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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Well, doesn't look like the Mods have found a replacement yet so I'll probably be here another day if the game ends up going past tonight's night phase.


Cory & Pizza,


Nikon, here's what you should do


Knowing that Tina and Besie are both wolves, read the game as far as you can paying attention only to Tina and Besie's posts.


You can even put Cory and myself on ignore mode temporarily to help.


Personally, I'd stick Zander on iggy mode just for now as well to help reduce your post load, since I can summarize Zander's D1 anyway:


1) Never going to lynch Besie and cleared her because Zander

2) Not a big fan of pushing on Tina either D1

3) Pizza is scum


So that's his several hundred posts already summarized for you.


You can probably skip Lenlo's posts too because they are summarized thusly:


1) Mechanics talk

2) Pizza is scum


So that should make the thread really easy to skim for just Tina and Besie's posts.

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So whats the plan Boss??


Always lynch Shad D3 regardless because he's not spitting hot fire like a villager should after two rapid fire wolf deaths.


He's gotta be the five greatest villagers of all time right now and he's not even being the most lolcatting wolf.




Oh ya Shads going for sure next, I was just wondering what you were thinking that you and Cory should do?



Me? Wait for flips.


There's nothing else for me to do. I already determined that Zander and Lenlo are less likely to be the wolves on my wagon.


Shad is the next most likely candidate.

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Removing Cory from the equation speeds matters, not that I'd have prioritized him anyway.


Like, I will ensure everyone on my wagon dies before end of game.


I still think there's a strong possibility all 3 wolves were there.


So if the wolves want to continue shooting onto my wagon I'd be much obliged.

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My usual catchup post:


Zander I love you but if you actually are considering the things Besie is saying and integrating them into your reads and it distracts you from the line I'll be irritated that you considered the words of a dead fledgling wolf over an experienced villager who has been pretty dead-on so far.


Besie's posts are all anti-spew and counter-spew and are meaningless to think about in literally any way.

He's right, you know.


Yes, I've hidden things. But I've also posted things to purposefully throw you off course. I wouldn't try to find the former without proper backup and insolation :wink:





He got pocketed Lenny


It happens and she got found out anyway


Forgive the man!!!

I will forgive, but I will never forget. Like an elephant







Is anyone else even reading Besies posts? Cause im gonna be frank im not.


You should!!!! They are funny and I think Besie is the type of person who could certainly have put something relevant in them!!!!

You also thought she was obv town this entire game.


Yes I did.  But Im not sure what you're getting at brother in this regard?  Just because I was totally wrong doesnt mean that i dont find her posts funny or that they have no relevance.  Am I missing something?


Im mostly giving you crap. Its also meant as, shes already tricked you once, odds are she will be capable of it again. So ignore it. There is a very small chance anything she says will help town and a large chance it will hurt as, as she has already proven she is better at playing wolf than alot of experienced players, myself included.

By the way I hope whatever happens tonight, you guys co-ordinate and achieve a lynch quickly tomorrow if there game doesn't end. I get antsy when I can't post for awhile. I trust you guys to make intelligent decisions and we have a comfortable enough lead that if we're wrong about the immediate PoE we can re-calibrate together during the next night phase.


Ultimately do whatever you are most comfortable with, but Sooh was talking about how it might be advantageous to lynch quickly in this particular set-up and I for one agree.

Oh yeah Shad goes down tomorrow and if he goes down tonight and the game doesnt end, Nolder gets Operation Skyfalled in the face.

Aaw Len :wub:







Bahaha, GOAT










Pizza you think the odds are you voting Shad leads to a rand tie against Besie and Tina most likely?

*grins* it's not really playing fair.

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So whats the plan Boss??


Always lynch Shad D3 regardless because he's not spitting hot fire like a villager should after two rapid fire wolf deaths.


He's gotta be the five greatest villagers of all time right now and he's not even being the most lolcatting wolf.




Oh ya Shads going for sure next, I was just wondering what you were thinking that you and Cory should do?



Me? Wait for flips.


There's nothing else for me to do. I already determined that Zander and Lenlo are less likely to be the wolves on my wagon.


Shad is the next most likely candidate.




i meant like are you guys gonna try and shoot Shad or going in another direction with the shot?

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I just want to say this, for clarification.


I would not prolong the game if I knew there was no other way except losing D3. I'm not spiteful. I wouldn't waste your time just so I can have an extra 24 hours.



and back to my mind games: doesn't mean you guys are wrong. Doesn't mean you guys are right.


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So whats the plan Boss??


Always lynch Shad D3 regardless because he's not spitting hot fire like a villager should after two rapid fire wolf deaths.


He's gotta be the five greatest villagers of all time right now and he's not even being the most lolcatting wolf.




Oh ya Shads going for sure next, I was just wondering what you were thinking that you and Cory should do?



Me? Wait for flips.


There's nothing else for me to do. I already determined that Zander and Lenlo are less likely to be the wolves on my wagon.


Shad is the next most likely candidate.




i meant like are you guys gonna try and shoot Shad or going in another direction with the shot?



Weird question.

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So Besie:


Who are you and Tina planning to vote to shoot?


Who are you and Tina and Shad planning on NK'ing?

Town, obviously.


You're still assuming that which is PAFO, hon.

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I just want to say this, for clarification.


