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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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Right so i have been bad and not here  catching up now




Well since you guys are unable to scumhunt if I'm not ITT, I'll just shoot all my work and planning to heck.


was waiting from Pralaya. Definitely dodging thread at this point. Was on at 1 pm yesterday, and 10 pm again. Nothing to say in thread. 


So here goes. What I was doing this game. 


First off, I'm not a vig. I lied. I was kickstarting the game, and seeing who posted differently than normal (see also: my vote on Zander). I wanted to see who was just going to try to fluff their content to not get vigged. 


And that was all I was going to do. And then Pral claimed vig. And didn't vote me. Which I thought was weird as hell. 



But you know, I thought, heck let's see where this goes. And Pral's good with my claim. Which is really weird.


So I decided to spend the rest of the day trying to read Pral. My best plan was to see how Pral reacted to me playing poorly. I also wanted to see Pral's reaction to the mason thing. Also, I'm not a mason with Pral. FYI. Not even slightly. 


See, it's a solid play as a GF to fakeclaim vig. It's irrefutable. Other than the days you want to "vig" you have your team submit the kills. So I was guessing that Pral might be doing that. 



Instead Pral has dodged thread. Intentionally and consistently. (Protip: If you want to dodge thread, set your status to always show offline). Now while this isn't the most scummy thing Pral could do, it's the best play for a scum to do. Let the train on me ramp up, let town kill their vig, and get vetted by a townie death. And lose nothing. 




So that's my thought process. Any questions?


Also Pral obvscum imo. [unvote] [v]Pral[/v]

I'm confused.  First, you said you weren't the vig.  And then, you're saying that Pral's absence is allowing the train on you to ramp up and let us kill our vig.  You're contradicting yourself here.


For what it's worth, I do agree that if he is deliberately avoiding posting in the game thread after browsing when his claim has been questioned endlessly it's that he's trying to hide something.  And I do think it's insanely weird he was ok with your claim too.



need to come back to this when i get to work  



on page 24



Jon beat me to it but i think you read this wrong. I took it as without pral there was a vig claim on the table and people were voting it. this is good for mafia if true.  


meh that was better worded in my head yesterday


I was trying ti ISO Heart, but the quotes are going weird.


So a list instead:


First part is a bit fluffy votes Razen and thenunvotes


 - Zander feels off  and we should lynch him



Talks about using vig power and Post count


- Qs Zand on Elds idea of not letting them live (JS and Pral)

- Qs Eld why voting before caught up, why dislike JS over Pral

- Asks Zand the question again

- Likes Razen

- Zander Felt different (again she says this), but no ready to dub him scummy


finds something curious and likeable about Seph an Eld???

Talks about Hally's lock clear on my and my response, does ask Hally for any other strong tremors


- Zand Excitable


- Qs NB over JS and Pral and agrees with his vote on Dice


- Tells JS channelling EP will not win her trust


- Doesn't see Zanders 4 (Snow/Pral/Hally/Tal) as random


- Thinks it is possible we have two vigs, so it's not a counterclaim, immediate vote isn't necessary with a cc, but pressure would be and didn't see any


One Quote


This is odd...now we know what Pral has said. Doesn't automatically mean a link here, but it does mean that Pral could have used this as an excuse. Mod can Wolves talk Day and Night?


If each of the vigs (my computer keeps trying to correct that to "figs" so if I say something about figs at some point just know that it is probably supposed to say "vigs") had some sort of restriction, I could see that being possible.


So that is one possibility out of many. The lack of pressure towards each other between the two claims is interesting (if memory serves, they were almost amenable--will need to read that interaction again) and causing me to think that there is something beyond a counterclaim going on here. 



 Im not voting heart today



How do you know it's not there.

I said maybe a bit of ten foiling hence asking someone for their opinion. Doesn't mean there isn't one, and yet you seem so sure!


I don´t know if there is a connection between them. I have both of them as null right now. I just felt that it was a long shot. It was hard for me to see if your were actually trying to figure stuff out or making something up. You have backed away from it so I guess it could be the first one. Now you have some kind of connection between AH and Zander instead and I don´t understand why.


