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Hey, everyone. Some of you know me from before..and I've tried to come back to rp here a few times.

Sadly it never really seem to work all the way...real life can be an evil boss at times.


I'm Jozan, or maybe if someone somehow remembers the name Mordak way back in 2001 hehe that I highly doubt though.

Anyway, am pondering the idea of returning with a totally new and if so with a bad ass character.


I have mostly played good guys/girls ;) No more I say, no more..hehe

I had a thought of creating an insane wanderer that meets someone from the black tower..by chance of course.

And they notice that he can actually channel but they have to find a way to either convince him to come with them,

or that they try to find another way.


But how active is the black tower? and is there another active division that might be something to look into?


I'm re-reading the books a bit slowly at the moment..but I have read book 1-10 before..and got the robert jordan guide book to the series.

So, I know where I can find any information I might need :)


Anyway, let me know. What the RP side is up to at the moment.


Well, remember that girl you had a novice be a roommate with?  Well, she's the MoN now!  lol  If you ever want to come back to the White Tower, I think I'd jump up and down and squee.  


Welcome back!  I hope your character idea fleshes out.  I've got an Accepted who might just turn out to be a Red.  Maybe they could meet up at some point.


BT is here.  I wish it were more active, but we are doing things. 


*Blows up a random building*




We actually have a handful of active newbies that are looking for trouble, fun, something to do, so the more the merrier.




Ohhh, Leala..I remember..a MoN now? hehehe..time goes by..you'd do that? ohhh...kind of to see that now *see an image in his head*

hehe...yes, I would flesh the idea out..that's just a small idea ;) Perhaps I could tie my new character with my novice somehow that would make sense.


Arath: ohh, good to know that the black tower is still active around here :)

Anything special I need to know before I start with the BIO? Been quite a while since last time.


By the way, Leala congrats on becoming the new MoN around here :D


Welcome back Jozan. I think you had a Wolfie char too last time you were around but not sure how far you got with that. Anyway, I hope you get more chance to RP this time whichever RP Group you (re) join. :)


Thanks!  ^^  I love the job!  


If I remember correctly, though, Liana only had to do her Three Arches before she was Accepted.  If you'd like, I can play Ay'Lira in retro to help with your reqs.  :)


Oh, yes..you're right Tay I had a wolfkin..and I got to the HQ that I know...not sure where that bio is though.

I've always loved wolfs so...and thanks for the welcome back :D


Rasheta, thanks for the welcome back :D well, the times I've created an aes sedai I haven't actually become an aes sedai. hehe

furthest I've come is accepted as Jaylin Madra...


Hm...Leala your offer is very compelling :D *Someone drag me away before it's too late.*

hehe...well, if you can find my bio..and I can return pretty much right away I'll do it :)


What would I have to do to return with my aes sedai?


Ah, thank you so much :D I really appreciate that. Interesting I thought the bio might have been from 2011 though.

I'm going to read up on her now ^^ Who is the one that I would tell that I'm coming back?


ohhh, YOU!!!! Ha, gotcha. Then...*does a victory dance* thank you!!

Hm...so I could start writing my three arches then..do you happen to know where my OP score is?


My character isn't on the WT website..unless you don't use it anymore..


We still use it.  I'll put her back up ASAP.  :)  As for your OP score, I might have to do some digging, but I'll see what I can find.  


Cool, I'll bookmark it then :) About the OP I've checked the website and its not there..as far as I can see/look

If you can find it, great. Otherwise I don't mind getting a new score. To make it easier on you, so you don't have to look everywhere just for my score. ;)


But I really am appreciating all the help *sprinkles her with rainbow colours, and slides a tasty cookie as well.*


I just looked through my old computer but all I could find was her and two other old character bios.

Not sure why I didn't save the OP score or if deleted it. -_-


Yeah, i think i'm going to need help finding her OP score. She came in way before i was made MoN... Lol


I'll have a look through the emails to see what I can find on it.


Jozan do you know the email address we would have contacted you with? Pm it to me when you get a chance. I'll start looking as soon as I get to a computer.


Okay, I think I know which one it was :)

And thanks again for the help kk


Cool..need to read up on the weave stuff.

From what I know of the arches the first one is the past, then present, and last it is the future if I'm not mistaken :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Mordak, eh?  I remember the name, but I don't recall ever writing with you.  Where did you call home back in the dark ages?


Woow! I didn't expect that. I couldn't speak nor write in English at that time.

But I did my best...and hadn't read the first book yet either.


I was somehow able to join the band though..I didn't rp much though

Since I wasn't good enough in English.


That's probably why I remember the name.  Back in those days, I went by RabidDarkhound and inhabited the Aiel and the Band.

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