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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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Zander's push on Razen feels OMGUS...


read on Snow is confusing?


@Zander can you spell it out to me with less quotes?


lololololololol...try again


Sure I THINK HES A WOLF!!!!  read it Alanna.the fact you mention that last part makes me think you didnt want to read it


Note to self: read Zander's stuff on Razen when I'm awake


I'm actually feeling ok with Dice right now. Good vibe from his posts so far; will put analysis to it when I'm awake. Can see why Eldrick is uncomfortable with the vote's continued existence though. Dice?


Feeling good about Alanna for the same reason. 


Lotad I'm willing to give a bit of space because it's his first game back in a while and I know from recent experience how rocky that can be; his posts have struck me as that thus far. Willing to give him more time to get his feet wet.

Oh and somebody (NotBob?) said that... I think it was Talya... seemed buddyish for giving him the mafiascum wiki. It occurred to me though that this points in his favor; could have very easily been given help such as that link in a QT. Not for certain by any means, but is something to point out. 


Need to go back and check when deadline is. Will try to give some semblance of a reads list before them (though I don't trust my D1 reads very much at all)


pretty good idea imo...lolololololol



@ LotD - thank you that explained it clearer.


Need to also look at Zander, he seems a little quieter, not such an excitable puppy. I don't know if the train on him knocked him a bit, but he has been slightly different. This I do agree with Heart, but she just said weird and didn't follow it through with anything else, just repeated it.



Zander 125 Eldrick4221 99 seph 72 alannalynn 61 John Snow 60 Hallia 53 Razen 50 Talya 49 鲍勃不是我的名字 41 Aiel Heart 31 lord of the dawn 31 TinaHel 15 Pralaya 14 dicetosser1 13 wheeloftime13 9


Nope try again.



Hi Alanna, how are you ?


Talking of Dice, which I was, lol


He was on and posted a few times before his stuff just now. He even quoted Zander over his posting. So he did keep his vote on Zander and was around. Going to have a good look but need to get up now.

Hola I'm good. I'm supposed to wake up in 3 hours to give someone a ride, but I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna stay up on here instead lol You having a good morning?


I just want to confirm some reads and look at Dice... I skimmed over a lot of the Zander/Dice and Zander/Razen stuff.


Speaking of which, Zander has been unusually quiet. I'd also like him to look elsewhere than Razen today if at all possible, because that lynch ain't happening



see above!!!!


I have looked elsewhere Alanna...im not liking where your heading with this.  its just off to me.


Mind melding...lol


@ Dice - why not lynch Heart today?


I also agree with the Razen lynch. I have an overall good impression there.


I'm good but tired, been tired a lot..trying to play mafia, revise for exam next week, work and look after my mum is taking its toll...lol


please explain to me what you think of my case against him.



Mind melding...lol


@ Dice - why not lynch Heart today?


I also agree with the Razen lynch. I have an overall good impression there.


I'm good but tired, been tired a lot..trying to play mafia, revise for exam next week, work and look after my mum is taking its toll...lol

Poor thing, you need rest like me, I guess. I'll just start yelling at you to sleep when I see you online :wub:


Hally: not really bothered by where I have her in my town leans; she seems involved enough to know what's going on and is asking questions/following up. I already pointed out the posts that bothered me, so I'm just waiting on answers there. @Hally did you see my questions?


Dice: Threatens to vote Zander if he keeps CAPS lock on and follows through, drops some quantity/quality reason, follows through on the Zand-vote, wants to vote Snow for summoning Redbird, Why aren't you voting Heart?, not gonna remove his vote from Zander just because it's frowned upon.


Not seeing a lot of content from Dice like I'd expect, really just null at this point for me until I see more.