For those of you that some kind of meta read on Snow - would he do something like this as mafia? 



I dont think hed do something that ballsy. I especially dont think as mafia hed come out later on, but before its resolved and while he is getting voted, and claim he is EPing. You know what happens to EP because of his crazy plans?? He gets lynched. My heart STILL wants to lynch JS just because of the EP thing.


Thing is i see his play as similar to Yates' in Red Wedding. Only Pral screwed up Nyn didnt




Oh, yeah, @Tayla, it's DM practice that wolves, masons, etc can talk at all times on the QT.


Not always, one game recently Wolves could only talk at night, hence why I asked.


If you saw my ISO of heart Tina, you would see why, she keeps saying Zander is weird. She's played a couple of games with him, so it is worth noting.



Those have been some recent games and are some mods attempt at bringing other sites ways of playing here. theres only been like 3 of those or something



Just a question - Pral, why did you choose to claim?


Well, when JS claimed vig, it initially kinda threw me off. But, then, I speculated him to be town based on the role I had. To be sure of that and to gauge his reaction, I claimed. 


Sorry, nope, don't buy this. You were behind for 2 days and you just "happen" to catch up when you get called out? Classic scum tactic. 


And here's the thing. Me not CC-ing you had me as strong town in your book (assuming, but pretty fair assumption). And there was a train ramping up on me, and you don't think that's the time to pop in and say "I'm not caught up, but this guy is town guys?"


The point is that I never knew of the train ramping up on you till I reached that point in my catchup (which was probably after you voted me). Like I said...I can't prove it but those who have played with me before would know I catch up pretty slow.



Red   This makes NO sense whatsoever. Especially if you think the guy is town. I will say this straight out I think you screwed this up majorly

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Just wanting to make sure people have the right reasons for town reading me. Calling me town because "He couldn't be scum. His teammates wouldn't let him do that" needs to stop being a thing.


So you should be happy that im considering voting you just so I dont have you making my head spin late game.

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Sorry. I had a busy evening. Reads I have now, in no particular order (just what comes to mind)


I haven't seen anything particularily scummy.


I didn't like JS's play, but I'm accepting his explanation. Null for now.


I've liked Razen's play. Towny posts and easy to understand where he's coming from. Town read


Zander on the whole has been towny. I didn't like that he was pushing his "I am town because I have high post count", but I do think he's town. Town read


I didn't like that Dice's vote on Zander, because Zander typed in caps. It's a crappy reason to vote someone, and to my knowledge it's still there. Null to slight scum.


Laine isn't the strong towny presence I am expecting from her. I don't like that. She is apparently in another game, but that's no excuse. Also Null to slight scum.



I've liked Seph's game so far. Lots of towny posts and moving the thread along. Town read.


I don't have any issues with Heart. I like this playstyle over her typical teal deer style, but that's just me. She's been easy to understand what she means, and I've liked what she's been saying. Town read


I've been back and forth on Hally. Some stuff I like. Some stuff I don't. She's null for now, but slight town lean.


I haven't really noticed much from Lotad (Yes I'm calling you that too). I think he's mostly been going with the flow and agreeing with what's already being talked about. That's not a good look. Null here and watching him.


I haven't liked Pral's play at all. Leaving shortly after the vig claim. For like 2 days. Then only popping back in after JS explained what he was doing. And on top of that, his partial vig claim explanation reeks. I've given him some time to change my mind, but he hasn't. Scum read


I know I'm missing some people. i will have a full read list after I reread.




[unvote] (just in case)



Blue  Apparently you dont get joke votes. Even after the object commented on it.


And you are voting the claimed vig.  noted


I have to agree with you on Dice. His vote on Zander seemed a bit jokey but in another way not. He has lately been called town for the way he hones in on people and votes even if wrong . But there is a little thought there. This was the most stupid reason to vote for someone. So not seeing him the same.


lets sort this out shall we?  I dont get called town if I tunnel. there are other factors that certain people look at.  Was it a sudden thing? Yes? Check. Is he leaving it alonme or is he constantly going at it? yes? check.  is it against the current grain of the gam or is unexpected??  yes? town.


an example  AJ once posted a Hi post  got asked if he was mafia and gave a sort answer  no more then 3 words iirc. i was the next post and it was a vote on him with a simple explanation of i dont believe you. he was third party that game.  things like that. I could find games to point you at if you really want but they are often big games.



