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Any Freelanders want to RP with an AS?

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I'm looking for something to do with my Aes Sedai character. She often gets out and about in the world rather than staying cooped up in the Tower. Mainly collecting books, finding new novices, and hunting down curious characters (she is a Red, so she is also looking for men who can channel, not just women).


If anyone has any vague ideas or RPs I might be able to squeeze into, I'd love to get a reply.

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good to see some activity in here :)


I'm around to get any new character up and ready. Just let me know when you're sending in a Bio, so I can go check the email account and get you started.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have an RP in mind, but I'm still waiting on my final approval to re-activate my character again ~_~


Also, the RP idea involves finding a ter'angreal, so I'm waiting on approval of that as well.


However, if others have another RP idea, please do post here!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Was I involved in that RP idea discussion? I forgot and can't seem to find it anywhere.

Did you get permission for the ter'angreal thing?


Looks like you still need to iron out some WT things before you're good to go?

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  • 1 year later...

I don't have an Aes Sedai or Warder but if I can create a TPC to help with your idea I'd be happy to. I've helped a few out like that before with TPCs.


As far as freelanders go, I do have an owner/ringleader of a menagerie that travels around. I think we are somewhere in the East. Id be up for something with him.

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