265 ZANDER 0 Love the sad-bat from Hotel Transylvania but no points for spam

266 ZANDER 0

267 ZANDER 0 Just says he likes Tina’s logic but no additions or WHY he likes it…

268 ZANDER 0

269 ZANDER +1 Seems to be doing valid reads of posts

270 ZANDER +1 More post reads and investigations

271 ZANDER +1 Asking for more thoughts of other players reads

272 DICE 0

273 ZANDER 0

274 ZANDER 0

275 ZANDER +1 Asking for more thoughts of other players reads

276 ZANDER +1 Asking for more thoughts of other players reads

277 BES 0

278 ZANDER 0

279 ZANDER 0




AskThePizzaGuy - Vanilla Town (-7)





POINTS (BUT NOT WHAT I THOUGHT IN MY MIND SO... BLEH... I don;t know...  :wacko: )

BFG: 4

Zander: 3

Tina: 1

Nolder: NULL

Shad_: NULL

BlomBessie: -1

Sooh: -2

Dice: -4

Cory: -5

Lenlo: -12



Yeah... Definitely hope someone can take my place ASAP cause I'm at a major loss here... SO SORRY!!!


I dont know but the person you voted has the most Town points according to this......just saying brother......

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Um... -7 is the second scummiest... which is how I read both him and Lenlo... But again, was wrong and have only read a portion of the entire thread so might be missing quite a bit in those newer posts but just no time to commit to it unless.


lol sorry you had him under Town lolololol i know get that you did tat because of the flip. 

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ok brains not working....well not working at normal Zander levels.



Zander, if you're looking for a mission.

Find when Nolder village read me post those two statements.

Find when he decided BFG was a deep wolf - it was definetly before the Pizza lynch because it was an answer to a shots questions.

If you can't I'll do it tomorrow.



If you want start on something else and I'll look into this after I catch a little sleep.

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Like as much detail about what you've thought about this game as possible.


I don't care what you think of their opinions being right/wrong or whatever, just want to know what's on the mental page you are keeping in your head for them.

Sorry I missed this before making the last post.


Shad I can't give as much detail on because he's another player I skim a lot.

Probably more so than Nomi because at least Nomi knows how to separate his thoughts whereas Shad will just throw a block of text at you.

I will say this, I've found Shad's play middling this game compared to the last one we just played. 

It's not bad but it's not great either. He doesn't seem to have the same drive.

Granted I think he said he was sick somewhere? So he has an excuse but I also feel like Shad is one of those kind of obsessive players that wouldn't let something like that get in his way either. I feel like these kinds of thoughts are unfair and a lot of conjecture that can't be proven one way or another and something that Shad may not even be able to control regardless but that's what I'm thinking.


Like his play is meh but I wan't to give him the benefit of the doubt.


I don't have the same detailed feelings about Besie. My thoughts on her are what I already said.

It's mainly to do with how she's reacted to Lenlo.


Bold: FTR I absolutely HATE when you say this, Nolder. 

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How do you get -7 from adding up all your positives and nulls and negatives on me?


You have more positives than negatives. I ended up with a positive integer counting it all up, even including all your negatives.


Also, I cannot fathom why you'd spend time trying to ascertain the alignment of a dead townie.


You can save time when you ISO the game itself, and individual players, by putting my account on ignore mode. You'll find zero scums in my slot.


This is the kind of stuff that makes literally zero sense and townies will still do it.

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People, please don't quote a post that is multiple page-length to make a brief comment, just cite the post number.


The link isn't that important in that case. It's more important if you're breaking down their comments.


You can also just copy and paste the line and put quotation marks around it, for brief comments which don't require a lot of content. Address it to the player you quoted, or say @ Everyone if you wanna bring it to their attention.



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So here's one of the problems I am having with Besie.


Yes, her tone is fine. We know already she's capable of faking tone as a wolf, but still, her tone is fine. Understood. She's got an acerbic little edge to her posts, she has fight and vigor and when she gets pushed around she can get sort of prickly.


So the question for me on evaluation becomes is her tone genuine? Does her edge exists because she's a frustrated villager who is responding to baseless arguments against her, or is she simply playing the role of "offended villager"?


There's a little trick that the great CPHoyaids taught me that I sometimes go through when I evaluate tone. It's called the "well, is it real test?"


Take for example the post Besie made at BFG that BFG mentioned earlier:





I dislike that you say I go with the flow.


I'm not going with the flow. I'm making my own deductions from my own ways of reasoning. The only way I'm going with the flow is in reading, understanding and agreeing with several people's arguments. Including you. Do you WANT me to make a very random list? My list differs conciderably from Pizza's. Many people are at different alignments when compared to Cory and Zander's, with the main being Shad, I believe. And you just went and moved Shad to null-town, so I don't see how that's a problem. The only other thing I did was to move Len quite a bit, and you could possibly have seen that as going with the flow. It was not. It was my thoughts about things he said early game. And once again, no. I'm not referring to the "secret info" that Cory saw and Zander apparently sees too. It's my own, and I actually added even more to Len's villa after his argument with Pizza, and Pizza's reasoning.

