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What's For Dinner?

Wren of the Brown

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I grew up in a household that tried to honor regular meals around the table with each other but there came a point where we shared our meals with the television.  My family tries to have a meal together around the table on Sunday and on holidays we make time for dinner but sitting down and eating free of distraction or diversion seems a little foreign to me.  A few years ago, I was reading a book about religious observances and a passage about eating struck me - take the time to eat in a dignified and grateful manner.  This really struck a chord with me.  Since I work evenings, I eat dinner at work but I never really thought about bringing a meal to work.  It was just food I put in my mouth to fill the hole in my stomach.  So, I started cooking at work and tried to have fresh food available instead of instant meals and processed food on hand.  I also started saving a little bit of my meal for the stray cats who come around - I don't intend to eat this food all by myself.  It's been an interesting effort.


Anyway.  What are your thoughts on dinner?  How do you share it with others?


Tonight, I am having pulled pork with green beans and mac-n-cheese with a biscuit and milk.  What are you having for dinner?

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When I was little, my family always ate dinner together: me, my folks, and my little brother. As we got older and busier, it happened less often on weeknights, but we always took time to sit down and eat together on Fridays and weekends. In my family, dinner time was a chance to communicate and enjoy each other's company, as well as the food. Both of my parents were raised in households that almost never ate out (they couldn't afford to eat fast food most of the time), so cooking has also been a big social/family thing in our house. We all cooked together, especially at holidays, when we spend 2-3 days in and out of the kitchen working on prepping different parts of the meal. :smile: 


So even though my husband and son and I are all very busy, we still try and sit down every night over food (whether it's freshly home made or bought and baked) and talk about our day and the things that we need to do, and enjoy each other's company. We also often use dinner times as a chance to catch up with close friends at least once a week. 


Last night was Taco night! Tonight is likely to be something picked up quickly because my son has Cub Scouts and we have to pick up his Cub Scout popcorn order as well. :biggrin: 

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My family always ate together when I was growing up and it's something I insisted on when we started having children. The girls are a little young for the whole "what did you do today?" chat, but Dana and I set the example and every now and then, Peanut adds to it! We east at home five to six days a week, depending on our plans. But whether we're home or not, we always eat together.


I honestly have no idea what we're making for dinner tonight. Sunday is my planning day and I just haven't planned it, yet. I'll be back to tell you my weekly menu, though. :-)

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Last night I had taco soup and garlic bread.  I am trying out new soup recipes.


As a kid we always sat down together.  We have a 16 year old at home that is involved in lots of activities so it's hard sometimes to all sit down at the same time.

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