So regarding Zander  it is an IN JOKE. I have been whinging at him for weeks about that Caps thing he does and i warned him thaT I was gonna vote him if he started it again. He then did it.


As for sitting there? I havent really been here. and I DONT have him as clear town. and guess what? Im not gonna move it just cause you two dont like it.

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@ Dice: in regards to you noting that i voted the claimed vig. The vig that claimed on Day 1, where there is no proof that he could be telling the truth or not. This is an easy claim to make as mafia. I voted him for his play, not his claim. Attributing that to his unproven and untested claim is ridiculous. And it has been amended to "partial vig" which just looks worse. This does not mean it's an x-shot, like someone mentioned. It means he can do something else. Ergo why I thought JOAT. In Darthe's game, Pizza tried to do this too. I bought his line. I'm not going for it this time.


@ Talya: My M-word line was not role fishing. It was already a topic of discussion. i was making a joke. (Thank you Laine for catching it)


As for my strong town on Tina, I don't get why this is an issue. Sure, she didn't have very many posts, but they were good ones. It's that quality over quantity thing. I'm confident that she is town.

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I'm around, catching up on some things then doing some ISOs; not current on the current page but I saw this post:

@ Dice: in regards to you noting that i voted the claimed vig. The vig that claimed on Day 1, where there is no proof that he could be telling the truth or not. This is an easy claim to make as mafia. I voted him for his play, not his claim. Attributing that to his unproven and untested claim is ridiculous. And it has been amended to "partial vig" which just looks worse. This does not mean it's an x-shot, like someone mentioned. It means he can do something else. Ergo why I thought JOAT. In Darthe's game, Pizza tried to do this too. I bought his line. I'm not going for it this time.


@ Talya: My M-word line was not role fishing. It was already a topic of discussion. i was making a joke. (Thank you Laine for catching it)


As for my strong town on Tina, I don't get why this is an issue. Sure, she didn't have very many posts, but they were good ones. It's that quality over quantity thing. I'm confident that she is town.

I still don't get where you're getting this JOAT thing from..? Quotes below (out of order- newest to earliest):



Alright, caught up completely.

Hah, lot of things seemed to have been blown out of proportion. Masons, being in the same team etc etc. I am basically looking at all the posts that tries to bring these up.
Anyway, with John Snow's claim that he was lying, it changes things. I can see why he was lying in the first place - trying to bring up the activity during D1. In which case his reaction-testing would make sense definitely.
What I don't agree is him shifting the blame to me - with two reasons - the first being I did not vote him and the second being that I am dodging the thread. The first is easy - I hinted to Hallia right at the beginning why I am not cc'ing him. TO make it clear, I am not a full vig and hence I am not surprised that there is another person with vig shot. For the second reason, was I on the site yesterday? Of course, I was - I was trying to catch up in between work. And, I was there today too. If anyone knows how I play, I never post before I catch up completely. Anyway, this is completely what you want to believe - I cannot prove or disprove it.
Now, back to my readlist.


Just a question - Pral, why did you choose to claim?


Well, when JS claimed vig, it initially kinda threw me off. But, then, I speculated him to be town based on the role I had. To be sure of that and to gauge his reaction, I claimed. 



Alright, you people figure it out. I am going to sleep. Good night everyone :)


So the fact that he wasn't cc'ing supports an x-shot, saying he's a not a full vig and there's probably others with a vig shot supports the fact that he's not a full vig but a limited shot vig. It's amazing how much sense all this makes, and how NOT bad Pral looks here. I don't see him trying to be sneaky here with anything. Technically, claiming vig and then amending it to x-shot vig isn't really that big of a difference. In no way does it mean he's JOAT.

