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Guest Emperor

Watch the next few episodes and ask yourself... does the alternative time frame work? That is what I have been doing.

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The alternate timeline theory is an interesting one, but it does seem to go against the producers playing down the series' SF credentials. It would also seem to be unreasonably complicated.


However, there is definitely something up. Who is that old woman in Desmond's flashback? Why was there a picture of her in the monastary in Desmond's later flashback? It appears that the monk deliberately set Desmond up to meet Penny. Maybe the old woman and the monk are the time-travellers who have thrown things out of balance? Very strange.


BTW, anyone catch that when Sun says Jin is the baby's father, she's lying? The DOC given in the episode - 53 days prior to this ep - is the time when Jin and Sun seperated in Season 1. They didn't sleep together at all on the Island until Season 2, Episode 9, about 2 weeks later. Maybe something happened between Sun and Michael back then after all?


Info on forthcoming episodes, some of which may be fake or foilers (highlight to read but these are MAJOR spoilers):


319: The Brig (Locke flashbacks)

Locke recruits Sawyer to kill Ben. However, it isn't Ben whom Locke has kidnapped, it's Cooper. It's confirmed that Cooper is the 'real' Sawyer. Sawyer doesn't kill him. The flashbacks only go back a few days or so and explain what happened to Locke after he saw Cooper in the cell at the end of episode 313. Danielle reappears and Naomi elaborates about the fate of Flight 815. Jack discovers that other survivors are distrustful of him.


320: The Man Behind the Curtain (Ben)

A major episode which features the full lowdown on the DHARMA Initiative and its role on the Island. We see Ben as a kid growing up on the Island and we meet his parents. We meet Jacob as well. We see the DHARMA Initiative in its heyday. We see the roads being built on the Island and meet Roger Workman and his van. We also see Ben wearing a workman suit. We see Marvin Candle 'in the flesh' and how he lost his arm, suggesting we also see the Purge. We may also meet the DeGroots (founders of DHARMA). Rumour also states that we find out Danielle and her team were DHARMA personnel in this ep, and we see DHARMA getting to grips with the Monster, so we should get final confirmation of whether the Monster was created by DHARMA, the Others or is it some kind of natural phenomenon. Apparently the 'present day' storyline is very brief, with Ben agreeing to tell Locke about the history of the Island and with Juliet apparently coming clean about her status as a plant. Essentially, this may be the most revelatory episode of Lost to date.


321: Greatest Hits (Charlie)

Naomi's revelation - that Penny is looking for the Island and will be able to arrange the survivors' rescue - leads to the survivors deciding to repair DHARMA's sonic beacon, which Sayid works out how to do. This involves Charlie, a lot of electrical wiring and the sea. Jack, now aware of the Others' planned attack, sets a trap for them. Unsurprisingly, this episode is strongly tipped as the one where Charlie dies. However, there are strong, building rumours that Charlie's death is a foiler and it's actually someone else - perhaps Sayid or Juliet - who dies in this episode.


322: Through the Looking Glass (Jack)

The season finale. The Others attack the beach and run into Jack's trap. The result is something of a bloodbath and four recurring characters die in the crossfire (with rumours running from Sayid to Ben to even Kate). Locke and Jack have a massive showdown. More important secrets are revealed about the Island. Penny's search for Desmond is part of the story, perhaps suggesting that we get some more off-the-island storylines. Hurley and Claire play surprisingly major roles in the storyline. The episode apparently ends with the 815 survivors victorious, but badly mauled by the battle. There is something of a backlash against Jack's tactics and a rival camp is established, led by Sawyer.

Guest Emperor

Wow, really... that last episode spoiler is a doozie... not sure I can see it.


Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the last episode is, again, a two-hour special.


Some new info about the last episode. When Sun goes to see her dad, he's berating some underlings in Korean but it isn't translated. Some enterprising souls from Lostpedia.com got it translated with interesting results: Mr. Paik is actually annoyed because some forged shipping documents have not yet arrived from the Hanso Foundation!


The plot thickens...

Guest Emperor

Spoiler prep post

Guest Emperor



What’s it called?

“The Brig.”


Who’s responsible?

Teleplay is credited to showrunners Damon Lindelof (“Left Behind”) & Carlton Cuse (“One Of Us”).


What does ABC say?

“A newly focused Locke breaks away from "The Others" in an attempt to persuade Sawyer to help rid them of a great nemesis that has caused nothing but pain in both of their lives. Meanwhile, a new island inhabitant discloses some shocking information about Oceanic Flight 815. Guest starring are M.C. Gainey as Mr. Friendly/Tom, Kevin Tighe as Anthony Cooper, Mira Furlan as Danielle Rousseau, Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert, Kimberly Joseph as Cindy and Marsha Thomason as Naomi.”


How did last week’s promo go?

ANNOUNCER: Next Wednesday.

DESMOND: We keep her safe, she’s our way off this island.

CHARLIE: We have to tell Jack.

