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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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Funny you should say that Basel.


I was blocked.


Hmmm. That's convenient. :dry:


I wonder if you tried to target the same person as mafia, and doc got lucky?  Can I ask who you tried to kill?


Granted, if AJ is telling the truth this would be my first game with a big, but I'm fairly certain you don't tell people who you tried to kill unless you want that person to lead everyone on a crusade to vote for you day 2.  

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I'm leaning the latter.


My guess was that the Doc protected me, and Mafia tried to pick me off and block me at the same time. I think I telegraphed pretty clearly who I was going to shoot at yesterday.


@AJ: I'm so, so sorry , but the doc shouldn't be so sure of your townieness. Even if you are telling the truth, vigs often do town more harm than good.

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I wonder if you tried to target the same person as mafia, and doc got lucky?  Can I ask who you tried to kill?


Not a fan of this.


This could be scum looking for confirmation that they appropriately targeted the Doc last night.

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Funny you should say that Basel.


I was blocked.


So the vig and scum kill both got RB'ed?


May not be an awful idea for the town roleblocker to come forward.  Chances are they blocked a killer.

I think one of two things happened, as Hallia mentioned earlier.


Either I and the scum team both shot at the Doc who self protected (which is why I won't reveal who I shot)


Or the mafia RB'd me and the Doc protected successfully elsewhere. Whether it be on me or themselves or someone else completely.

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That was also before I realized there was an alternative, which I added.

I saw. It was still something I thought was worth noting. I don't really think that was the case in this instance, but it's something to look back on later if need be.

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Funny you should say that Basel.


I was blocked.

So the vig and scum kill both got RB'ed?


May not be an awful idea for the town roleblocker to come forward.  Chances are they blocked a killer.

I think one of two things happened, as Hallia mentioned earlier.


Either I and the scum team both shot at the Doc who self protected (which is why I won't reveal who I shot)


Or the mafia RB'd me and the Doc protected successfully elsewhere. Whether it be on me or themselves or someone else completely.




If that's true, mafia already knows who the doc is so you saying who the doc is does no good to them. *rolls eyes*

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Vote: Andrej


Attempting to defuse pressure on Aidanna by playing the newbie card for her.  That's scum behavior for sure.  I'm more inclined to think buddying than protection, but either way, AJ needs to go.


First vote on AJ. Nothing overly noteworthy.



Leyrann, such blasphemy will not be tolerated!! HERETICS ARE GANKED TO OBLIVION!


Vote Tina because she's always Swedish and I need to keep up appearances to the common public, we're totally not teammates because of nationallity.


I´m guilty of being Swedish, yes. :) The wording "keep up appearances" doesn´t sound good. Are you mafia hoping to take me down with you when you die? 


Vote: Andrej


Attempting to defuse pressure on Aidanna by playing the newbie card for her.  That's scum behavior for sure.  I'm more inclined to think buddying than protection, but either way, AJ needs to go.


Worthy of a vote indeed. 


Vote AJ


Looking for a reason to jump on an easy wagon Basel?


Why would your wagon be any easier to jump on than others? 



I dare say slightly bandwagony, noteworthy.





Looking for a reason to jump on an easy wagon Basel?


Now if that were the case, I'd have voted you already. The game is less than 24 hours old, and at this stage, I generally prefer to see who bears watching. Complimenting someone on their case against you is one of the most bizarre moves I have ever seen.


That's a lot of explanation when a 'no' would've sufficed.


Womby's case on you was a nice catch. But this seals the deal for me. Your reply makes no sense, since had I simply said no that would not have remotely sufficed. That would have been a weaksauce defense (actually, a lack thereof) and a total failure to justify my previous post. You're saying I should have gone with the response to you that would have actually pinged more. And this isn't something I would expect you to say if you were town.




Looking for a reason to jump on an easy wagon Basel?


Why would your wagon be any easier to jump on than others?


A good question, and one I would like to see the answer to, because you're not looking so good here, man. Vote AJ.



As stated before, pressure, wait for vote, and vote. 


Good morning everyone!



Basel is scum.


Unvote vote Basel


That's a fairly definitive statement. You're either being very cavalier about his accusations cause they're totally off-base or you're super uncomfortable at being looked at so early. 


Everyone's starting to get serious. I agree though AJ - is it because he thought you were scum? I'm curious as to your Basel read and you really didn't explain why you think he is scum. I have been watching some games but I haven't seen Basel play before. 


Ugh, this could be newbism or her coach/scummates. She randomly interjects serious discussion with this post that I really don't like. Feels like she's trying to distract everyone...and it, to an extent, works.

Also, starting to get a bad vibe from Aidanna.  She's talking too much about perceptions of scumminess and whatnot, and that's more of a scum thing to be worrying about than a town thing.  I'm not saying I'm expecting huge cases from her, but some unsolicited comments on some of the other players would be nice.