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I still don't get why you want my opinion on this. Even after reading through this again, I don't have much to say, but I will oblige. 


Sorry for calling it "just summary". It was more along the lines of "nothing much to comment on"

Part 1:


1. LINK: This post of Zander's is pretty normal, imo. Heart wolf, Seph wolf, NB wolf. He knows he's probably wrong, but nice attempt to toss some names out, buddy. :tongue: Heart and Seph both play it off as a joke, which looks good, because it is one

Let's see, don't think I've ever played with LotD (I may just start calling you "Lotad") or Pralaya, and it's been ages since I played with John Snow last.
And I may vote Ley for not being here for a BT game >.>

2. Lord of the Dawn nickname Lotad? I can roll with this, can we do this? People calling you Dawn sounds weird. Or Lotd is fine too, but things feel better with the "a" there.

Hardclaiming vig.

Shooting the lowest post count at the EoD. If you want to live, give me more than this 2 posts in 3 days that some people try to get away with.

3. Snow's famous post claiming vig, which has since been rescinded and named a ploy to get the game going.

4. LINK: Strange that Seph is the first just to roll with Snow claiming vig instead of questioning it

Good, dies in one game. Rises in another.

Hardclaiming vig too.

5. LINK: Null on Hally's response to the two claims in this post, comes off as a joke, I think someone (JS?) fos'd her for this later
6. LINK: Odd post on Hally's part is WHY would vig provide cover for each other? Hell, why would vigs claim in the first place?

7. Established by Snow that they're not cc'ing each other, which is strange because at this point we know Snow was lying and Pral's is limited shot? Overall, Pral's going along with this isn't really a bother at this point with what we know.



Hardclaiming vig.
Shooting the lowest post count at the EoD. If you want to live, give me more than this 2 posts in 3 days that some people try to get away with.

you know nothing Jon Snow...lololololol sorry im doing this every game we play in.


And you've got nothing actually related to say? There's plenty to give an opinion on.


8. Zander meta isn't serious until he's got a target and wants them lynched, fyi.

9. Strange that the talk devolves into spam talk though, but who am I to judge?


Ohhh, town Tal in the house!

John, are you mafia?

You can't ignore me, sir


10. Light LD hint here, but also becoming pretty normal on DM to ask alignments ITT, I would consider this question null, but Hall's follow up in in her favor.

11. Talya looking good here, Masons suggestion isn't stretching in this case based on their actions so far, but also it would be stupid of them to do as mafia as some seem to think.

Zander I highly doubt two wolves would claim vigs like that; more likely one of them would get lynched to check it I can see one being a true vig and another a 1shot potentially but idk, that they're not cc'ing makes this curious but I wanna see more

12. Alanna knows what's up ITT

13. LINK: Zander jumping the gun a bit here lol

14. FFS my grammar in this post was awful and I'm saddened by these events. I'm sorry for anyone who had to be here for it, and I'm offering counseling services to any and all who are affected.


Haha I can't believe you rolled Phoenix twice. ^.^ I'm a terrible doctor except that one time I saved Darthe

Zander and Notbob not allowed to have vig shots anymore.

NO HERO SHOTS allowed, imo

I can't see why they'd be masons claiming vigs in the thread like that, seems a good way to make themselves a target? That's why I sad they have and xshot and limited use, would make it different roles enough that they wouldn't question each others' claims

I have a couple different thoughts, but the two I posted seem most likely Laine we can lynch one and see, or let it play out a bit. I haven't seen anything to point towards wolf's, I guess the only thing bothering me is how smug pray was with his posts towards the subject.

Alright, you people figure it out. I am going to sleep.

Good night everyone :)

This post looks like he is implying that he already knows.


15. I don't like this post of Seph's. Particularly that he doesn't think either are wolves, yet he's willing to lynch one of them to test the claim. Doesn't seem pro town to me. Looking back now, though this makes sense of Pral. He was trying to read Snow just as much as Snow's been waiting for Pral to check back in. -1 for Seph, +1 for Pral

16. Interaction between Snow and Zander on pg 7 "Meh" Zander thinks reaction votes are gross. (He's starting to sound like Hallia) Zander's wariness of scum doing weird things to survive in games in well founded, BUT on d1 with no pressure and no reason to, the action of claiming is pretty townie. Scum would just as likely let the game devolve into spam posts than try to kick start it into some conversation to get reads on other players. At the same time, I'm not current with Snow's meta and I've only seen Pral in the Belichick game (ongoing), so I have no idea about these players and what they'd do to gain town cred.