@Dice, Why no voting Heart? (Talya already beat me to this question danggit)


Tina: Staying null on Tina for right now; she's commented and provided reads, doesn't particularly like Zander's post style or attack on Razen, is currently voting LotD for vote on snow and reads list from earlier. I need more time to figure her out as well, I suppose


Zander does seem off this game, his excitement is there but not as focused, he hasn't answered my questions, and seems to be tunneling on Razen (rather OMGUS-like) without fully explaining himself. I just want things spelled out for me. If you're towning Zander, I'm actually not seeing it for once and that worries me. Dropping you to my lower town leans for right now :sad:



Funny that Talya says im not excitable but Alanna says I am but they BOTH say I'm quiet as the number 1 poster...lolololololol.


Not as focused but yet Im tunneling on Razan??  And I also went after John and brought up points on Hallia lock clearing Talya after 2 posts??!!!  ITS LIKE YOUR CHOOSING TO IGNORE the facts Im putting out.  After ME and SW your choosing to ignore me towning...not good at all....you rand wolf again??


You know im towning here Alanna.the fact that your saying you dont makes me think your not. But I doubt thats for today.


My case on Razen ive built the same way i did on Yates in SW!!!!!


ask your questions and you shall receive your answers..IVE EXPLAINED MY THOUGHTS ON RAZEN TRY READING WHAT I POSTED.


I did spell things out.....

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Not sure what that was supposed to accomplish. Feeling ok about JS. Feeling better about Pral from recent play. Both are Null right now.


The thing that's bugging me the most is how Dice is handling the reaction to his vote. He doesn't care that we don't like the voteHe isn't reading Zander as scum, but insists on leaving the vote there.



red Guess what? I DONT care that you dont like the vote.


blue I said i dont have him as town. 


Green  Part stubbornness  Im not moving just cause other people want me to move. Part im making a point. Iam REALLY tempted to lynch him over this caps thing cause he goes overboard with it. Part the fact that I dont have him as town. he is a little off. I cant say his done anything scummy but he just doesnt feel the same as usual. His reaction to my vote and even to it staying there have been good


Mind melding...lol

@ Dice - why not lynch Heart today?

I also agree with the Razen lynch. I have an overall good impression there.

I'm good but tired, been tired a lot..trying to play mafia, revise for exam next week, work and look after my mum is taking its toll...lol


Read AH and work it out.  im not saying anything else

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Not sure what that was supposed to accomplish. Feeling ok about JS. Feeling better about Pral from recent play. Both are Null right now.


The thing that's bugging me the most is how Dice is handling the reaction to his vote. He doesn't care that we don't like the voteHe isn't reading Zander as scum, but insists on leaving the vote there.



red Guess what? I DONT care that you dont like the vote.


blue I said i dont have him as town. 


Green  Part stubbornness  Im not moving just cause other people want me to move. Part im making a point. Iam REALLY tempted to lynch him over this caps thing cause he goes overboard with it. Part the fact that I dont have him as town. he is a little off. I cant say his done anything scummy but he just doesnt feel the same as usual. His reaction to my vote and even to it staying there have been good


Mind melding...lol

@ Dice - why not lynch Heart today?

I also agree with the Razen lynch. I have an overall good impression there.

I'm good but tired, been tired a lot..trying to play mafia, revise for exam next week, work and look after my mum is taking its toll...lol


Read AH and work it out.  im not saying anything else

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Sorry. I had a busy evening. Reads I have now, in no particular order (just what comes to mind)


I haven't seen anything particularily scummy.


I didn't like JS's play, but I'm accepting his explanation. Null for now.


I've liked Razen's play. Towny posts and easy to understand where he's coming from. Town read


Zander on the whole has been towny. I didn't like that he was pushing his "I am town because I have high post count", but I do think he's town. Town read


I didn't like that Dice's vote on Zander, because Zander typed in caps. It's a crappy reason to vote someone, and to my knowledge it's still there. Null to slight scum.


Laine isn't the strong towny presence I am expecting from her. I don't like that. She is apparently in another game, but that's no excuse. Also Null to slight scum.



I've liked Seph's game so far. Lots of towny posts and moving the thread along. Town read.


I don't have any issues with Heart. I like this playstyle over her typical teal deer style, but that's just me. She's been easy to understand what she means, and I've liked what she's been saying. Town read


I've been back and forth on Hally. Some stuff I like. Some stuff I don't. She's null for now, but slight town lean.


