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Star Wars Week Trivia!! May the Knowledge be with you!


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1)  What was Lukes name going to be ORIGINALLY.   Luke Starkiller


2) What was the most powerful weapon made in the Expanded Universe books.  the Sun Crusher


3) Who is the Blue skinned Imperial Grand Admiral?  Grand Admiral Thrawn


4)  Who shot first? Han or Greedo?  Han    (george lucas is WRONG!)


5) the movies all have episode numbers. Which episode came first.  IV


6) Why is Chewie loyal to Han? He swore a life debt to him after Han saved him from slavery


7) Who is Leia's  adopted father?  Bail Organa


8) in the EU what are the Solo childrens names? Jacen Jaina and Anakin


9) Who built C3PO?  Anakin Skywalker


10)  Who was blockading Naboo? The Trade Federation


11) in what city did we meet Lando ? Cloud City   sith got a half point here Bespin is the planet not the city


12) What nationality was Landos co pilot in Jedi? Sullustan


13) Who was Anakins pod racing nemisis? Subulba


14) What was the Emperors first name? Sheev


15) What was the name of Wedge Antilles Astromech in the EU? It was originally Mynock but was later changed to Gate after a memory wipe     both teams got half points


16) Who is the officer Vader force chokes on the first Death Star? Admiral Motti


17) Who is the leader of the Gungans?  Boss Nass


18) When Lukes uncle buys Artoo from the Jawas he also chooses another one that then blows up a bit. What was wrong with that droid? He had a bad motivator


19) How did they kill Chewbacca?  They dropped a moon on him


20) Was Anakin    JACEN Solo a Jedi Knight or a Sith Lord??  BOTH   he was  a Knight who turned to become a Sith


21) In which book do we meet Bror Jace?  Rogue Squadron


22) Who is the star of the book I, Jedi? Corran Horn


23) What is thename of  Imperial Grand Admiral's (see earlier question) non human body guard? Rukh


24) What is the name of the planet that houses a whole people of Sith? Kesh


25) What is Ship? A sentienat Sith Meditation sphere


26) what  nickname does Han use c3po??  hint its NOT threepio  Goldenrod    i gave professor half a point as he does call him this once


27) Whats the home planet of Narawa Ven?  Ryloth


28) What planet gets blown up in Star Wars a new hope  Alderaan


29) name Lukes aunt and uncle?  Owen and Beru Lars


30) How did Ben Kenobi know that it was not  Sand People whole attacked the Jawas? Sand people always travel single file and the blaster marks were too precise. Only imperial stormtroopers are that precise

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