John, because it isn't a smart play is a reason scum do things sometimes. The, they can't be scum because scum wouldn't do that argument. (See masons from starwars) As for you and pral, I do believe you two know each others alignment, or there is some good cover going on that only you two understand. But I am not willing to lynch you day one to find out. Barring some massive slip.
Snow... you left us first man

17. Seph, you're NOT willing to lynch one of them?

18. LINK: Like this assessment that Zander's vote was a joke. I don't see him being totally serious about them being masons, but as I stated above, he's probably wary. It's not like they ever claimed masons though, though at this point they hadn't debunked it either.

19. LINK: Agree with Seph's reads here so far... Hally/Talya possibly town.

20. Page 8: Razen looks good questioning Snow and Eldrick; @Eldrick, why would you think that Pral's claim was a joke? That seems a least likely conclusion to get from the interactions so far. Why does it look worse for JS than for Pral? (answered pg23) I don't like Eldrick pushing that they're both wolves atp

Razen probably town.



So you're saying if you were to CC somebody, you wouldn't vote them?

It's pretty clear to me that it's not a CC, mainly for that reason.
That doesn't make you guys both legit by any means.


21. Actually agree here on Eldrick's post.

22. LINK: @Razen, what did you think here? You said they're not counterclaiming yet you wouldn't even ponder the situation I brought up where they're both xshots and so both claimed vigs and therefore weren't counterclaiming each other. Idk, your statement here just feels off for some reason?

23. Page 10 feels like they're all going on the notion that the two are masons (NB, Zander, Seph). It just doesn't feel right.

24. So far, town leans: Hally, Talya, Razen, Zander, possibly JS
Mixed: Seph
Scum leans: Eldrick,




1. I found his post weird, and commented as such while rereading. At first it came off as a joke to me too, but then when he referenced it to you, it felt weird.

2. I'm calling him that too. Fluff point. No additional comment was needed.

3. Summary

4. Why is it weird that Seph accepted it? i didn't, but that doesn't mean everybody wouldn't.

5. I'm Null on Hally's reaction to the claims as well.

6. The "Why vig's would claim in the first place" is a big part of why I didn't believe JS over Pral. It's safer to claim once the idea is already out there. Still don't like that either did, though.

7. Basically summary. Nothing to comment.

8. Explaining Zander's meta. Nothing to add here either.

9. Feels like fluff

10. This is one of the things that caught my attention. Why is it in Hally's favor for you?

11. Summary. Agree that Mason claim as mafia would be stupid.

12. Self-directed fluff

13. I don't agree. His vote here is null.

14. More self-directed fluff

15. This was a good catch on Seph. Good to keep in mind.

16. No comment to add here. I don't know them well either.

17. Directed at Seph. Not commenting.

18. Summary

19. you agreed with Seph's reads. Seph agreed with mine. No issue here.

20. I already commented on this. Sorry for the confusion.

21. Thanks for agreeing. No further comment was necessary.

22. Directed at Razen. Not commenting.

23. It was weird, but I didn't have an issue with it.

24. Your reads list ATP. No issues. You see me as scummy. It's my job to clear that up. Agree with the rest. Seph does look less towny now.




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It doesn't mean he's an x-shot vig. That actually makes less sense than JOAT does, because he says he's a partial vig. Partial vig and x-shot are not the same thing. An x-shot vig would just sya they are a vig. Partial vig implies he can do something else.


@ Pral Don't tell us what else you can do.

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It doesn't mean he's an x-shot vig. That actually makes less sense than JOAT does, because he says he's a partial vig. Partial vig and x-shot are not the same thing. An x-shot vig would just sya they are a vig. Partial vig implies he can do something else.