If you want to say that I'm sheeping (cause that's what go with the flow is!) then at least give proper examples. I'm NOT sheeping my top scum read. I'm not even sheeping my top town reads, except on Tina. Want me to stop going with the flow? Then I refuse to vote someone who I have no experience with and can see no reason for their negative alignment.

Read this post carefully and note the attitude. There is visible frustration here. Closed sentences "I'm not [etc.], It was not [etc.]" - accusatory glances "You just went and..." that posit a comparison for a justification of behavior. "Then I refuse..."; you get it, you can read.


This is the post of someone a little ticked off and that ticked-offedness coming through in their posting style.


This post was made at 6:08.


Besie posted again three minutes later:




And them my last catchup post.





id vote shad  not pizza


Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe"   not a fan

Fair enough


But I don't play safe I PLAY TO WIN THE GAME!!!




And in order to do that I have to find 3 wolves.  I think theres more reasons to vote Pizza then what your referring to. But I'm happy to roll Shad or less happily roll Tina cause flips will make solving this much easier for us.









Noooooo! WRONG GIF! Zander!




I'm not.

I want to vote Pizza.

For reasons already given. He's been my top scum for a while, and I feel more confident voting him as scum than any else atm. Call it POE, if you must.




no one can actually EXPLAIN zander...

Im pretty easy to figure out....like on my gravestone it will say these 6 things:


He Loved God

He Loved his Children

He Loved Bacon

He Loved Beer

He Loved To Town

And by God He Lunched a Hell of A lot of Wolves.




Now Zander while he is going to sleep, tell meeeee!

Curiosity killed the cat.






id vote shad  not pizza


Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe"   not a fan

Dice so towny!

Yeah I don't see how this makes him towny AT ALL. At all. There's so many other factors that contribute to Pizza being the most scummy.


Are you, Sooh, and Dice, w/w?




I'm voting Pizza. I have no problem switching that to Sooh or Dice. Sooh more so than Dice. Can't shake my distrust of them.


I don't like that lynching Pizza is a definite lynch on Shad. I still have not done the iso, though. I'll do that now that I've caught up. I'm trusting my top town reads again, that have said that shad is scummy. And I don't like that. I want my own opinions.




And I just edited this post so that I didn't vote Pizza because 1) it'll put him at -1 and 2) because I want to hear what BFG says first.



In here, she is joking, confident, ready to give opinions.


CPHoya posited something like the following: "You can tell when somebody is faking tone when there is no linear consistency to it. If someone who is specifically using tonal elements of their play to attack or defend and then act completely differently about something else, it's very likely that their attack / defense was in-genuine, as it was concealed to a single event and did not effect them in any real or noticeable way."


So if we're considering Besie a villager because of tonal elements of her game, here's my challenge.


I don't think Besie genuinely gets flustered about BFG's criticism of her play during the game and then, with absolutely zero forward consideration of what she just posted, jokingly finishes her catch-up like literally nothing happened. There's a mood shift that only exists if you look for it, and the only real GUESS I can make at why the mood switches so quickly is that the original "snarling defense" was an act meant to deceive and not genuine.


And I don't know what motive Besie has to deceive BFG as a villager, but I can think otherwise.


Just a snapshot of my brain and the things I consider for all of you to think about.

I had a thought.


I think the first part of this sounds more genuine to me because it really is. Besie, regardless of alignment knew she didn't post a consensus list, and her frustration when thinking she was accused of doing that was real. 


Her second post is more planned. Took longer to construct. From the beginning of it she sets it up as a catch up post, which makes me think that she had it almost ready to go for a long time and was going to post it sooner, but had to address what she thought BFG said first.


I'm still not sure it's because she's a wolf, but I can also not confidently say that I have a town read on her. Like I said before, her real time interaction seems more genuine, less reaching and just more *her* than her catch ups. 

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People, please don't quote a post that is multiple page-length to make a brief comment, just cite the post number.


The link isn't that important in that case. It's more important if you're breaking down their comments.


You can also just copy and paste the line and put quotation marks around it, for brief comments which don't require a lot of content. Address it to the player you quoted, or say @ Everyone if you wanna bring it to their attention.





I mean... you posted this as I was posting, so ...

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Want to clear this out for you, since I'm always going to do this.




So here's one of the problems I am having with Besie.


Yes, her tone is fine. We know already she's capable of faking tone as a wolf, but still, her tone is fine. Understood. She's got an acerbic little edge to her posts, she has fight and vigor and when she gets pushed around she can get sort of prickly.


So the question for me on evaluation becomes is her tone genuine? Does her edge exists because she's a frustrated villager who is responding to baseless arguments against her, or is she simply playing the role of "offended villager"?


There's a little trick that the great CPHoyaids taught me that I sometimes go through when I evaluate tone. It's called the "well, is it real test?"


