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What character do u hate the most ?

Guest Dedicated KT

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  • 4 months later...

my least favorite characters are Elayne and Egwene by a large margin. Everything that OlwenaSedai said about Mat is also very true about them, and not just towards Mat/other men. They act like that to more or less everybody, with brief exceptions for Aes Sedai & Wise Ones. Elayne even does most of that to her own warder!

While I understand how people can not dislike her, I don't understand how they can say that they did like her.


Everyone else that is getting mentioned in this thread I like well enough, except for Eladia. 

Perrin and Faile just got an absolutely awful story arc for a third of the series.

Galad, I see his opinion of others as "unenlightened" as something that everyone thinks about others at some point in their lives.

Tuon, I've seen no actual reasons to dislike her other than that she leads the Seanchan. Personally, I find them as one of the most interesting nations in the series.

Mat, is my favorite character, as most of his dislike-able qualities (like the griping) are actually fairly exemplary of this entire race.

Fain, is another top. The unexplained parts of his power-set, the hilarity of his madness made him endearing to me.


Romanda....always annoying.   in fact, various Aes Sedai throughout were painfully irritating.


The entire Trakand family including Galad


not the 'most', but Perrin could be awfully boring




not the 'most', but Perrin could be awfully boring


Yeah, characters of the high stoic variety (classic Paladin type) do tend to be on the boring side because they are very predictable.

Compared to Rand who at least a little insane through a good chunk of the books and Mat who...well, is Mat are anything but predictable.


And it certainly didn't help that the storyline of the brooding Perrin we got during Faile's imprisonment dragged on far too long.


Hiya all!


Personally for me I'd have to say that in contrast of annoying and nerve grating characters for me come in equally between Gawyn and Elaida.m Both of them were beyond stubborn and arrogant which at times I wanted to choke both of them. lol


Another character I found incessant - though I know the circumstances kind of warranted it but was Padan Fain. Dragging around that dagger from Shadar Logoth I know made him insane despite being a Darkfriend, but just the way he spoke was just ehhh, and by the time time he appeared in Fal Dara I just wanted to hang the sucker myself. But what really killed it for me was when he became Ordeith and convinced Pedron Naill (I already hated the Whitecloaks) just drive the nail in further for me. Though when he started the rebellion in Cairhienin and he managed to wound Rand, I was like "Oh c'mon die already!" Because he was just /that/ annoying.


I would have to say Aviendha was my favorite Aiel character and Moiraine being my favorite Aes Sedai. I also really took a shining to Perrin and his wolfkin side, especially when he would jolt around the wolf dream with his wolf brothers. Also despite popular consensus, I did like Egwene despite she wasn't favored as much. Though the main core characters never seemed to grate my nerves as more of the supporting characters did.


Lanfear was my favorite Forsaken as well. I just loved her character and how she perused Rand overall.

  • 3 weeks later...

Nynaeve - while WOT in general is a study in characters mercilessly and perpetually hanging on to their misconceptions about themselves and the world around them (recently re-started the series on audiobook and am now far too painfully aware of just how often Perrin says "I'm just a blacksmith" or Rand "I'm a shepherd from the Two Rivers"), Nynaeve is just over the top.  She seems a smart character yet her refusal to appreciate the events of which she is actively a part, to synthesize the things she's witnessed, and to finally conclude that maybe Moraine was on to something is just flat out annoying and ridiculous.  Yeah, I get that she is in love with Lan and and hates Moirane for that too, but it's just asinine how long she continues to believe she's got any real chance of bringing Rand, Perrin, and Matt back to the two rivers and putting everything back to the way it was before Moirane ruined everything.  

  • 2 weeks later...

Most of the females in the series, except Moirainne and Aviendha and Min.

The top three on my hate list are Faile, Elayne and Egwene.

Faile is simply put the most irritating character in the book. And her husband aka Perrin is the most boring character.

Funny how many thought that Egwene got better later on, but I didn't feel that at all.

Elayne, I almost wish Rand could have just dumped her and went with just Aviendha and Min. If he really needed another girl, I almost wish it would be Berelain. At least she was straight forward and knew what she wanted.

Nynaeve I hated at first but she became more of a comic relief later on and I got used to her braid tugging.


I just generally think that most of the women in WOT were made of the same mold, RJ's wife.

If you strip away their actions and motives, there are really not much personality differences among Faile, Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne.

RJ must not had gone out much and interact with many women other than his wife. So my take is that those girls and women from the books are based on the same person - his wife.


Just coming off of a fresh read. I would say that Gawyn is my most disliked character. I enjoyed most of the characters though. There were times throughout that different characters didn't do it for me but by the end I liked them all (minus Gawyn lol). Cadsuane Sedai and Verin (her death hurt me


Verin is my second fav female other than Moiraine. For some reason I just like those manipulative, cool and know it all Aes Sedai, who turns out to be right all along!


Verin is also noble, as she would rather bear the name of a traitor/villain just to root out the real villains.


I had originally said Egwene, and still feel that way.  I did forget to mention Gawyn, who was a very close 2nd for me.  I wasn't a big fan of Faile either, but I'd take her POV all day long if it meant I didn't have to sift through Egwene or Gawyn.

  • 3 months later...

Like a lot of people, I didn't like Nynaeve in the early books, but came to like her by the end. Nynaeve, Min and Moiraine are probably the only 3 women in the entire world who respect Rand and actively try to help him fight the Dark One.


Characters who annoyed me pretty much constantly (in no particular order): Faile, Egwene, Elayne, Aviendha, Cadsuane, Gawyn


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