I haven't really noticed much from Lotad (Yes I'm calling you that too). I think he's mostly been going with the flow and agreeing with what's already being talked about. That's not a good look. Null here and watching him.


I haven't liked Pral's play at all. Leaving shortly after the vig claim. For like 2 days. Then only popping back in after JS explained what he was doing. And on top of that, his partial vig claim explanation reeks. I've given him some time to change my mind, but he hasn't. Scum read


I know I'm missing some people. i will have a full read list after I reread.




[unvote] (just in case)



Blue  Apparently you dont get joke votes. Even after the object commented on it.


And you are voting the claimed vig.  noted


I have to agree with you on Dice. His vote on Zander seemed a bit jokey but in another way not. He has lately been called town for the way he hones in on people and votes even if wrong . But there is a little thought there. This was the most stupid reason to vote for someone. So not seeing him the same.


lets sort this out shall we?  I dont get called town if I tunnel. there are other factors that certain people look at.  Was it a sudden thing? Yes? Check. Is he leaving it alonme or is he constantly going at it? yes? check.  is it against the current grain of the gam or is unexpected??  yes? town.


an example  AJ once posted a Hi post  got asked if he was mafia and gave a sort answer  no more then 3 words iirc. i was the next post and it was a vote on him with a simple explanation of i dont believe you. he was third party that game.  things like that. I could find games to point you at if you really want but they are often big games.



So regarding Zander  it is an IN JOKE. I have been whinging at him for weeks about that Caps thing he does and i warned him thaT I was gonna vote him if he started it again. He then did it.



As for sitting there? I havent really been here. and I DONT have him as clear town. and guess what? Im not gonna move it just cause you two dont like it.



I just checked. This is the closest to come to having a read on Zander. You don't have him as "clear town". This is different than having him as not town (implying you don't think he's scum).


You have made it clear that your vote was a joke. I don't care that you don't care we don't like it. I am happy voting you and want you lynched at this point.


For the record, what are your reads right now?

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Highly unlikely. Maybe under a different role perhaps, but two actual vigs? Betting not.

eh it's a advanced game, and I have no idea of how wheel would run it.

But you weren't the person ccing, were you :)


Lots of people will cc as town in order to provide coverage. Others say things like you did to generate conversation. Either way, it does not always necessitate an immediate vote.


But your anxiousness is noted.

I have actually never seen a vig get cover provided for them, seems like it will work itself out, but I am betting one of you is at least a vig.


I came across this post. Interesting wording in bolded, considering how Pral has further claimed.


I know I misinterpreted it. Lotad calling it "partial vig" is prolly why the phrase got stuck in my head. But that's besides the point. We don't know the scope or limitations on Pral. We know it's not a normal vig, because he explicitly told us it's not. Why would he say it wasn't if he is actually a normal vig? It's safe to say he isn't. Here is Seph saying way back around the double claims that "one if them is at least a vig". Worth noting IMO.

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Eldrick  have you ever seen someone listed as null? cause guess what? thats not a town OR scum reading. thats saying i dont have them as town i dont have them as scum. it happens all the time.



id be happy going you LOD or razen at this point.

And you're willing to keep a vote on someone that you have as Null? Good to know.

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Eldrick  have you ever seen someone listed as null? cause guess what? thats not a town OR scum reading. thats saying i dont have them as town i dont have them as scum. it happens all the time.



id be happy going you LOD or razen at this point.houghts


Dice can you touch on your thoughts on Razen?

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Eldrick  have you ever seen someone listed as null? cause guess what? thats not a town OR scum reading. thats saying i dont have them as town i dont have them as scum. it happens all the time.



id be happy going you LOD or razen at this point.

And you're willing to keep a vote on someone that you have as Null? Good to know.



FYI-  I know Dice away from Mafia and so do a lot of others here....Dice is an Aussie hence extremely stubborn....i mean even stubborn for an Aussie...and thats impressive in its self......lololololololol


but its true....

