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Clash of Divinity - Advanced Mafia - Day 7 - Reckoning


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I dunno what you want from me Turin, I said what I thought, even if you don't like my reads.

To me they are not true reads more commentary on events. there are no conclusions except possibly on Dap.


Do you think Darthe is truly town?


Do you suspect WBK(Ley 2.0) for not giving reads?


Do you think Chaelca is mafia hiding behind noobness or genuinely confused in her first game?


What does my posting in an attempt to curb early setup spec mean to you? are you for the setup spec or not? 


opinions on who you think is actually mafia. and reasons for those suspicions. 


If those people mentioned are your suspects then please say so. What you put out looks like something  for show. 

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I sorta like Turin too


Rags wants Turin dead and wants Dice alive


That's weird


Why do you want Dice alive


He just seemed on his town game D1.  However if Rag flips mafia and dice has disappeared today then we can confirm pretty easily that Rag recruited Dice.  Still waiting on you to shoot him, what are you waiting for?  Even if I am lying it gives me up for todays lynch.



Rags hasn't even replied yet e5041655.gif



).) This is one of those site meta differences.  A DM'er would have shot the instant I revealed because either rag is a recruit (aka I am playing a gambit or am investigative), rag is the big daddy for some group (aka I am investigative) or I am lying and scum.



This is a recruit game, I'm fighting againts the cult, isn't that what recruit means... If not tell me immediately!

Yeah but there's probably multiple recruiting factions; but definitely at least 1 

I assume one cult faction and mafia. By the game prefacis, empasis on the cult,



If I were to host a game, it would have cult. But cult is now blown in our faces.


I believe Darthe for certain is mafia, he knew me enough, I wanted to first not become part of discussion but become part of play. He steered the road where I had to reveal. Watch for other things!



I did forget you were doc in the face of your play.  Heh, that makes it hard to think you scum.  Unless you get CC'd you have a pass but that's the only way cause you're not doing well this game.

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Shoot Despo :laugh: 


I think the thing to do is wait for Rags to respond. Deadline is a good ways away yes? 


Better to shoot straight if you only have one shot. Of course I am not one to talk the only time I ever hit a mafia is when he fake cc'ed me. 



*opens some nice rum in hopes that draws Rags into the conversation*


Darthe, I have to disagree that most DM players would shoot immediately in this situation. Maybe it is just me. The other possibility is that Tommy is faking his vig shot and is just trying to generate discussion. (and possibly steer it in some way) 

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Early on, I don't think we can assume anyone is scum-scum together. 




Early on, I don't think we can assume anyone is scum-scum together.

Yet at least 3 people are overtly scummy, let's just lynch them all.


Start with one of the double trouble D's.




I like Turin.





I like Turin.

The other two are somehow even worse.


Refuse me and be branded scum, heretic!


I'm not scum, I'm unkillable indy. 


I expect a mad scramble for Dice/Dap votes


I'm going to day kill whoever tries anything clever and goes off of those two wagons


Try me


Dice is bad.  Turin -> Dice


I misinterpreted "Dice is bad" as "Dice is a bad lynch because he's town"


But he would still lynch him after Turin



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Early on, I don't think we can assume anyone is scum-scum together. 




Early on, I don't think we can assume anyone is scum-scum together.

Yet at least 3 people are overtly scummy, let's just lynch them all.


Start with one of the double trouble D's.




I like Turin.





I like Turin.

The other two are somehow even worse.


Refuse me and be branded scum, heretic!


I'm not scum, I'm unkillable indy. 


I expect a mad scramble for Dice/Dap votes


I'm going to day kill whoever tries anything clever and goes off of those two wagons


Try me


Dice is bad.  Turin -> Dice


I misinterpreted "Dice is bad" as "Dice is a bad lynch because he's town"


But he would still lynch him after Turin





Lol does not make sense, but even if it did my above poinnt is still valid.

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>Dice is obviscum

>Rags thinks Dice is town

>Darthe thinks Dice is town

>Darthe wants Rags dead


confused2.gif confused2.gif confused2.gif


Someone help me figure this one out lol


So then Rags thinks Dice is mafia but just wants to lynch me first.  


===> so Rags thinks dice bad

Darthe thinks Dice good

Darthe wants Rags deaded


most likely scenario to me: Darthe recruited Dice after he laid meta groundwork for town Dice on D1. 