I would not prolong the game if I knew there was no other way except losing D3. I'm not spiteful. I wouldn't waste your time just so I can have an extra 24 hours.


Sounds like you're nervous someone will say you deliberately prolonged the game when Shad dies tomorrow.


Don't worry. Not conceding is not the same thing as deliberate prolonging. We don't have the votes to force a Shad lynch, therefore why give it to us.


It's all perfectly acceptable.

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So whats the plan Boss??


Always lynch Shad D3 regardless because he's not spitting hot fire like a villager should after two rapid fire wolf deaths.


He's gotta be the five greatest villagers of all time right now and he's not even being the most lolcatting wolf.




Oh ya Shads going for sure next, I was just wondering what you were thinking that you and Cory should do?



Me? Wait for flips.


There's nothing else for me to do. I already determined that Zander and Lenlo are less likely to be the wolves on my wagon.


Shad is the next most likely candidate.




i meant like are you guys gonna try and shoot Shad or going in another direction with the shot?



Weird question.




why?  ive only been advocating for shot to be fired since like right after the flip!!!!




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So Besie:


Who are you and Tina planning to vote to shoot?


Who are you and Tina and Shad planning on NK'ing?

Town, obviously.


You're still assuming that which is PAFO, hon.




GOAT answer lololololololol!!!!!

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I just want to say this, for clarification.


I would not prolong the game if I knew there was no other way except losing D3. I'm not spiteful. I wouldn't waste your time just so I can have an extra 24 hours.

Sounds like you're nervous someone will say you deliberately prolonged the game when Shad dies tomorrow.


Don't worry. Not conceding is not the same thing as deliberate prolonging. We don't have the votes to force a Shad lynch, therefore why give it to us.


It's all perfectly acceptable.

Get out of my head!


*fetches broom; sweeps head*

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After reading the thread my main focus is on Lenlo. 


Your... what?


If we lynch a towny there are most likely 3 scum left in a game of 11 players. Pick a name out of a hat you have a 3 out of 11 chance of hitting a scum. Its probability dude. I dont know what math your working with.


Also your reasoning is lacking any kind of logic. Your reason for saying we shouldnt keep two VCs is "We are unlikely to find mafia bar slips or luck until N3" while completely ignoring the perk of controlling their NK, the major action scum gets each night. Yeah so maybe we NK another townie, we still eliminated a scum prospect rather than letting the scum NK an obv town. Your thinking purely in townies. Im thinking in overall quality/respective townieness of each individual person lynched/NKed.


As for Dices vote on me "Zander you are off the hook for annoying me", so is that all you had going for Zander lynch? Is that all you thought about him? Pretty weak in retrospect. Vote on me, accusing me of coming into thread looking for any little person to jump on, but im not voting you? Im not pushing you? I havnt cased you I havnt even said I think your scum or town. I have done nothing to you that could be called "Looking for an excuse to jump on someone", yet your gunning for it? Pretty weak dont you think?


Have I caught over dramatic scum D1?


@BFG I didnt mean to suggest we should actively try and lynch a townie on D1. I was still brainstorming how we could use this games mechanics to our advantage and was spouting ideas, trying to think how we could maintain control of the NK. As for the overreaction talk, that was to two different posts of his. 


Dice im trying to tell if. If we assume that the vote is scums NK, then whether we keep a second VC or not a townie WILL DIE EACH NIGHT. If we keep a consensus vote though there is atleast a CHANCE that a scum die. I will take a chance rather than guarantee a town death.


Your logic assumes that scum has a NK, which a townie should have no idea about. Its why I asked Pral if scum have a NK or if the majority vote each night operates as that.


So you are saying that Dice is mafia then? This is interesting in two ways:


1. You asked Pral a question about the nk in the thread once he had gone. You knew we would not get an answer in some time. But then you assume that there are no ordinary nk´s and base your ideas on that as if it was true. That made me think that you had tmi. 


2. If you think that Dice is mafia (like I take it), then it´s weird that you are not voting him. 


Alright. I disagree but thats your opinion. Id like a quote when you get the chance so I can see exactly what you mean cause if thats all you got its still weak as I have said in many games that I am bad at reading you and dont see what others do when they call you town.


Thing is though, your not voting me for that one point. You voted me when I told you your opinion on the 2nd VC was poorly backed up/explained. You got annoyed at me and voted me. then you come back with this later. Im gonna need an actual case before I take your vote on me seriously. I hope you understand.


The way you seem to point out Dice as mafia (without saying it explicity) and then saying it´s just observations and ask him to understand that you don´t like his case makes me think of a mafia that doesn´t dare to follow through. 


As for Dice, I think he is town. I think he has been overreacting but the way he is been active and started to get serious gives me that feeling. 




[v] Lenlo [/v]



I think Tina clears dice too easily here, which is less supportable.


This reads like a wolf clearing a townie in a way which they can reverse later, but useful when taking Dice's side against Lenlo, who is acting weird.


Thus why lenlo and dice look townie from this post.


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But if you don't want to "prolong the game" don't shoot me I'm town man.


Why? Got something special to live for?


It's not like you're using your alive time productively.


The way my life was casually tossed aside means I have about that same feeling about causing a mislynch here. Like, who even cares?


I'll be 2 for 3. I'm not gonna cry.

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