@ Pral Don't tell us what else you can do.

He never said partial vig? He said not a full vig.



TO make it clear, I am not a full vig and hence I am not surprised that there is another person with vig shot.

Not full vig and vig shot generally mean he doesn't have a nightly shot. I don't see ANYWHERE where it is implied that he's got more than a vig shot, and I don't like that you're fishing for roles. 



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Mmmmmm. Eld is all over the place for me. I don't feel that scum would be that spastic, one would hope his team would reign it in.



[v] LordoftheDawn/v]


Haven't seen anything really good from him, would still vote John Snow as well.

I don't like this top line at all. It's like you're calling him TWTBW without doing so, therefore clearing him from your wtl at the moment. Just not sitting right with me. Eld's response below:



First of all, I'm always spastic. I haven't learned to not be yet.

Secondly, what's up with the concept that me being mafia would 'rein me in'? It didn't in the W13 game, and I fooled Verb because of it.

Underlined is unnecessary and not in your favor. lol


1. dicetosser1- a bit of joke voting when he arrives on page 13, I can’t hate him though, made some very good points then and later in the game. When he does show up he puts on a fair showing. Town leanings, but my minds not really made up all the way yet


2. NotBob-seems like the quiet type, straight forward with his questions, but not a whole lot else really. Neutral for the most part, though he contributes some.so null I guess?


3. Aiel Heart- Talya brought up a few  minor points, but im going to apply the ol’ wait and see, see how she defends herself


4. Alannalynn- again, not really all that sure what to think, going to take another wait and see approach here.


5. Pralaya- I honestly don’t know, and I don’t know how else to contribute to something that pretty much everyone has a similar opinion on. suspicious activity, and weird plays. Claims a partial Vig role, whatever that means, for now, I need more information, see if better questions I haven’t thought of come up.


6. Hallia-has been raising some good questions, and points here and there. Decisive in her decisions, really got the feeling she thought about her votes. Town leanings


7. lord of the dawn-burn this man with purifying fire ***


8. Eldrick-kind of all over the place, its hard to get a read on him personally, ill say null for the moment, take a more wait and see approach, though ive been doing that a lot.


9. Zander-hes on top of things, responds to what he can, almost zealously. Very pushy with his prods, says whats on his mind. Very aggressive. It’s hard to tell whether he’s very town, or scum, but ill give him the benefit of the doubt and say town.


10. Seph-pretty on top of things from what ive seen, not as aggressive as zander but gets his points across pretty well. Trying to find the truth just like most everyone else, stirs the pot a little. Town leanings I think


11. TinaHel-still not enough for me to make a decision personally, I would like to wait and see on her.


12. Razen- feeling kind of neutral to me so far, nothing that really pulls me one way or the other. Null for now I suppose.


13. Talya- I like a lot of the points she has brought up over the thread, she thinks out her posts and it shows. Town leanings


14. John Snow-*sigh* ive made my opinions about this whole bit known already. Either just a really poor play with a God awful defense, or scum leanings.


**NOTE: I have no idea exactly what I mason is, it’s the price I pay for being out of the loop on stuff for 5+  years. Should have probably asked for clarification on what that means, but it slipped my mind, so I’m asking now, my apologies.


***ALSO NOTE: Please don’t burn me with fire, that stuff hurts

You have WAAAY too many wait and see or null leans, man. And only ONE scum lean. Anything changed since then?


the fact that he decided to take his time and not say a thing until JS did his thing for starters. he claims a partial vig role but doesn't expand on it, expecting us to take it at face value. at the same time, yes i haven't been as active as i want, work/school/volunteering can do that to a man, but i at least tried to put in my two cents on things at the end of my work day. i wasn't silent for two whole days letting speculation run everywhere. and while yes, i also asked for a recap, i was exhausted and hoped someone could point out some key events that i could look over, and make a better determination on later. people thought that was odd of me, fine.  i think we are on about equal terms there however. 

Underlined: Again with the partial vig wording, it's so awkward. Odd that only Eldrick and Lotd are calling it this?