And sorry but have no clue about the last line.  :tragiclyunhip:

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ninja'd by the whole page. 



True that defense is not necessarily between teammates. But I could see Darthe doing such a thing. His soft investigative claim seems a bit fishy as well. 




I do not know what special abilities the gods may have. 


I still want to hear Rags response. 

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You could kill Dice and get some direction on this.  I doubt that he is mafia unless he got recruited but it is your shot.

I will shoot when we have as much info as we can ween from the day. I still want to set up two wagons that we collectively agree contain two very probable scum.

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Signed on to respond, rum and girl came along, got distracted.  My apologies.

Show me Rags

Show me

Cause I am adorable.


I only have one bullet though so let's narrow down the pool of suspects to two people

We lynch one and I shoot the other

Sound good?

I like Turin and Dice.


I have dreams, do not hesitate, the chicken, the pheasant, the phawl, you find it.



Cool. If you trust me at all shoot rag. I got an unusual result on him last night. I got my own info.

Bahahaha you are so full of shit.  You know what happens to opposing factions when I try so want me offed. 



He is a very nice person IRL.



Vote Turin


He's been giving me bad vibes all game.  From being over-the-top imo with the memes, to the hesitation in a number of his posts, to the weakness of his D1 case...none of it's townie.

This is Rags ATM




The memes aren't going away. I started that thread here and have been having fun doing them when I can.


Expand on my hesitation if you will. Not sure what exactly you are saying there.


And my D1 case was leaps and bounds above yours. just sayin'. Was I wrong? obviously. You are monday morning quarterbacking.  


Well, bad juju is a real thing.  But also I thought the D1 case was derp-y, too many memes, hesitation in posts and AJ's flip.  So a number of things.


Tom, breathing life into mafia games since 2012

Seriously though, someone's gonna die

If you don't any it to be you, get active and start making cases

Rags, gun is aimed at you right now

You frosty bro

I never get frosty.



Darthe who do you want to lynch/kill today and why


Rag obv needs to die.  Unless he has some reason that makes sense that I would get my own info back on him I will see that happen.  Was going to hold the reveal so we could get another view or two but with your vig shot it can be just as effective now since I can rely on us getting that info and then making a lynch.  Plus it will confirm you and I as well as we can be without a view.  


Unlike you I think I sorta like Turin now.  He is actually playing and is doing so well.  


I would happily lynch GF who is doing nothing and I am leaning scum on Ley.  He just seems to be working too hard at staying under the radar.  He does that as mafia.


Oh you are desperate now aren't you?  That's a straight up lie and you know it. 


If you were telling the truth...you'd have given a role name or alignment or something to confirm it. 



I sorta like Turin too

Rags wants Turin dead and wants Dice alive

That's weird

Why do you want Dice alive


He just seemed on his town game D1.  However if Rag flips mafia and dice has disappeared today then we can confirm pretty easily that Rag recruited Dice.  Still waiting on you to shoot him, what are you waiting for?  Even if I am lying it gives me up for todays lynch.


I seemed on my town game so you looked at me?  That's how smart people play Mafia.  Look at the people they have townie leans on.


>Dice is obviscum

>Rags thinks Dice is town
>Darthe thinks Dice is town
>Darthe wants Rags dead

confused2.gif confused2.gif confused2.gif

I never said he was town...


Shoot Despo :laugh:


I think the thing to do is wait for Rags to respond. Deadline is a good ways away yes? 


Better to shoot straight if you only have one shot. Of course I am not one to talk the only time I ever hit a mafia is when he fake cc'ed me. 



*opens some nice rum in hopes that draws Rags into the conversation*


Darthe, I have to disagree that most DM players would shoot immediately in this situation. Maybe it is just me. The other possibility is that Tommy is faking his vig shot and is just trying to generate discussion. (and possibly steer it in some way) 





>Dice is obviscum

>Rags thinks Dice is town
>Darthe thinks Dice is town
>Darthe wants Rags dead

confused2.gif confused2.gif confused2.gif


Someone help me figure this one out lol


So then Rags thinks Dice is mafia but just wants to lynch me first.  


===> so Rags thinks dice bad

Darthe thinks Dice good

Darthe wants Rags deaded


most likely scenario to me: Darthe recruited Dice after he laid meta groundwork for town Dice on D1. 



And sorry but have no clue about the last line.  :tragiclyunhip:


You're making my juju doubt...which concerns me.

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