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Disney owns Star Wars, we can chat about the new movie!!!


This picture made me Squee like a little kid in a candy shop!




What are looking forward to the most with episode 7?

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The movies will not incorporate Expanded Universe content and appear to be canon so far as they exist in movie continuity. Timothy Zahn has wanted to make his own movie for the longest time (there was even an unofficial soundtrack for one of the Zahn trilogies) but I think Lucas (and rightly so) kept the films as his own.

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The extended universe is no longer "canon". It is best described as having been relegated to an alternate universe. From what I've hear, they'll still publish content for the "Expanded Universe" (under the "Legends" branding) but there will also be canon multimedia coming out in addition to the movies (these will just be Star Wars, without the "Legends" branding).


Personally, I could have done without the return of the original cast. I was ready for new characters to take over the scene. That said, it was the right move from a marketing standpoint, and a great way to ease the transition into the new set of movies. And while I'm bummed that the Expanded Universe has been ditched (canon-wise) I'm looking forward to what can be made of this. Disney has been known to do some decent stuff... I'm less convinced on JJ Abrams though. We'll see. I find that some of his concepts are great... in theory. The practice of actually bringing those into the medium are less impressive thus far.

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I'm a little nervous about Abrams, too. At least we know the effects will be good?


I'm perfectly OK with the extended universe not being canon. Did I read somewhere that the Clone Wars cartoon IS canon, though?

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I'm a little nervous about Abrams, too. At least we know the effects will be good?


I'm perfectly OK with the extended universe not being canon. Did I read somewhere that the Clone Wars cartoon IS canon, though?


I haven't heard either way, but I would assume so.

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You didn't like the cartoon, Lanth (fits 12th in my head)?


I agree, Harry. I hope they remember that with the screw ups of the last three movies they made.

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Nah. I dislike just about everything Clone Wars related. Lucas made it into this huge marketing thing and it devoured Star Wars entirely (for over a decade) to the point that EVERYTHING was about the Clone Wars... And the Clone Wars was the subject of the Lesser Trilogy... it wasn't good in the movies, I didn't need it in Cartoon form either.


And then he further used it as another way to get all revisionist with his own canon (More changes like the "who shot first?" scene). He could leave well enough alone and just let the work stand as it was. This is why we have 7 or so major editions of the original trilogy. He kept retroactively editing/adding things that made little to no sense. The Clone Wars was just another way to do that. Like giving Anakin an apprentice, changing his Mandalorian lore, screwing around with the origins/meaning of the Force (Father, Son, Daughter) ... among other things. They were all really unnecessary, and for the most part fell short of the pre-existing lore.


And we had to endure Anakin's character even more. One dimensional drivel, over, and over, and over again.


In fact, the only good things to come out of the Prequel Trilogy era was the Darth Plagueis book, and the Revenge of the Sith BOOK (Which was way better than the movie... and the movie was by far the best in the prequel set, if only because things that people actually care about happened in it). There might have been some other cool stuff in there too, but it doesn't stand out to me at 2 am. :P


I might be biased. I've read some GREAT Star Wars stuff... it's just all the stuff the Lucas had nothing to do with, like the X-wing series. Michael A. Stackpole and Aaron Allston wrote an excellent series that I occasionally re-read and still enjoy/laugh at/and care about to this day. The series introduces/uses some of my favorite characters within the Star Wars universe--ever. If there's one thing I'm glad about, it's that Star Wars is finally in someone else's hands. Because I nerd all over Star Wars, and am proud of it.


(As evidenced by my meandering posts about it at 2 am in the morning, that I seem to keep typing, even though I could easily have said the same in a much more clear and succinct way... but I'd rather Nerd Rage and therefore will not edit my rant one iota. *nods importantly* )

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