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Something I was paying attention to in case it became useful later. Something I was going to reference if Seph ever claimed. I feel like I'm going to be the lynch today, and I also feel it's for weaksauce reasons. I don't know how to convince you guys I'm town. I play differently, and it comes off as scummy. It's just me. This Day has been a weird one, and bogged down by the vig claims. Anyway, here's some info to be aware of if Seph ever claims. I'd be suspicious if it's not VT, which mafia would probably claim anyway.





and hello to all the new/old people i dont know!!!!


and please be aware you are playing with seph who is the GOAT hero of Star Wars and Heart who will be and UN CC'd Doc and lunched by some "stellar" town play!!!


welcome back/to DM Mafia!!!!

I really really wanted to hardclaim doc this game LOL
but unfortunately that isn't going to happen... sadface







NB, well god forbid he have to vig himself.


I bet he wouldn't do that...lol.


I'm kinda surprised on the two vig claims...when I'm the Vig...I usually just wait until N1 and then announce it the next day...poor Clov.  

I think the only times I've been vig, I've died first. But I don't see the point in claiming D1?


Two you two vigs: Why claim?


can we talk about zander's first time LOL
I apparently only roll phoenix, vt , and doct





For the record, I don't think he's mafia. Just something I was watching.

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Eldrick  have you ever seen someone listed as null? cause guess what? thats not a town OR scum reading. thats saying i dont have them as town i dont have them as scum. it happens all the time.



id be happy going you LOD or razen at this point.

And you're willing to keep a vote on someone that you have as Null? Good to know.



FYI-  I know Dice away from Mafia and so do a lot of others here....Dice is an Aussie hence extremely stubborn....i mean even stubborn for an Aussie...and thats impressive in its self......lololololololol


but its true....




Being stubborn is a lame excuse.

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Oh. And to the people that were saying my asking my questions were giving JS scenarios, I don't see it.


My questions: 

IYO is he also a vig? Would you shoot another vig because he didn't post enough?



Asking if he thought Pral was actually a vig. If he was mafia, he would still be considering this. Knowing his outlook on the matter would be more beneficial to us than it would be to him deciding how to handle the situation.


Would he shoot a 'fellow' vig if it fit the criteria of his ultimatum? Again useful in us finding out how he was looking at the game.


I don't see how either of them could be used to formulate a plan as mafia. They were good questions.


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Actually they were your thoughts Zander. You made good points.



and my vote on zander sitting there is doing no harm


did you just....compliment me???!!!  WHERES THE BANDERS TO SEE THIS!!!!! lololololol


true im not getting lynched today but prolly better served on someone who has a better chance today imo.

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Actually they were your thoughts Zander. You made good points.



and my vote on zander sitting there is doing no harm

That confused me. I didn't remember having points against him. Just ISO'd myself. There's a couple things I thought were odd, but nothing that really pinged, and one of them was after you had already voted. In fact, it was in response to the vote.


What did I say that made you pay attention to Zander? And if you're willing to lynch me, why are the points I made a reason to keep it there?

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Actually they were your thoughts Zander. You made good points.



and my vote on zander sitting there is doing no harm

That confused me. I didn't remember having points against him. Just ISO'd myself. There's a couple things I thought were odd, but nothing that really pinged, and one of them was after you had already voted. In fact, it was in response to the vote.


What did I say that made you pay attention to Zander? And if you're willing to lynch me, why are the points I made a reason to keep it there?



we are talking about Razen here Eld....you should read my case against him.

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I work in 12 hours. I will be missing the deadline. I'm going to bed now. I'll try to see what's going on before I go to work. no promises, though. It takes forever for me to get out of bed.


DL is 12 hours??!!!!



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Zander have you caught up?


Who else would you lunch besides raz?


I'm driving right now (taking friend & his cat to the vet for spaying) but I want to hear more from you based on my concerns I posted earlier.


yep im current but need to do a re read.


imma do a re read but John/Pral atp..  I WANT YOU TO READ MY RAZEN case and tell me why ITS OMGUS??!!!


what concerns Alanna, Ive addressed the ones Ive seen if ive missed any let me know. 

