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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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After Mayor Lockwood's son was murdered, the small group of people were arguing and watching each other closely. .. Sherriff Forbes had brought in the Salvatore brothers to see if they'd recognized any scents, hoping that the murderer had slipped up. It was confirmed that there was a faint scent, and they had an idea of who it was, so they would set a trap. The day was coming to a close when Damon, Stefan, and Alaric came upon Kol talking to Jeremy as planned. Hearing their footsteps, Kol turned, giving Jeremy time to pull out a stake made from the wood saved from the white oak tree that made up Wickory Bridge... Using their vampire speed, the Salvatore brothers each grabbed an arm so that Kol couldn't fight back when Jeremy staked him. Everybody stepped back as Kol's body instantly caught flame and proceeded to burn him to death.


Darthe, Kol Mikaelson- mafia goon has been lynched...


It is now Night 3... Deadline: Tuesday December 17, 20:00 EST http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20131217T20&p0=263&msg=Vampire+Diaries+Mafia+Night+3&swk=1

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Official Vote Count

Womby (9/9): Aidanna, Des, Ragnarok, AJ, Arez, Hallia, John Snow, Leyrann, Basel

AJ (2/9): Goldeneyes, Tina

John Snow (1/9): Player

Despo (1/9): Darthe

Theodora (1/9): Womby


people not voting (2/16): Izabella, Theodora



Theodora (4/8): John Snow, AJ, Basel, Aidanna,

Darthe (2/8): Tina, Despo

Despo (1/8): Darthe

Goldeneyes (1/8): Theodora

Leyrann (1/8): Arez


Not voting:

Hally, rag, dap, Ley, golden,


Official Vote Count


Despo (4/7): Darthe, Basel, Arez, Leyrann

Darthe (7/7): Despo, AJ, Goldeneyes, Aidanna, Player, Hallia, Theodora


Not voting; John Snow, Rag,

lynch has been achieved!!! scene coming up...

Basel and AJ are purple due to claims

Des is blue cos IMO he's basically confirmed right now


Things to note;

AJ and Aid are always voting the same person

Basel has been on the longest train all three days

Wombats train is very very slim in colours. Odd. Very odd.



Does anyone have the list of claims? Particularly the Arez and AJ character claims?

Also did I miss anything in that. VC analysis?

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I had no idea AJ and I have voted the same. It actually made me laugh, because I never would have noted that - I only because I voted Womby for something dumb (on my part), voted Thea to try to reach a consensus vote (which failed) and I have always (especially since I came back from my being overly emotional) said Darthe was my top scum read. Purely coincidental, but it makes no matter to me. 


And since I was right with that, I am trusting my gut more. :wink: 

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Whoever the Doc is, whether it's Basel or someone else, don't worry about protecting me tonight, save yourself or someone else. I got something in store for the scum team :wink:

This is why you and I should be RL friends

I pretty much love the way you play



Hehe back atcha bro :biggrin:


At the very least, we could toss back some beers and drunk dial Wombat, Verb, and Ishy.



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As a remimder, I viewed rag D1 and Des second. As am y experienced cop jnows, you view from the top and lynch from the bottom. It makes sense if you thimk about it


And I am the top.


In my world you're always the top :wink:


Seriously though., I will be here I am just saying that I am going to take a bit to respond to everything.  Realized that didn't seem that way in the original post.


Awww you so sweet.


That said, lynch Darthe


Des' explanation of the timing of the CC makes sense to me so I am leaning towards him being the one telling the truth.


This exchange = ewww, and a failed bushammer. Darthe was already hammered at this point. By Theo tho, who could also be scum....


Either way, Ley and Rags look mighty scummy, with Theo and Basel rounding out the list somewhat.

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I'll start drinking in like 5 hours

Enjoy work


Basel claimed doc didn't he?


Oh damn I just cracked open a beer lol. Dunno if I can keep drinking that long without passing out lol. I'm off tonight and tomorrow tho.


Yes he claimed Doc.


My dog just farted and it smells like death.



Whoever the Doc is, whether it's Basel or someone else, don't worry about protecting me tonight, save yourself or someone else. I got something in store for the scum team :wink:

How very noble and self-sacrificing of you.



I'm serious.



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