DESMOND: Do you trust Jack? Or don’t you?

LOCKE: I snuck into Ben’s tent and kidnapped him. And I want you to kill him.

SAWYER: Tell me the truth! Why me??

LOCKE: Because I can’t!!


The big news?

Jack’s been keeping a secret from Kate.


What else is ABC not telling us?

We learn this week where The Others went.


Did they go to Li’l Dharma Island? The place with the bear cages and dolphin tanks?

They did not.


Why “The Brig”?

A good piece of the episode is set in a locale familiar to longtime fans.


Can Naomi’s “shocking information about Oceanic Flight 815” possibly be more shocking than what she revealed last week?

It could be, but it’s not.


Is Rousseau still stalking Ben’s daughter Alex?

One assumes. She turns up this week for a bit of foreshadowing.


What’s doing with Cindy the stewardess?

She’s excited to see Locke.


What’s the deal with Naomi’s multilingualism? She works for Penelope, yes?

Naomi says she’s working for Penelope, but has never actually met her.


Are Hurley, Jin, Des and Charlie reunited with the rest of the 815ers this week?

Yes. The first time we see them they are already back at camp.


How does everyone react to the news of Naomi?

Naomi’s is squirreled away in a tent. Her presence is not immediately revealed to everyone.


Does Kate learn this week that Sawyer’s hillbilly seed has doomed her?

No. (And she and Sawyer continue to be more than friends.)


Does Sun give Jin the bad news about her diagnosis?

One gathers she does not.


Is Juliet working to save Sun’s life with stone knives and bear skins?

Sun is wholly absent this week. And Juliet is seen devising no treatments this week.


What’s doing with Claire and Sayid?

Sayid works on Naomi’s radio-phone thingie, which the Iraqi appraises as quite advanced. Claire sits the episode out.


No sign of Mikhail?



Does Charlie die this week?



Does Desmond make another prediction?



What was that batting order again?

3.19 John Locke

3.20 Benjamin Linus

3.21 Charlie Pace

3.22-23 Jack Shephard


What’s good?

The flashbacks, which are all island-bound, give us some interesting glimpses of what The Others have been up to since Locke’s last episode, “The Man From Tallahassee.” And the only scene this week with Jack and Juliet, which doesn’t arrive until the episode’s final minutes.


What’s not so great?

After last week’s installment, with its many bombshells, this week’s affair will strike many as fitfully intriguing but ultimately superfluous and disposable, another attempt to tread water. The character we really want to be following is Ben, and his is the story coming next week.


How does it end, spoiler-boy?

“Not anymore,” Locke tells Sawyer, then marches into the woods.


Okay. Someone posted some spoilers to another board that were pretty major, but were uncorroborated (he dropped off some major info about tonight's info, so if that comes true he becomes more reliable). However, careful comparisons between his posts and info dropped elsewhere by established spoiler-givers tells us the following:


If this stuff is true (and this isn't even the unsourced stuff) it is a MAJOR SPOILER. Don't read unless you want't to be totally spoiled on the final four episodes of the season.


Five regular or recurring characters die in the final two episodes. There are casualties on both the survivors and Others' sides. This is due to Sawyer exposing Juliet and Ben's plans with info from Cooper (although Juliet has already let Jack in on the plan), and Sayid and Jack setting a trap for the Others when they attack the camp. The Others get hit much harder and quite a few extras expire. However, there are casualties on our heroes' side. Two regular characters who have been on the show since the start are rumoured to be killed (one of whom you can probably see coming, the other one most definitely not) in addition to the alleged death of Charlie in the penultimate episode, although this is now being treated a lot more sceptically and may have been a foiler to draw attention away from the real deaths.


On the Others' side Juliet, Alex and Tom - perhaps surprisingly - survive. Ben is hotly tipped to die, apparently in a spectacular manner. Another recurring character is responsible for his death using weaponry gathered from a place we've seen before. Locke's fate is unknown. Jack is apparently thrown off the beach because, although his plan worked, the casualties were too high. Rumour says that Jack becomes the leader of the Others in Ben's place whilst Sawyer takes over as leader of the beach crew.


Ben's flashback episode is MASSIVE. It doesn't tell us everything, but it tells us enough to make us realise that the Others are not the real enemy at all. The real enemy is someone we've met before and only had good thoughts about... Jacob's identity is revealed. There are confusing accounts here, some saying it's someone we've met before (Mrs. Klugh? Ethan? Goodwin?) but others saying it isn't, but it's someone we've heard of (confusing). Jacob may now be dead, or off the Island, explaining why he doesn't take over from Ben in the final episode. The episode isn't called 'The Man Behind the Curtain' for nothing though (a Wizard of Oz reference, like Henry Gale). In the flashbacks we meet Ben's parents, we see Ben as a kid, we see Ben, Jacob and Alpert working for the DHARMA Initiative (!!!), we see the Purge, we see How Dr. Marvin Candle Lost His Arm (this should have been the episode title), we find out what the Monster is (kind of) and we find out why Locke blowing up both the Flame and the Swan may have inadvertantly brought about the deaths of everyone on the Island. We find out where the supply drops come from and why they're still coming to the Island.


