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Is Alanna a darkfriend?

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Sorry. The whole Ash'aman bonding thing really skeeves me out and makes it really hard for me to sympathize with Logain

what would you have him done differently? despite being an Asha'man, he was still subordinate to Taim, and was following his orders. The Compulsion was not "heavy", for all intents and purposes it was like an Oath to obey him more than Compulsion proper.



I think he was referring at least in part to the "experimenting" on their wives.


As for the rest I would call being able to compel with a thought pretty heavy. That said per RJ the asha'man feel that part is very necessary for the time being.


Kill the Aes Sedai for one. I would rather kill them then force them to be my slaves.


Just like I would've rather Mogheiden be killed then forced to suffer the crap she has to go through.  I get absolutely no joy or satisfaction or "he deserved it" whatsoever in seeing bad people suffer. It's one of the things that I absolutely detest about this series. And of course my friend didn't mention it at all while trying to make me read it.





Sorry. The whole Ash'aman bonding thing really skeeves me out and makes it really hard for me to sympathize with Logain

what would you have him done differently? despite being an Asha'man, he was still subordinate to Taim, and was following his orders. The Compulsion was not "heavy", for all intents and purposes it was like an Oath to obey him more than Compulsion proper.



I think he was referring at least in part to the "experimenting" on their wives.


As for the rest I would call being able to compel with a thought pretty heavy. That said per RJ the asha'man feel that part is very necessary for the time being.


Kill the Aes Sedai for one. I would rather kill them then force them to be my slaves.


Just like I would've rather Mogheiden be killed then forced to suffer the crap she has to go through.  I get absolutely no joy or satisfaction or "he deserved it" whatsoever in seeing bad people suffer. It's one of the things that I absolutely detest about this series. And of course my friend didn't mention it at all while trying to make me read it.



Not defending the action, but Rand had forbidden them to hurt a sister.  Seeings how they are powerful people there aren't many ways to restrain them without injuring them.





Sorry. The whole Ash'aman bonding thing really skeeves me out and makes it really hard for me to sympathize with Logain

what would you have him done differently? despite being an Asha'man, he was still subordinate to Taim, and was following his orders. The Compulsion was not "heavy", for all intents and purposes it was like an Oath to obey him more than Compulsion proper.



I think he was referring at least in part to the "experimenting" on their wives.


As for the rest I would call being able to compel with a thought pretty heavy. That said per RJ the asha'man feel that part is very necessary for the time being.


Kill the Aes Sedai for one. I would rather kill them then force them to be my slaves.


Just like I would've rather Mogheiden be killed then forced to suffer the crap she has to go through.  I get absolutely no joy or satisfaction or "he deserved it" whatsoever in seeing bad people suffer. It's one of the things that I absolutely detest about this series. And of course my friend didn't mention it at all while trying to make me read it.


You really do have a villain worship thing going on, don't you? lol


I can't hate someone for doing their job.


Yes, we've had this convo before I know, but I can't hate a villain for doing villainous things. I certainly don't want to see them suffer for it.


The only villain I've ever reveled in seeing suffer is Light Yagami from Death Note. The asshat (burn in the pits of hell you smug jerk!)


Allspice, you've never read Game of Thrones, have you? But anyways, you do realize that Moghedien, like, tortured entire cities to death and fed hundreds of thousands of people to trollocs, right? Her "suffering" was being forced to wash dishes and answer questions for a few months.


Allspice, you've never read Game of Thrones, have you? But anyways, you do realize that Moghedien, like, tortured entire cities to death and fed hundreds of thousands of people to trollocs, right? Her "suffering" was being forced to wash dishes and answer questions for a few months.

I have.


and I stopped on A Storm Of Swords. Couldn't stand Dany anymore.


And being leashed to an A'dam is suffering for any female channeler. not to mention what happened to her after the Dark One got a hold of her.


Yes, I know she "deserved" it. But that is NOT GOING TO MAKE ME ENJOY SEEING IT. (deep breath.)


I can barely stand Danaerys either, you have my sympathy. She's like the Egwene of ASOIAF. Anyways, if you've read Game of Thrones then clearly you'd enjoy seeing Ramsay Bolton suffer.


But anyways, I can see why you wouldn't enjoy seeing characters like Galina or Elaida being raped with the rod/tied up in bondage respectively because they're not pure evil. However, I for one find it satisfying seeing one of the Forsaken brought to heel. My only problem with those scenes was the restraint the powerpuff girls showed. I wouldn't have had too many qualms outright torturing the equivelent of super-Hitler.


I can barely stand Danaerys either, you have my sympathy. She's like the Egwene of ASOIAF. Anyways, if you've read Game of Thrones then clearly you'd enjoy seeing Ramsay Bolton suffer.


But anyways, I can see why you wouldn't enjoy seeing characters like Galina or Elaida being raped with the rod/tied up in bondage respectively because they're not pure evil. However, I for one find it satisfying seeing one of the Forsaken brought to heel. My only problem with those scenes was the restraint the powerpuff girls showed. I wouldn't have had too many qualms outright torturing the equivelent of super-Hitler.

I am a villain freak. I LOVE seeing jerks and people who are pure evil.


But the thing is, I don't want to see them suffer. I'm enjoying their evilness and their competence. I don't want that ruined by the leads casually beating them around. It's not satisfying to me. It makes it look like the threat is pathetic and weak. And if there's no competent threat then I have no reason to be reading the series.


It's just a weird quirk of mine. If you're gonna have a villain lose. Kill him. Like Rahvin. Rahvin's fate was awesome. He wasn't made to suffer protractedly like Mogheiden. Making them suffer just makes me feel sorry for them. It certainly doesn't make me feel good.


edit: Yes, I am really REALLY weird.


There's something to be said for both, I suppose. I find it more interesting when you come to feel sorry for the villain, though. I think everybody feels bad for the bad guy in a movie right before he loses, so it's not that weird. My problem with Moghedien's fate was that she wasn't tortured and she wasn't killed. They just kinda chilled with her for a bit. She became a running joke. Remember the scene where she freaks out about her hands being ruined because they're pruny? Honestly, at that point you can tell even SHE feels more like she's stuck at a crappy resort than as a captive.


See, her captivity made her my favourite character in the ENTIRE series. But at the expense of making me real mad at the author for putting her through it, and the fact that I'm sure we're meant to feel some satisfaction over it.


I mean, she IS competent. She managed to become Nynaeve's friend and sneak up to her with no one the wiser.and she could listen in on her fellow Forsaken with none of them clocking on. She's good at what she does, but the story screws her over.


She's felled by PIGEONS at one point.


Her captivity turned her into a caricature, don't see how she could be your favorite character from that. It'd be like Hitler getting captured by the basterds and yelling at them because he can't properly maintain his moustache. Actually, scratch that because that would be awesome.


Even so, when Mat Cauthon's in the books you can't HAVE another favorite character, haha.


I don't like Mat that much.


SHOCKER, I know. I liked him more in books 1 and 2.


Quick note on me. If they're "witty" and "flashily badass" and not evil then chances are I'll not particularly like them. Even despise them at worst


And when I say captivity I mean The Dark One's punishment too. Mogheiden has my favourite skillset of the Forsaken, and I respect her MO of "hide and strike from the shadows". A woman after my own heart. Even if RJ forgot that that was her MO at some point.


Frankly, i preferred her torture by the DO to her captivity in Salidar; it kinda ruined Moggy for me. DO didn't get any real enjoyment out of raping Moggy, and neither did Moridin with the courseva - it was just business, as usual. 


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