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I work in 12 hours. I will be missing the deadline. I'm going to bed now. I'll try to see what's going on before I go to work. no promises, though. It takes forever for me to get out of bed.

DL is 12 hours??!!!!



DL is a little under 13 hours from now. I will be sleeping through most of that, and will be working before it hits. I'll look into your case against Razen when I get up. I'm currently trying to sleep.

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I'm liking where my vote is better and better.  I went back just to look and see where everyone's voted, and I haven't seen someone throw their votes around like Eldrick.  It honestly comes off to me as trying to make something stick.  I counted 4 times (that I picked up on, anyway) that he's changed his vote.


Also, a couple of things I noticed as I was reading through, or just wanted to comment on because they stuck out to me.

Notbob you still comfortable with where your vote is with Dice?  i think some more pressure on John Snow will get us an answer one way or another. 

Zander trying to get Not Bob to switch his vote to John Snow for pressure.  More for my own notes than anything else, but it came across to me as Zander pushing to focus on John Snow and discouraging people from looking outside of that.


but it did get an answer right.  regardless of what was thought of it. 


I wouldn't say that pressure is what did it.  But if you want to tell yourself that, go right ahead.  He was only halfway to a lynch at that point and it didn't sound to me like he was caving because of vote pressure.  One thing that I do think is strange though is we haven't heard anything from him since he admitted he lied about his claim and the immediate aftermath of that.



-So Razen goes from having John as town and Pral as Null and Edlrick (stating he liked his posts THIS IS IMPORTANT) town as of July 8th @ 9:55 am.


- then @ July 8th 9:25 pm.:  to John scum Eldrick still town (Nothings CHanged THIS IS IMPORTANT) and still null on Pral


- i list the reasons he may or may not accept John Snow and Pral just so he doesn't try to go over on his John SNow view


- Now he reads Eldrick scum and votes him.  this post is at July 9th 1:36 pm.  going back and using quotes begining July 7th???


Well if you liked his posts and nothings changed why are you know quoting them to lead you to vote him???  You can see how bad you contradict yourself here can't you.


ALSO NOTE HOW HE VALIDATES PART OF HIS VOTE WITH ADDING "PRESSURE" which he used as part of his reason for voting me!!!!

So wait, you're telling me that I can't go back and look at what people have posted and change my opinions based on what I read?  That's the whole point of the game!  If you have a problem with me changing my reads based on what I've read when I go back through and pay attention to a specific person's posts, tough luck buddy.  Tunnel vision = anti-town.


Also something I've noticed, after Eldrick asked people to post statements in case there was a lie detector, these are the people who did so:





Hallia (after Eldrick voted her for not doing so)




This is not counting any statements of "I am town" made before this happened.  But you seem to be missing off of that list, Zander.  Why's that?  Afraid someone will check your statement and find out you're lying?  True, there's six other players that didn't do so, and by itself, that doesn't mean much.  But the way you're pushing against me for evolving my list of reads based on what I've read leads me to believe that I'm onto something and you don't want to head down that road because you don't want your teammate lynched.




Not as focused but yet Im tunneling on Razan??  And I also went after John and brought up points on Hallia lock clearing Talya after 2 posts??!!!  ITS LIKE YOUR CHOOSING TO IGNORE the facts Im putting out.  After ME and SW your choosing to ignore me towning...not good at all....you rand wolf again??


You know im towning here Alanna.the fact that your saying you dont makes me think your not. But I doubt thats for today.


My case on Razen ive built the same way i did on Yates in SW!!!!!


ask your questions and you shall receive your answers..IVE EXPLAINED MY THOUGHTS ON RAZEN TRY READING WHAT I POSTED.


I did spell things out.....


Dude, STOP with the whole "I'm towning here because I did this and this as town in the last game."  You're trying really hard to push the idea that you're town here based on things you've done in other games.  That means absolutely nothing.  The fact that you're having to justify everything based on what you did as town in a previous game makes me wonder why you can't establish yourself as pro-town in this thread based on your own statements.

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