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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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Actually... I don't.

Tell me Mish - how does a real vig counter a fake vig?



So now you are claiming to be the "real" Vig? After all the ranting about Ithi not having any restrictions to her kill you are claiming to be the second full Vig in the game?

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I was going to save this for morning but I don't know what kind of whacked out roles remain:

So now you are claiming to be the "real" Vig? After all the ranting about Ithi not having any restrictions to her kill you are claiming to be the second full Vig in the game?

I'm not claiming to be *the* real vig. I AM *A* real vig. I am a hero. And there's at least one more. [Yeah - I picked up your hint's on Day 1]

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Suit yourself.

Look.  This was going to be my morning post.  But since most of it is out in the open anyway, there's no point in holstering it...



My first breadcrumb was literally my 2nd post in the game:

I'm going to need a bigger gun.

And more bullets.


This is where I figured out Maw was Despo:


Vote: Turin


Really? Even after this?

There was one that he had made eye contact with earlier, and as he had a chill had gone down his spine. During all the bickering and arguing that went on during the day, he had felt something... off about this one. He had kept a close eye on where he crept off to after night had fallen, and was at that moment entering the chambers where he felt he might find his target waiting. As he strode surprisingly stealthily into the room, considering the heavy plate armor he as wearing, he instantly noticed he was not alone in the room. The figure at the center of the room turned around and grinned malevolently.


"I had a feeling you would come and find me. Oh Holy Avenger, thou hast made the poorest of choices this night. Harken now, for the hour of your final breath is upon you. You wear that armor as if it will offer you any protection against me. You wear your faith as if it will stop me from devouring your soul. You-"

If you were Ithi and you were a vig, who would YOU have visited last night? That's right. Maw. When Ithi went to see Maw, she ended up in the chambers of whom, again? Oh. Despo. So logically witches are made of wood. Also, Maw is Despo.


Vote Maw


FoS: Wombat


This game just switched to easy mode.


Night was skipped so no shot.  But that was the plan.


This is where I make Maw's alignment crystal clear:


Imo the scenes give nothing away about Maw's allignment because Ithi ended up following Despo to the room where they later had their battle. This however takes nothing away about Maw's scummy play.

What? Read it again. Ithi walked into the room of her suspect. In the CENTER of that room that she had just walked into was Despo.


This is where I make it obvious Maw was a night target without hinting he would be again:


What wombat said. I believe you just made poster child for overanalysis.

Well, the first thing it says is that there might be clues. Even if we ignore flavor entirely, Ithi would have been shooting you. Of that, she left little doubt.


Mish had said something earlier in the game that made me a little suspicious that I can't find right now.  But her refusal to vote for Maw even after all of the above made me think she might be his scum buddy:


Really Hallia? It's not that easy.

Sometimes it really is.


I wasn't sure on Wombat at that point either but stated my opinion on Mish right here:

And frankly even if you and Mish are BOTH scum, I have no problem with letting the day play out 10 or 12 hours as opposed to 2.

Wherein Mish solidifies my scum read on herself by stealing the hammer:


Eh not sure of the votecount, if this is hammer or not, but here we go anyway.

How do you not know? Also, have you been reading the thread? Did you see that Ed had a claim out there? Is there a reason you didn't let Ed hammer?




Official Vote Count:




With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


Maw: Hallia, Cloud, BG, Wombat, Turin, Tiinker (6)


Allright im willing to vote maw given that if he is town and that claim is true we dont really lose anything. If not then he is a LLL and deserves the noose.


Okay. At this point just about everyone has weighed in. Time to test the claim.


Vote: Maw


And may Mod have mercy on your soul.


Eh not sure of the votecount, if this is hammer or not, but here we go anyway.


Vote Maw


In retrospect, I probably should have waited to see an Ed post so I blame myself. But mostly I blame Mish.


So... remaining scum is in some combination of Mish, Basel, Berf, and Darthe/Wombat.


Easy peasy. Lemon squeezey.


Where I suggest I'm going to be shooting that night:


Also, yeah, let's kill Mish.


Total bs about her not seeing the TWO votes after the vote count.


HA, I say.



Where I know she's the one that ended the night actions early:


Well all actions weren't in; mine weren't in.

I don't think any actions were accepted last night. Which is why you are still breathing. You need to full claim, Mish.


After mod answers my question above we can make a better assessment of what's going on but right now you are the lynch du jour.


Here's where I'm hinting that I know she's lying and lay my trap:

@Mish - so, are you saying that you are like a vigilante that can only kill certain scum?

Getting impatient:

@Mish - still waiting on your response to my question...

Maybe over hinted a bit:


@ Yates:  Don't forget the Lynchproof Miller.  Looks like it's Negative Utility Day in Transylvania.

Right.  And a vig that can only kill Vampires.  This all seems legit.  :dry:


Wherein my suspicions are confirmed [about her lying] and I don't see the Town motivation behind it:

I know what the OP said.  I'm just trying to figure you out right now.


Coincidence that you would be in Ithi's room the same night she was killed?


Also, do you find it odd that Ithi didn't flip "Ghost Hunter" or something like that?


Vote Mish

There are a lot of unbelievable claims out there but this one takes the cake.

The bolded was there in the original post [because I have no such qualifiers] and I'm calling attention to the underlined as the "other stuff going on" should be obvious now:

Then Mish claims to be a vampire hunter vig that can "vig" a target and the target only dies if they are a vampire.  Which sounds freaking crazy.  Though as I type this I'm realizing her claim *could be* legit to counteract all the negative utility roles if real.  It's just weird, though, because that's not how vig roles typically work and when Ithi flipped she didn't flip with any weird qualifiers.


There is some other stuff going on but this is what I'm noticing.

Wherein Wombat says it so I don't have to [and I make it clear it's Mish]:


He means someone is lying.


Also, why wouldn't a wooden stake kill a human too? Those things can poke holes in people.

Yes.  Both of these things.


[To Be Continued]

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More confirmation I know heroes are in the game [gee - wonder why] AND that there are other vig's in the game [gee wonder why]:


Ithi did actually have a weird qualifier. It was "Heroic" iirc.

Well, because she was one of the heroes. I do believe there are other "heroic" characters. Heck, there could even be other vig's. What is bothering me about her claim is that she can only kill vampires.


I *may* be "barking up the wrong tree" as Peace claims but that is a - I'm trying to think of the right word without cursing - HIGHLY questionable claim.


This is my 2nd major breadcrumb:

And this is where I'm over the top obvious:

So basically you are now claiming 3rd party with an individual win condition. OOOOOOOOOOkay.... Come at me, bro. I've got a boom stick that doesn't discriminate.

Where I'm not leaving any doubt about what my night action will be:

I'll put it to you this way, Mish - I know that you are lying about your claim. And you know that I know that you are lying. I will concede that there could be a Town reason for you to be lying. But why would I just assume that? Frankly, why is ANYONE assuming that?

And because I realized after this post that most of you guys don't pick up subtle hints very well:

Just kidding. I'm still shooting Mish.

I'm not even crumbing anymore so much as quoting the movie:


*facepalm* Great work Ed, just great.


Now, Yates, who was pushing so hard on me... In hopes of getting me lynched instead of Maw possibly? He did try awfaully hard to tie me to Maw.

Ok you primitive screwhead... lets dance.


Which is why Berf's post is so funny:

Try Maggie's Farm. Or Snakecharmer. Or Ashes in the Fall.



*throws self about*

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