Do you think that Snow and Pral could both be scum? Or is is more likely they're town/town or wolf/town? I just kinda want to know your thought process on this. If Snow was kickstarting the game with his claim and you had a vig shot, would you cc the same as Pral? Talk me through this, LotD.



I only missed 3 people. I can do it now.


Strong Town:










Null to slight town:






Null to slight scum:





I didn't like JS's play, but I'm accepting his explanation. Null for now.


I've liked Razen's play. Towny posts and easy to understand where he's coming from. Town read


Zander on the whole has been towny. I didn't like that he was pushing his "I am town because I have high post count", but I do think he's town. Town read


I didn't like that Dice's vote on Zander, because Zander typed in caps. It's a crappy reason to vote someone, and to my knowledge it's still there. Null to slight scum.


Laine isn't the strong towny presence I am expecting from her. I don't like that. She is apparently in another game, but that's no excuse. Also Null to slight scum.

The Dice lean is weak and so is your lean on me. Is it that I had a lazy start to the game? FYI I had a slow start bc I was getting lynched in that other game, kinda hard to think about other things when that happens. Still awk that two of your scum leans have been quieter this game (one more than usual).


I've liked Seph's game so far. Lots of towny posts and moving the thread along. Town read.


I don't have any issues with Heart. I like this playstyle over her typical teal deer style, but that's just me. She's been easy to understand what she means, and I've liked what she's been saying. Town read


I've been back and forth on Hally. Some stuff I like. Some stuff I don't. She's null for now, but slight town lean.


I haven't really noticed much from Lotad (Yes I'm calling you that too). I think he's mostly been going with the flow and agreeing with what's already being talked about. That's not a good look. Null here and watching him.


I haven't liked Pral's play at all. Leaving shortly after the vig claim. For like 2 days. Then only popping back in after JS explained what he was doing. And on top of that, his partial vig claim explanation reeks. I've given him some time to change my mind, but he hasn't. Scum read


I'm still trying to understand HOW the Pral claim reeks? And at this point you're thinking he's JOAT (for some reason)- does this still mean that you think he's scum? Same questions that I asked Lotd above, talk me through how you would have handled the two claims in Snow's or Pral's shoes... 


I have liked Tina's play. I don't think she's said anything I didn't disagree with. She hasn't had many posts, which is probably why I forgot her, but Strong town lean


Just because you haven't disagreed with any of her posts doesn't mean she's clear town, I'm finding this read really odd for some reason.


Notbob is just one of those people I have trouble reading at the beginning, or at all for that matter, but he hasn't done anything that warrants a scum read, so Null


I had trouble reading Talya last game, but I am getting a town vibe from her this time. Town lean



Eldrick can you show me why you have Tina ad your strongest read?

Besides that and pral I agree with your list.


No, because it's mainly gut. She's easy to follow and I agree with what she says.

Meh... see above what I said in blue in your reads list. . .



Just wanting to make sure people have the right reasons for town reading me. Calling me town because "He couldn't be scum. His teammates wouldn't let him do that" needs to stop being a thing.


Trust me...I'm not town reading you.

*thumbs up*




Reading this game is taking forever and a half. I can't wait to be caught up. Ugh.


Hoping you've caught up before I finish...


thats what he said???  lolololololol

I was at lunch with my bff when I read this and had to show her LOL thanks for the laugh :wink:

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It doesn't mean he's an x-shot vig. That actually makes less sense than JOAT does, because he says he's a partial vig. Partial vig and x-shot are not the same thing. An x-shot vig would just sya they are a vig. Partial vig implies he can do something else.


@ Pral Don't tell us what else you can do.

He never said partial vig? He said not a full vig.



TO make it clear, I am not a full vig and hence I am not surprised that there is another person with vig shot.

Not full vig and vig shot generally mean he doesn't have a nightly shot. I don't see ANYWHERE where it is implied that he's got more than a vig shot, and I don't like that you're fishing for roles. 




You're right. He did. I read it wrong.


And not role fishing. I read partial vig, and I extrapolated what that could mean. I'm still not convinced that Pral is town.

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