The rumours seem divided on Danielle. Some say that we find out that Danielle and her science team were a DHARMA rescue mission sent once contact with the Island was cut off, but other reports deny this. However, apparently we also find out more about Desmond and his alleged 'time travel' experience, something very disturbing. All the stuff about alternate timelines was apparently BS. Instead we should be thinking about 'memories'. Let's just say that the finale's killer shocking moment - like the Antarctica scene last year - will once again revolve around events off the Island. Naomi wasn't alone on the helicopter and there is a lot more to her story than we've seen. She appears very unexpectedly in another character's flashback.


The theme of Season 4 looks set to be 'survival' for the Losties, what's left of the Others and indeed possibly the Island itself.

Guest Emperor

Good stuff Wert, it is at least interesting reading if it isn't all true.

Guest Cadsuane

*cue dramatic shocker music*


Fantastic. I can't wait. :)


I know I'm poopooing on the Time Travel parade here, but in light of Sawyer #1 (Locke's dad)'s story, I think they Are all dead on the island. The women who get pregnant on the island die because the dead cannot bring life forth. The women who are pregnant before they got to the island can give birth because the child was already conceived and therefore also dead. But for some reason the cycle of their lives needs to still go on. Until they find their purpose as Ben is suggesting??


I haven't read any spoilers up to this point so I don't know what anyone else is saying yet.


OMG, the Sawyer Sawyer thing was just...Brutal.


Frack! Next week needs to be right now.

Guest Emperor

I am really looking forward for the next few weeks as Lost has slowed down again. The Ben flashbacks next week should give us some good answers about the show.


James killing Sawyer was predictable. Nothing else really happened.

Guest Yveva

I think they are being too obvious about the whole death thing. Come on, would they really just *tell* everything that simply? usually you have to figure it out for a while first, and then there is big reveal music or whatever, this time it was just said. So I think it's a set-up, we'll find out something different is going on. If it is just that they're dead that was the lamest reveal ever.


The Dead/Hell reveal is "teh suck". I'm thiking classic overboard red-herring, ala Gary Troup/purgatory.


I think the plane in the trench thing was a setup, or a plant by Hanso, Dharma or some external coverup agency.


I missed the last couple episodes, so do we know what Juliet and Jack aren't telling Kate? Also, I can't wait for Sawyer to bust Juliet, but do you think that Ben may have let Jack steal the tape recorder?

Guest Cadsuane

Well, the episode didn't reveal what Jack and Juliet are not telling Kate, but some of the above spoilers do.


I can't imagine that Locke managed to get the tape recorder on his own, or if he did, I think we might have been shown it... or maybe not... :?


I think that Locke will somehow become the 'Archon" of sorts for the Island, and that there will be someone who opposes him, (IMO either Jacob if the spoilers are wrong, or Rousseau if they are right). It seems like John joining the Others is just his way to learn more about the Island, and what "it's all about".

Guest Cadsuane

Well Locke says right out in last night's ep that he's not a part of either group anymore. He's going with the Others, but he's not one of them, he's "on his own journey" or something similar.


I think Locke vs. Rousseau would be the best. It would also explain why they chose those two names for the characters...


John "tabula rasa" Locke: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Locke'>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Locke


Jean-Jacques "inherently good" Rousseau: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Locke



Do we have a Hobbes on the island, as well??

Thomas "inherently selfish (evil)" Hobbes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Hobbes

Guest Cadsuane

I don't really know what happened to that storyline. I don't even remember why it was even sort of important. I expected that the next episode they would find some sort of way to bring them out, or have the Losties discover what really happened, but nothing doing.

Guest Emperor

Your right, the story got... should I say it... buried.... bwuhahahhah! Empy so funny.


I keep thinking they were just there to show how much the others were actually involved, but I keep thinking there's something significant that I'm missing. I think its got something to do with either the hatch, the radio, or the monster but I'm not sure.


Interesting. Most of the spoilers from the last episode turned out to be right apart from two things:


Sawyer did kill Cooper. The info on the planned attack came to Sawyer from Locke and not Cooper.


Other than that, everything else panned out, meaning the spoiler stuff for the other episodes seems more likely to happen.


Lost will end in May 2010 after six seasons and 120 episodes. The producers had asked ABC to be allowed to wrap things up at the end of Season 5, whilst ABC wanted to go to Season 7. After some discussion they compromised at six. However, Seasons 4, 5 and 6 will only be 16 episodes long (the same as two more 24-episode seasons), airing in February-May of each year.


Anyone want to guess that they'll charge less for the DVD box sets because they'll be eight episodes shorter than normal? :lol:


More info here.

Guest Emperor

Probably not Wert. Good info!


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