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Hello Everyone!

Salvatore Mucciolo

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Hello Salvatore!


This would be the best place to check - 



The structured discussion forum has individual threads for discussion of each book.  The general book discussion forum will have threads that assume you have read all but the final book, and even the thread titles may be spoilers for you, so you may want to try to avoid looking too closely until you catch up a bit more.


Welcome to DM!  Be sure to ask if you have more questions :biggrin:


Also... don't forget to check out the Social Community, it's a great place to hang out whether or not you've read the books, and many fun things to do.


~ Tress

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Hello and welcome!  To discuss Eye of the World I would only go here http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/8041-in-the-beginning-the-eye-of-the-world/  AFTER you finish the book.  


I would avoid the other book discussions and role play until you've gotten farther in.  I like the White Tower and Warders.  I spend most of my time there.  If you want to become an Aes Sedai or Warder, that is where you would go.  We have other wonderful social groups and you can join as many as you want.  A sticky thread at the top will explain what each one is about.


If you have any questions or need help, just ask.

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Welcome, Salvatore!


You have a wonderful new world to discover within the Wheel of Time, I am so happy there are new fans like you.


Here you could find people sharing similar interests notonly related to tWoT - there are a lot of great places in the Social groups discussing movies, music,or just playing some games.

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Hello and welcome to DM!

Glad you found the series and, through it, this site. As has been pointed out already the discussion forums would be where you talk about the books but be aware that you may come across spoilers for the later books while reading the posts there.


The social groups would be a great place to meet some of the other DM members and I don't think their names give very much away (other than there being places or groups with those names in the books. I can personally tell you about two of the groups of which I am a member of. The first is the Band of the Red Hand, of which I am LG of the Archers Division where we enjoy discussing music, travel and food. The second group is the Black Tower which is an overall fun place to go for fun, games and just plain oddities. Of course there are other groups as well, such as the White tower which you've heard about, so please feel free to check them all out and join as many of them as you have time for and would like to join.


If you have any questions for us just ask here and someone is bound to be able to answer your question for you.

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