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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Pizza you think the odds are you voting Shad leads to a rand tie against Besie and Tina most likely?


Whether Shad is guilty or not, Besie and Tina have no real motive to assist with our removal of him as a suspect.


It's true they can MAJ him if he's innocent but then we just get another shot at their other wolf in the day time.


They have no motive to give us additional town-controlled kills.

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Well, doesn't look like the Mods have found a replacement yet so I'll probably be here another day if the game ends up going past tonight's night phase.


Cory & Pizza,



I'm no where near far enough through the thread to have a good feel for voting so if the scum team draws the night phase into a stalemate who should I go for tomorrow? I trust your opinions and know you mentioned Shad > Nolder > Me as your three reads (in that order) earlier this night phase so just wanted to check-in in case there isn't a replacement.



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So whats the plan Boss??


Always lynch Shad D3 regardless because he's not spitting hot fire like a villager should after two rapid fire wolf deaths.


He's gotta be the five greatest villagers of all time right now and he's not even being the most lolcatting wolf.




Oh ya Shads going for sure next, I was just wondering what you were thinking that you and Cory should do?

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