Take for example the post Besie made at BFG that BFG mentioned earlier:







I dislike that you say I go with the flow.


I'm not going with the flow. I'm making my own deductions from my own ways of reasoning. The only way I'm going with the flow is in reading, understanding and agreeing with several people's arguments. Including you. Do you WANT me to make a very random list? My list differs conciderably from Pizza's. Many people are at different alignments when compared to Cory and Zander's, with the main being Shad, I believe. And you just went and moved Shad to null-town, so I don't see how that's a problem. The only other thing I did was to move Len quite a bit, and you could possibly have seen that as going with the flow. It was not. It was my thoughts about things he said early game. And once again, no. I'm not referring to the "secret info" that Cory saw and Zander apparently sees too. It's my own, and I actually added even more to Len's villa after his argument with Pizza, and Pizza's reasoning.

If you want to say that I'm sheeping (cause that's what go with the flow is!) then at least give proper examples. I'm NOT sheeping my top scum read. I'm not even sheeping my top town reads, except on Tina. Want me to stop going with the flow? Then I refuse to vote someone who I have no experience with and can see no reason for their negative alignment.

Read this post carefully and note the attitude. There is visible frustration here. Closed sentences "I'm not [etc.], It was not [etc.]" - accusatory glances "You just went and..." that posit a comparison for a justification of behavior. "Then I refuse..."; you get it, you can read.


This is the post of someone a little ticked off and that ticked-offedness coming through in their posting style.


This post was made at 6:08.


Besie posted again three minutes later:




And them my last catchup post.





id vote shad not pizza

Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe" not a fan
Fair enough


But I don't play safe I PLAY TO WIN THE GAME!!!




And in order to do that I have to find 3 wolves. I think theres more reasons to vote Pizza then what your referring to. But I'm happy to roll Shad or less happily roll Tina cause flips will make solving this much easier for us.







Noooooo! WRONG GIF! Zander!




I'm not.

I want to vote Pizza.

For reasons already given. He's been my top scum for a while, and I feel more confident voting him as scum than any else atm. Call it POE, if you must.



no one can actually EXPLAIN zander...

Im pretty easy to figure out....like on my gravestone it will say these 6 things:


He Loved God

He Loved his Children

He Loved Bacon

He Loved Beer

He Loved To Town

And by God He Lunched a Hell of A lot of Wolves.



Now Zander while he is going to sleep, tell meeeee!

Curiosity killed the cat.





id vote shad not pizza

Im fine with Shad but why not Pizza DIce?

cause i think he is town and because half the arguments for lynching him seems to be "but hes hard to read! lets play safe" not a fan
Dice so towny!
Yeah I don't see how this makes him towny AT ALL. At all. There's so many other factors that contribute to Pizza being the most scummy.


Are you, Sooh, and Dice, w/w?




I'm voting Pizza. I have no problem switching that to Sooh or Dice. Sooh more so than Dice. Can't shake my distrust of them.


I don't like that lynching Pizza is a definite lynch on Shad. I still have not done the iso, though. I'll do that now that I've caught up. I'm trusting my top town reads again, that have said that shad is scummy. And I don't like that. I want my own opinions.




And I just edited this post so that I didn't vote Pizza because 1) it'll put him at -1 and 2) because I want to hear what BFG says first.

In here, she is joking, confident, ready to give opinions.


CPHoya posited something like the following: "You can tell when somebody is faking tone when there is no linear consistency to it. If someone who is specifically using tonal elements of their play to attack or defend and then act completely differently about something else, it's very likely that their attack / defense was in-genuine, as it was concealed to a single event and did not effect them in any real or noticeable way."


So if we're considering Besie a villager because of tonal elements of her game, here's my challenge.


I don't think Besie genuinely gets flustered about BFG's criticism of her play during the game and then, with absolutely zero forward consideration of what she just posted, jokingly finishes her catch-up like literally nothing happened. There's a mood shift that only exists if you look for it, and the only real GUESS I can make at why the mood switches so quickly is that the original "snarling defense" was an act meant to deceive and not genuine.


And I don't know what motive Besie has to deceive BFG as a villager, but I can think otherwise.


Just a snapshot of my brain and the things I consider for all of you to think about.



I'm on my phone, I can't multi-quote unless I go to full site version. I don't like that. So in my catchup i click "quote" and then I copy-paste what I want to a note on my phone. Then I comment there. When I'm done catching up, I read through again to see if my feelings have changed, then copy it and paste it here for y'all. That's how I always (lol, for a whole 2 games) do it, and how I always will.


It is no indication of my alignment.


What IS indication of my alignment, and could possibly help your view of me, is the time I took to directly respond to someone that JUST posted. I responded to that post by BFG immediately. I literally clicked quote, typed and posted.


The same as with this post. As soon as I read you said that, I responded. Am responding.


Point is: you can't base my alignment based on my catchup posts.

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You have about 7 hours of being alive time left, Besie.

Ooh, how fun. Then I'll be back as android with you and we can actually find the real mafia team.



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