I just have to say that your perceptions of me are pretty laughable - it's my very first game. How am I supposed to learn if I don't talk about it. Isn't that what we are supposed to do anyway? Talk about scum-vibes and try to find who is the mafia? I am confused how to do this without talking about perceived scumminess and what I think of other players. I know only one player's affiliation for certain - and that's mine because I am town. This post from you Wombat makes me totally get a scum feel for you. So thank you for that post :smile:


Vote Wombat


Again, that blatant OMGUS




unvote vote Darthe




That's an odd move.



You guys are gonna want to sheep me.



Sure thing.



Vote: Des


 Pot, meet kettle.




unvote vote ley


I don't know how we do votes in the different games.



It's not too early to start is it?


unvote vote Ley


Scummy sheeping



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Don't forget that if townies Damon and Stephan won't know Elena or each other.


AJ, claim!


Unless you know the setup, you don't know this. Starting to ping here. 


Ok,  Wombat, would you consider revealing yourself if AJ is lynched as a townie?


Followed up with another scummy post.


I dunno anything about the theme.  Who is this Donovan?

unvote vote Wombat

Unlike most of you guys, my work doesn't let me browse DM and I'm about to leave for it. And VT lynch D1 is good for info and is much better than random.



Care to explain?


Hrm, I doubt it.  By that point the brothers were friends, and neither really worked with the Originals.  They're a buncha poop faces (Elijah excluded  :happy: )


Not necessarily. Going to do a setup/theme post next.


[stike]Sorry it's taken me so long, 22 pages of text is a bit intimidating... I think someone asked me a question, but I am not sure where it was, if you ask again I will gladly answer.
Vote Darthe.  

I just want to kill as many people as I can.  Let us play a random game and see how it turns out, yes?

While I am hopeful this wasn't completely serious. It just feel fishy. Random is the worse thing that can happen. [/strike]


Sorry guys, It took me to darn long to read up...




So let me get this straight...you reread...not in time...and your supposed vote (right before the DL) was on someone without a train? And this is your only real post? Some real content please?

(>inb4 pot meet kettle)


Ok - I stepped away for a bit to calm down. I really am sorry I was overreacting and defensive. I'm going to read through the stuff I missed and get notes together to really try to learn how to scumhunt. I'll be back shortly. 


Fair enough I suppose, the game can be overwhelming especially when you're new.


Funny you should say that Basel.


I was blocked.


Immediately assumes RB. Ping.


Or rather, you were actually blocked, meaning they have a roleblocker. 



As does she. There's about a billion other options, and you guys take RB to be the one and only option?

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Alright, so setup. a) yes, I saw TVD, or at least a few seasons of it. What can I say, I was bored. 

Doing this because 0 NKs when we have a vig claiming to have shot is important.

Damon is an ideal SK. 

The Originals make a pretty decent cult too. They can compel just about anyone.  (>inb4 spreading fear of cult)

If there is a RB, vig would be a pretty good choice at this stage in the game, so plausible. But the doc getting the mafia kill too? Probabilities are rapidly dropping.

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vote Theodora.


Would be good with Iz or Aidanna as well. 


You are making a mistake, unless you are from the mafia, of course. I was trying to make Womby think again before voting AJ who is townie for me.


Theodora, on 08 Dec 2013 - 5:26 PM, said:snapback.png

Don't forget that if townies Damon and Stephan won't know Elena or each other.


AJ, claim!


Unless you know the setup, you don't know this. Starting to ping here.


Townies don't know each other's claims or alignment, do they? If Elena and Stefan aren't townies, who then? What is so strange about the post. Or you propose to lynch the newbies in general?

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JS, I was told I was 'blocked'. Now whether that means I hit someone under protection or was RB'd is up for debate.


Also, you doubt my claim despite arguing yesterday that my character was like 'Ron Weasley in HP' and that he must be included and Town aligned?

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vote Theodora.


Would be good with Iz or Aidanna as well. 


You are making a mistake, unless you are from the mafia, of course. I was trying to make Womby think again before voting AJ who is townie for me.


Theodora, on 08 Dec 2013 - 5:26 PM, said:snapback.png

Don't forget that if townies Damon and Stephan won't know Elena or each other.


AJ, claim!


Unless you know the setup, you don't know this. Starting to ping here.


Townies don't know each other's claims or alignment, do they? If Elena and Stefan aren't townies, who then? What is so strange about the post. Or you propose to lynch the newbies in general?



Honestly, Elena and Stephan would make a decent mason/lover pair. This is an advanced game. 

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JS, I was told I was 'blocked'. Now whether that means I hit someone under protection or was RB'd is up for debate.


Also, you doubt my claim despite arguing yesterday that my character was like 'Ron Weasley in HP' and that he must be included and Town aligned?


Ah, didn't know that. Thought you just chose that word. And no NK when 2 should've been around was suspicious. 

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